The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, also known as TNPSC is responsible for conducting the State Civil Services Examinations for entry-level appointments for recruitment into various posts of civil services of the state. Such services are included in Group-1 and Group-2 categories of the Tamil Nadu Civil Services. The TNPSC is a state agency for Tamil Nadu that not only conducts civil services exams but also advises on the framing of recruitment rules. The TNPSC conducts the State Civil Services exam in three stages for selecting prospective candidates- Preliminary exam, Mains, and Personality test which is also known as Personal Interview.The procedure for selection into each subsequent stage depends upon a candidate’s performance in the previous stage. Only those candidates who after passing each stage, qualify for the TNPSC Civil services personality test, and are then considered for recruitment in the State civil services.
Course | TNPSC |
Duration | 1 Year |
Fees | 35000 |