Times Coaching, the best coaching center for competitive preparations in Delhi, offers quality study material, expert guidance and mentorship at a very reasonable and affordable fee. Times Coaching focus on time-saving techniques to enhance speed, mock tests to improve speed and accuracy; refresher classes to strengthen fundamental concepts and study materials provided in both printed & handwritten form. Our dedicated and experienced counsellor team is available, all the seven days to help and guide you. Our faculties are well-experienced and advance in their respective subject. We understand that every student has unique needs and capabilities. We create such a wonderfull and unique syllabus, which is best for every student. Each of the content has been designed to offer maximum benefits to students.

Institute Details

Institute Type Training
Official Website https://timescoaching.in/
E-mail yt.timescoaching@gmail.com
Study Material Provided
Free Demo Classes Yes

Course Details

Course Name Fees Mode Duration
Maths Practice + Advance Theory Batch For Railways 91 Online 2 Months
History MCQ For All Competition 299 Online 1 Month
7000+ Vocabulary Spl 399 Online 2.5 Months
Reasoning Spl- 11 499 Online 4 Months


  • We create such a wonderful and unique syllabus, which is best for every student. Each of the content has been designed to offer maximum benefits to students.
  • Offers quality study material provided in both printed & handwritten form.
  • Expert guidance and mentorship
  • Very reasonable and affordable fee.
  • Times Coaching focus on time-saving techniques to enhance speed, mock tests to improve speed and accuracy
  • Our faculties are well-experienced and advance in their respective subject.
  • We provide coaching and Guideline to all those students who are looking forward to make their dreams come true in Government jobs
  • Offers refresher classes to strengthen fundamental concepts