GUVI Geek Network Private Limited

Tharamani, ChennaiEstd 2014Training
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Empowering learners, transforming lives


Thank you, GUVI, for your outstanding contribution to empowering learners and transforming lives through education. Your efforts are paving the way for a more inclusive and skilled future workforce.

Tamil Mani, 7 months agoWritten on Google

Enhance learning experience with changes


I have learned a lot in the Data Science course from GUVI, but I have a few suggestions. While the content is excellent, it would be beneficial to have more in-class exercises to reinforce learning. The current schedule of three holidays per week disrupts continuity; reducing this to one or two holidays would help maintain a steady learning flow. Additionally, increasing the daily class duration from two to three hours would allow for more thorough coverage of topics and ample time for questions. Overall, these changes could significantly enhance the learning experience.

Raveena Subasundar, 7 months agoWritten on Google

Great mentorship and support


I am FSD-MERN Student at Guvi, I had a wonderful Mentor and the preparation they made me do for placements also helped me to attend interviews confidently. And Guvi Technical & Coordination Team keeps track on student and update them with required changes and updates to improve. I also want to mention my coordinator Amisha Katira who helped me go through the course, placement and interview processes very smoothly. It was great learning with Guvi.

Rn18cs090. Saiyuvarajpatil, 7 months agoWritten on Google

Positive full stack course experience


I enrolled in Guvi Full Stack Developer course with high expectations, and I'm pleased to say that my experience has been largely positive.It covered all essential topics required for becoming a full stack developer, from frontend technologies like HTML/CSS/JavaScript to backend frameworks like Node.js and databases(mysql,mongodb). I want to thank all my mentors.. Vidhya mam demonstrated a remarkable ability to explain fundamental concepts with clarity . Nagarajan sir demonstrated exceptional knowledge and dedication in teaching concepts(React,Mongodb,Express js). Suresh Babu sir for his dedication to preparing students for successful careers in full stack development.. I suggest for the forthcoming batches of the Full Stack Developer course at Guvi Online Learning: incorporating Python into the curriculum.

Menmozhi B, 7 months agoWritten on Google

Master in data science review: knowledgeable trainers, useful projects, clear doubts


Recently I complete master in data science. Here the trainer are very knowledge able and provide lots of content. At the same time capstone project are very useful to develop application and it's a self assessment also. Able to know where we lagging and doubt clear session also help. Codekata help me in thinking different logical methods.

Subash R, 7 months agoWritten on Google

GUVI Geek Network Private Limited Institute Details

Basic Information About the Institute

IITM Research park - phase 2, module #9, 3rd floor, D block, Kanagam Rd, Tharamani
- 600113
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