NCHMCT JEE Result 2023 is expected to be declared in the 1st week of June 2023 by NTA on the official website - Candidates will be able to download NCHM JEE or Hotel Management exam scorecards using the steps and direct link given below. The exam is going to be conducted on May 15, 2023. Candidates who gave NCHMCT JEE 2023 can download their result and proceed for admissions into hotel managment courses.
NCHMCT JEE 2023 counselling is expected to commence in the 1st week of July 2023. The counselling will be based on the merit list of NCHMCT JEE 2023 which includes all India rank (AIR) of canidates. 74 participating institutes will be offering more than 8000+ seats in B.Sc. HHA among the best hotel & hospitality management institutes of India. Check NCHMCT JEE 2023 Counselling
Must Check: What Is A Good Score/ Percentile/ Rank In NCHMCT JEE 2023?
NCHMCT JEE 2023 Result Dates
The dates regarding declaration of results, release of answer keys, etc., of NCHMCT JEE 2023 are given below.
Event | Date |
Date of commencement of the examination | May 15, 2023 |
Answer Key Released Date | Last week of May 2023 |
Announcement of the result | 1st week of June 2023 |
Date of counselling | 1st week of July 2023 |
How to Check NCHMCT JEE 2023 Result?
The result of NCHMCT JEE 2023 will be announced via online mode at the official website in the 1st week of June 2023. Candidates can obtain their results from the website using roll number/registration number and date of birth. After getting the result from the website, candidates will be able to take admission to the institutes.
- NCHMCT JEE 2023 Result will be declared via online mode through the website-
- Candidates are required to visit the official website of NCHMCT JEE and then click on the link of the result score.
- Click on the link NCHMCT JEE 2023 Results.
- The link may have a different name such as Download NCHMCT JEE 2023 Score Card.
- Login by providing your NCHMCT JEE roll number and date of birth.
- Click on the SUBMIT button after entering the details.
- Check you result of NCHMCT JEE 2023.
- Download NCHMCT JEE 2023 Score Card as a .pdf file.
- The result sheet will be downloaded.
Candidates are requested to keep their scorecard print out safely till the time of admission procedure since it will be required at the time of admission.
Details on NCHMCT JEE 2023 Score Card
NCHMCT JEE 2023 Score Card consists of important information regarding candidates who are going to appear for the entrance examination. Score cards for NCHMCT JEE 2023 will be valid for a period of one year from the declaration of results.
The date for the release of the scorecard will be announced on the official website 2023. The information which will be shown in the score card are as follows:
- Roll number of the candidate
- NCHMCT JEE application number
- Candidate’s name
- Candidate’s photograph with his digital signature
- Candidate’s postal address and contact details
- Rank
- Qualifying status
- Merit rank
NCHMCT JEE 2023 Result: Normalisation of Scores
Normalisation is a process for ensuring that students are neither advantaged nor disadvantaged by the difficulty of exams that they do for the Boards. To adjust this variations in difficulty level at different slots, normalization is done. Conducting exams in different slots means, there will be a variation in difficulty level of the exams. To resolve this issue, scores are normalized.
Under normalization candidates have two types of marks:
- Raw marks: These are the actual marks obtained by candidate.
- Normalised marks: These are the modified marks offered to a candidate considering the relative difficulty of his slot compared to the difficulty of other slots of his discipline.
If it is calculated that the slot of a candidate is relatively easy when compared to the other slot of his discipline then his normalized marks will be less than his actual marks.
But if it is calculated that the slot of candidate is relatively difficult than other slot of his discipline then his normalized marks will be more than his actual marks.
Normalisation Formula
One of the factor used in calculating the normalization by its formula is percentile score. Percentile score of a candidate in a board or NCHMCT JEE will tell us what percentage of candidates have scored below that candidate in that Board or NCHMCT JEE.
A Percentile score is the value of below which a certain percent of observations falls.
For example, the 30th percentile is the value (or score) below which 30 percent of the observations will be found.
The Percentile of a Candidate will be calculated as:

What Is A Good Score/ Percentile/ Rank In NCHMCT JEE 2023?
What Is A Good Score in NCHMCT JEE 2023?
