Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham: CAP Test to be Held via Skype Interview, No Written Exam

The Department of Mass Communication of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham holds the CAP Test to admit students to undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral courses. This time, the CAP Test will be given online due to the coronavirus pandemic.

With a view to observing social distancing norms to avoid contagion, the CAP Test will be held online in the form of a Skype interview. The date of the examination has not been released yet. The application window is open and students can still apply.

Originally, the last date to apply online for CAP Test was 26 May 2020. However, due to the lockdown, the application forms for admission are still available. Before applying, students should check if they meet the eligibility criteria set by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.

How to apply for CAP Test?

To apply for the CAP test, follow these steps:

  • Visit the official website.
  • Click on the admission tab and search for the link of Mass Communication.
  • Click on Apply Now.
  • You will be directed to a new page where you will have to register.
  • After registration, proceed to fill out the application form by entering your personal and academic information.
  • Upload the required files and pay the application fee.
  • After paying the application fee, you will have applied successfully for the CAP Test.

