AP ECET Counselling 2020: Round 2 Seat Allotment (Out) @apecet.nic.in; Check Here

AP ECET Counselling 2020, Round-2 seat allotment result has been declared at the official website: apecet.nic.in. 

Candidates who registered for the round-2 seat allotment of AP ECET 2020, have to log in to the candidate portal to check seat allotments. 

AP ECET 2020 Counselling Phase-2 had begun from November 26, 2020. Candidates were required to register and pay counselling fee until Nov 28. Document verification was done from November 27-28, 2020.

AP ECET Counselling 2020: How to Check Round 2 Seat Allotment?

Follow the steps mentioned below to check the Round-2 Seat Allotment result:

  • Visit the official website: apecet.nic.in.
  • Click the “Candidate Portal/Login” link.
  • Enter Login Id, Hall Ticket No, Password, Date of Birth and captcha code and “Sign In”.
  • AP ECET Round-2 seat allotment will appear on the screen.
  • Check and download it for future reference. 

Direct Link: AP ECET 2020 Round-2 Seat Allotment Result

Earlier, APSCHE released the Phase 1 Seat Allotment of AP ECET 2020 on November 13, 2020. AP ECET 2020 was conducted on September 14, 2020, to provide admission in engineering and pharmacy programs offered at various institutions across the state.

As the second round of counselling and seat allotment is over, DTE and Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE), will begin the spot admission rounds. Schedule for the same will be available soon. 

Read More: AP ECET 2020 Participating Colleges
