Alagappa University to Organise ICTSID 2023 for Persons with Disability

Alagappa University to Organise ICTSID 2023 for Persons with Disability

New Delhi: Alagappa University is preparing to host an International Conference on "Transformative Solutions for Inclusive Development (ICTSID-23) - Fueling an Accessible and Equitable World for Persons with Disability”. 

As per Alagappa University, the Department of Special Education and Rehabilitation Science will organise the event for a duration of two days, from February 10 and 11, 2023. The University Convocation Seminar Hall of Alagappa University will host the event.

The university is inviting paper submissions for the conference presentation round. The letter size for the paper should be 12, the line spacing should be 1.5, and the font style should be "Times New Roman." 

In addition to this, the abstract paper must be between 150 and 3000 words and must be written on an A4-sized piece of paper. The last day to submit the abstract is February 5, 2023 and any paper submitted after the given deadline will not be accepted.

Registration to the event is free of cost. Each paper presenter will receive PowerPoint presentation resources, and they will have 6 minutes for presentations and 2 minutes for discussion. Out of all presentations, the best paper will be selected by the chairperson. 

The conference's purpose is to find game-changing approaches to the inclusive development of people with disabilities. The conference strives to develop transformative solutions for guaranteeing accessibility and establishing an equitable world for people with disabilities.

Prof. G. Ravi, Vice Chancellor of Alagappa University, Prof. S. Rajamohan, Registrar in Chief and Convener Dr J. Sujatha Malini, Dean of the Faculty of Education at Alagappa University will also attend the event.

In addition to this, Dr Jorun Buli-Holmberg from the Department of Special Needs Education at the University of Oslo, Norway and Dr Kannamah Mottan, and Professor at SEGI University in Malaysia will attend the conference.

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