bySachin Gupta Content Writer
NEET MDS 2023 Admit Card contains important information like exam center address, time and date of examination, candidate details, etc. To access NEET MDS 2023 Admit Card, you have to use your NEET MDS Registration No. and Password.
- It is mandatory to carry the admit card along with an original photo ID proof and its copy to the allotted NEET MDS Exam Center.
- Candidates must paste a recent photograph on their NEET MDS 2023 Admit Card.
- NEET MDS 2023 is to be held in online mode, therefore, candidates are advised to contact the exam conducting authority, in case of any discrepancy found in the admit card details before reaching the exam center.
Quick Links:
Highlights of NEET MDS Admit Card 2023
Issuing body | NBE |
Mode of availability | Online |
Official Webiste | nbe.edu.in |
Credentials to download Admit Card | Registration No. and DOB/ Password |
Documents to carry along with Admit Card | Valid ID Proof |
NEET MDS 2023 Admit Card Dates
Event | Dates |
NEET MDS 2023 Admit Card | February 22, 2023 |
Last Date to Download NEET MDS 2023 Admit Card | March 01, 2023 |
NEET MDS 2023 Exam Date | March 01, 2023 |
NEET MDS Admit Card 2023
After the successful registration for NEET MDS 2023 examination, applicants will receive a computer-generated acknowledgment via email. Only successfully registered candidates will be able to download the admit cards.
Steps to Download NEET MDS Admit Card 2023
- Step 1: Go to the official website of NBE - nbe.edu.in
- Step 2: Click on NEET-MDS
- Step 3: Click on Download Admit Card
- Step 4: Enter User Id and password.
- Step 5: Check the admit card for errors.
- Step 6: Download and print the admit card.
Details on NEET MDS 2023 Admit Card
NEET MDS 2023 Admit Card will display applicant’s information such as:
Candidate’s full name | Father’s Name |
Application number | Category |
Program selected | Centre number |
Date and Time of the exam | Venue of the examination |
Exam Time/ Schedule Subject wise | Applicant’s photo and signature |
Admit card number | Instructions to be followed |
NOTE: Candidates should affix a recent passport-sized photograph on the admit cards. Also, candidates must carry identity document with them to the exam.
Documents Required with NEET MDS Admit Card 2023
Applicants should carry one original and valid photo identity card for verification on the day of the examination.
- Print of Admit card with photograph of the applicant on it
- Photocopy of Permanent and Provisional SDC/DCI registration
Applicants can carry anyone identity proof of the listed ones below:
- AADHAR card
- College ID card
- Driver License
- PAN Card
- Passport
- Voters ID
Candidates have to paste one photograph on their admit card. The photograph should be of a specific format and should be matched to the applicant’s appearance. Here are the specifications in detail:
- The size of the photograph should be a minimum of 35x45 mm.
- The passport photograph should be taken in a white or light background.
- Photograph should display full face and head of the applicant. The expression must be neutral.
- Photograph should be at least 600 dpi resolution and printed on high-quality paper.
- The picture should be free of damage.
- Photo identification should match with the name displayed on the admit card. If the name has been changed due to marriage, proper proof of that should be shown at the time of exam.
NEET MDS 2023 Admit Card
NEET MDS 2023 Admit card is the only document that will act as your gate pass or ID proof to enter the examination hall. The details mentioned in the admit card should match with the details mentioned in your Id proof. If the details in these two do not match, the candidate will not be allowed to enter the examination hall. Candidates are advised to check the following details on the admit card:
Details of the candidate
- Name
- Father’s name
- Date of birth
- Address
- Category
Examination related details
- Date and time of the exam
- Reporting time for the examination
- NEET MDS roll number
- Name and address of the exam center
Contact Details
- All the information on NEET MDS 2023 Admit Card should be checked by the applicants. Applicants should make sure that the photograph they will affix is damage-free. In case of any discrepancies are noticed by the applicants in the admit cards, the NBE should be contacted at the earliest.
- Applicants can email NBE with admit card discrepancy on nberegistrations@prometric.com. Their email support will be available from the date of online applications to the closing date of online application only. The query emails will be responded in three days. Applicants should send email only once; multiple emails will lead to delay in response.
NEET MDS 2023 Exam Centers
Applicants should choose the examination center, date, and session during the online application. The availability of the Test center is on a first-come, first-serve basis. Test centers that are available at the time will be displayed and the candidates can choose from them.
