TISSNET 2023 Exam Pattern, will consist of 100 Questions, divided across 4 sections, to be attempted in 100 minutes (1 hour 40 minutes) by the candidates. TISSNET exam 2023 will be an online (computer-based) exam.
- The General Knowledge section of the exam will carry 40 marks, while English Proficiency and Maths & Logical Reasoning will carry 30 marks each. Read TISSNET Syllabus
- Candidates with 40% or more disability will get extra 20 minutes per hour.
- Candidates who have applied for a single program or multiple programs will attempt a single-question paper with 100 questions. This will also include candidates who have chosen HRM in combination with other program/ programs. Check TISSNET 2023 Paper Analysis
TISSNET Exam Pattern 2023: Mathematics & Logical Reasoning
- The analytical and numerical ability of candidates will be tested in this section.
- 30 questions will be asked in this section carrying 30 marks of weightage.
- Most of the questions involve basic mathematical concepts like prime numbers, composite numbers, square roots etc.
- This section can be a little tricky but the questions remain easy to attempt.
TISSNET Syllabus for Mathematics and Logical Reasoning
Time and work | Basic set concepts |
Time and distance | Areas, Volumes |
Basic geometry | Speed-distance-time |
Ratio | HCF, LCM |
Percentage, Average | Mixtures and Allegations |
Square root and Basic algebra | Properties of shapes |
Simple and compound interest | Pie diagrams |
Binomial Theorem | Progressions |
Quadratic Equations | Heights and Distance |
TISSNET Preparation Books: Mathematics & Logical Reasoning
Book Name | Author Name/Publisher |
Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT Common Admission Tests for Admission into IIMs | Sarvesh K. Verma |
How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT | Arun Sharma |
The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation for the CAT | Nishit K. Sinha |
Mathematics For MBA | Dr. R.S Aggarwal |
Quantitative Aptitude | Dr. R.S Aggarwal |
TISSNET Exam Pattern 2023: English Proficiency
- This is framed to judge the ability of the candidate in usage and understanding of the English language.
- English Proficiency section comprises 30 questions carrying 30 marks.
- Candidates having a good grammatical knowledge can score well in this section.
- Candidates must know the proper usage of words and sentences formation to crack this section.
- Passages will be given that must be read comprehensively and then have to be answered questions related to it.
- A part of this section is framed to check a candidate’s knowledge of synonyms, antonyms, and one-word answer.
- Reading newspapers on a daily basis can help candidates to increase their vocabulary.
TISSNET English Syllabus
Cloze Test | Fill in the Blanks |
Match the Columns | Error Detection |
Jumbled Sentences | Vocabulary & Grammar |
One Word Substitution | Idioms and Phrases |
Antonyms and Synonyms | Word Relation |
Summary Questions | Reading comprehension |
Meaning-Usage Match | Sentence Correction |
TISSNET Preparation Books: English Proficiency
Name of Book | Publisher/Author |
Word Power Made Easy | Norman Lewis |
High School English Grammar and Composition Key | Wren & Martin |
English for General Competitions | Neetu Singh |
English Is Easy | Chetananand Singh |
Pocket Guide to Vocabulary | Barron |
Mastering the Verbal Ability for CAT | Ajay Singh |
TISSNET Exam Pattern 2023: General Awareness
- 40 questions will be asked from this section in TISSNET 2023.
- This section has the highest weightage in the exam with 40 marks.
- Candidates must be a habitual reader of newspapers to score well in this section.
- Someone who is good at general knowledge won’t face any problem in answering questions from this section.
TISSNET Important Topics - General Awareness
Recent social issues | Current Affairs |
Economic processes | Literature |
History Fine | arts and music |
Geography | Films |
General Geology | Social activities and movements |
Meaning of terms | Sociological awareness |
Personalities | - |
Read How to Prepare General Knowledge for TISSNET 2023
TISSNET Syllabus - General Awareness
Name of Book | Publisher/Author |
Manorama Yearbook | Manorama |
Current Affairs Yearly | Arihant |
General Knowledge: Latest Current Affairs & Who's Who | RPH Editorial Board |
Pearson General Knowledge Manual | Pearson |
Pratiyogita Darpan | Upkar Prakashan |
TISSNET Marking Scheme 2023
- The marking scheme for each section in the TISS NET exam is defined by Tata Institute of Social Sciences.
- There will be 100 questions, each carrying 1 mark.
- General Awareness has a weightage of 40 marks, while English Proficiency and Mathematics and Logical Reasoning carry 30 marks each.
- There will be no negative marking for a wrong answer or unattempted question.
TISSNET Selection Procedure 2023
Candidates who qualify TISSNET are then shortlisted for next round of TISSNET Selection Procedure which is a pre-written test.
Candidates have to attempt 2 sections in the pre-written test:
- In Section 1, candidates have to write an essay of fewer than 1000 words on a given theme such as contemporary socio-political, cultural, economic and political significance.
- In Section 2, candidates have to answer questions related to a given case study
Notes: Candidates have to appear for a personal interview after giving the pre-written test.
Distribution of Marks
- TISS Exam: 100 marks
- Pre-written Test: 50 marks
- Personal Interview: 75 marks
The total marks allotted for admission in TISS is 225 marks.
TISSNET Exam Pattern 2023 FAQs
Ques. Will there be any major changes in the exam pattern?
Ans. TISS has not yet announced the application dates but the exam pattern is expected to remain largely the same, but with a few changes.
Ques. TISSNET 2023 Personal Interview be online or offline?
Ans.TISSNET 2023 Personal Interviews would be Offline. Candidates applying for programmes at more than one campus will have to travel to these places for PIT/PI
Ques. Where will the TISSNET 2023 PIT/ PI rounds be held?
Ans. TISSNET 2023 will take place in 40 different cities/towns across the country. Pre Interview Test (PIT) and Personal Interview (PI) for programmes offered at Mumbai, Tuljapur, BANYAN, Chennai will be conducted at the Mumbai Campus. For programmes offered at Hyderabad and Guwahati, the PIT/PI will be conducted at the respective campuses. Candidates applying for programmes at more than one campus will have to travel to these places for PIT/PI. Except for the eligible candidates from the SC/ST categories, all others will bear the cost of travel, lodging, and boarding for attending the NET, as well as PIT/PI. However, there might be some changes due to the current pandemic.
Ques. Can I change the date of my TISSNET 2023 PIT/ PI?
Ans. A change in the dates for TISSNET 2023 PIT and PI may be considered if the date of PIT and PI at the TISS clashes with the date of entrance test of another Institution or the date of final year examination of the candidate. However, the candidate must produce documentary evidence for this. Please note that the changed date for PIT and PI will be only within the time schedule announced by TISS.
Ques. Which is most scoring section in a TISSNET 2023 essay or interview?
Ans. Try to maximize good scores in each section. Choose your best area and nail it. Never ignore TISSNET 2023 though PIT makes a lot of difference later on. Interview is the most scoring part if you are prepared for the same.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.