Here is the list of Exam centers below:
Serial number | City | Serial number | City |
1 | Agartala | 30 | Kozhikode |
2 | Ahmedabad | 31 | Kannur |
3 | Aizwal | 32 | Lucknow |
4 | Allahabad | 33 | Mohali |
5 | Ambala | 34 | Mumbai |
6 | Amritsar | 35 | Mysuru (Mysore) |
7 | Asanol | 36 | Nagpur |
8 | Bengaluru | 37 | Naharlagun |
9 | Bhopal | 38 | Noida |
10 | Bhubaneshwar | 39 | Navi Mumbai |
11 | Chandigarh | 40 | Panaji |
12 | Chennai | 41 | Patna |
13 | Dehradun | 42 | Pune |
14 | Delhi / New Delhi | 43 | Puducherry |
15 | Ernakulam | 44 | Raipur |
16 | Gurugram | 45 | Ranchi |
17 | Guwahati | 46 | Solan |
18 | Gandhinagar | 47 | Shillong |
19 | Hamirpur | 48 | Sikar |
20 | Hisar | 49 | Srinagar |
21 | Hyderabad | 50 | Thiruvananthapuram |
22 | Imphal | 51 | Thrissur |
23 | Indore | 52 | Tiruchirappalli |
24 | Jaipur | 53 | Udaipur |
25 | Jammu | 54 | Vijaywada |
26 | Jodhpur | 55 | Visakhapatnam |
27 | Kohima | 56 | Vizianagaram |
28 | Kollam | 57 | Warangal |
29 | Kolkata | -- | -- |
NEET MDS 2023 Exam Day Instructions
Candidates may note that the reporting time refers to the time at which the candidate arrives at the reporting counter situated at the test center. The candidate should reach the reporting counter at least 2 hours prior to the commencement of the exam. Reporting counter will close 30 minutes before the start of the exam, The following actions shall take place at the reporting counter:
- ID Verification: The original documents mentioned above will be checked. All candidates will be frisked by the security guards as it is a mandatory part of the security protocol.
- Capture of left thumbprints: Left thumbprints of all candidates shall be captured electronically and candidates are requested to cooperate with the on duty staff with this process.
- Capturing of digital image: As a security measure, the digital image of the reporting candidate shall be captured and taken on record.
- Entry of Candidates as per Time Slots given in the Admit Cards: To avoid crowding at the test venue entry candidates are required to report at the ‘Reporting Counter’ of test venue at as per time indicated in their admit cards.
- Barcode/QR Code Reader at Entry Points: The candidate will show the admit card and ID proof for verification to the invigilator standing across the table with a barcode/QR code reader.
- Isolation Labs: All candidates will be checked at the entry point for fever with the thermo guns. If a candidate is having above normal temperature or has any symptoms of COVID-19 infection, he/she will be allowed to take the examination in a separate isolation lab.
- Test center invigilator / on-duty staff shall guide the candidate to the assigned work station.
- Candidates are also advised to check the requirement for mandatory documents on testing day and comply with the same.
NEET MDS 2023 Exam Day Schedule
Activities | Session (9:00 AM to 12:00 PM) |
Entry at exam center and biometric registration starts | 7:00 AM |
Entry closes at Examination Centre | 8:30 AM |
Grant Access for Candidate Login | 8:45 AM |
Candidates log in to read instructions | 8:50 AM |
Exam Start Time | 9:00 AM |
Exam End Time | 12:00 PM |
Instructions for Candidates
After verification of identity and biometrics, candidates will be taken to their allocated computer terminal and the invigilator will check in with the candidate.
- Candidates are required to keep their admit card and photo identification at all times during the conduct of examination.
- Candidates are required to listen to the invigilator’s instructions to begin the test.
- No rough paper for any rough work shall be provided at the center.
- Each workstation will be blocked on three sides – front, left and right. Candidates are advised not to look around at other candidate(s) as there are surveillance cameras that record video.
- Any suspicious or disruptive behaviour on part of the candidate may lead to cancellation of candidature.
- For any issues during the test, candidate may raise his/her hand to notify invigilator
- In case of any disruption, rest assured that a registered candidate will get to test again within the testing/ examination window.
Things Not Allowed inside Exam Hall
Candidates will not be allowed to take the following things with them inside the exam hall.
- Unfair means like notes, cheat notes, Bluetooth device,s etc are not allowed.
- Mobile, calculator, etc are also not allowed inside the exam hall.
- Candidates are allowed to wear rings, chains, goggles or to carry wallet, bags/ handbags etc inside exam hall.
- Eatables, soft drinks, water bottles, etc are not allowed
NEET MDS 2023 Admit Card FAQs
Ques. When can I download NEET MDS 2023 admit card?
Ans. NEET MDS Admit card can be downloaded from February 22, 2023. Candidates are required to download their admit card from the website and affix their latest passport size photograph in the space provided on the admit card. Admit card will not be sent to the candidate by post.
Ques. The spelling of my name is wrong on NEET MDS admit card. How can I get it corrected?
Ans. Applicants can email NBE with admit card discrepancy on nberegistrations@prometric.com. The query emails will be responded in three days. Applicants should send email only once; multiple emails will lead to delay in response
Ques. What time do I have to report for the NEET MDS 2023 Examination?
Ans. The candidate should arrive at the reporting counter at least two hours before the commencement of exam. This allows for security checks, identity verification, image capture, biometric capture etc. The reporting counter will close 30 minutes prior to the exam start time.
Ques. Can I keep my valuables/ items anywhere at NEET exam center?
Ans. No arrangement will be made at the centers for keeping any articles/items belonging to the candidates. In case any candidate is found in possession of any of the barred items inside the center, it will be considered as the use of unfair means and action will be taken against the candidate in accordance with the relevant provisions.
To avoid any hardship, candidates are advised not to bring such items along with them at the test centre.
Ques. My NEET MDS Admit Card has a different exam center to the one that I have selected during the time of application process. What should i do?
Ans. Allotment of the test center/venue in the selected city shall be done by NBE.
- If a seat is not available in the state that the candidate wishes to partake the exam in, the candidate may select the OTHERS option from the list of states at the time of selection of the state during online submission of application.
- Candidates who have complications in their test center allotments will be notified the final details soon. Candidates will be informed regarding their test venue in the chosen city approximately 7 days before the examination day.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.