Very Good | 760+ |
Good | 730+ |
Average | 600 to 700 |
Low | >550 |
What Is A Good Percentile in NCHMCT JEE 2023?
Very Good | 95+ |
Good | 85+ |
Average | 60 to 65 |
Low | 55 |
What Is A Good Rank in NCHMCT JEE 2023?
Very Good | 1 to 100 |
Good | 100 to 1000 |
Average | 1000 to 5000 |
Low | 6000+ |
NCHMCT JEE 2023 Merit List
NCHMCT JEE Merit List will be announced online right after the announcement of the results of candidates who have appeared for the exam. After the announcement of the result, the separate merit list will be maintained on the basis of cut-off marks.
No interview or group discussion will be conducted at the time of admission. On the basis of marks scored in NCHMCT JEE written test the rank list will be prepared. Only those applicants who have made it to the merit list will be called in for NCHMCT JEE 2023 counselling. Applicants who are not eligible will be disqualified from participating in the counselling session.
The entrance examination of NCHMCT JEE 2023 has to be successfully qualified by applicants to be eligible for counselling and seat allotment.
- The merit list will be announced online on the official site of NCHMCT JEE.
- Merit list will be generated on the basis of marks scored by candidate in NCHMCT JEE 2023 entrance exam.
- It is necessary for candidates to qualify the exam to have their names in merit list.
- Candidates who will meet the cutoff criteria will be shown in the merit list and will be eligible for the admission further.
Based on the marks scored by candidates All India Rank merit list will be prepared. In case of a tie among the students, there will be a certain criterion that will be used and the preference will be given in the following order:
- High marks in English component.
- High marks in aptitude component of JEE
- Older age
NCHMCT JEE 2023 Cut off
NCHMCT JEE 2023 Cut off will be decided by the examination authority of NCHMCT and after reckoning the factors related to the cutoffs they will announce it.
- The cut off is set to choose the deserving candidate out from the big competition for the admission in affiliated colleges of NCHMCT JEE.
- Candidates who are able to secure the cut off marks will be eligible for admission.
- Candidates who fail to secure the minimum cut off get rejected.
- Cut off marks for different categories such as general and sc/st are released.
- The cut off will be available according to the different colleges and courses.
- Cut off will be published online on the official site of NCHMCT.
- There are some factors which effect the cut off list, few of them are difficulty level of exam, number of seats, number of candidates who have given the exam.
NCHMCT JEE 2023 Counselling
During the counselling procedure, the allotment of seats and branches will be done. The seats are allotted to the successful candidates based on their performance in NCHMCT JEE 2023.
The counseling session for NCHMCT JEE 2023 is expected to begin in the 4th week of August, 2023 after the declaration of the entrance test results in the 2nd week of August, 2023. The counselling schedule will be declared along with the declaration of result. There shall be three rounds of counselling.
- The counselling and seat allotment will be done through online process.
- The details of the same will be published and also acknowledged to candidates through e-mail.
- To appear in the counselling, qualified candidates must download the counselling call letter from the official site of NCHMCT JEE 2023.
- You need to check official website of institute in which you are applying for admission.
- After seat allotment by candidates in their respective colleges according to their marks, applicants will have to report to the allotted college to complete the admission process.
- The admission will be provided on the All India Rank (AIR) secured by candidates in the written test.
- The counselling process will be organized in different rounds. In the counselling process, candidates have to fill their preferences of colleges for admission.
- Allotment of Institutions will be made as per merit (AIR) and choice of Institutions filled by the students.
NCHMCT JEE 2023 Answer Key
The answer key has been published by the examination authority of NCHMCT JEE. With the help of NCHMCT JEE Answer Key, candidates can have a check on their answers and then accordingly can examine their marks secured in the online entrance examination. Candidates must note that the answer keys of the exam have been published on the official site of NCHMCT JEE and candidates should refer to the answer keys from the official site only.
How to Use NCHMCT JEE 2023 Answer Key?
The given steps can be followed by applicants to use the answer key of NCHMCT JEE 2023:
- Candidates will have to compare their recorded answers in the examination with the correct answers present in NCHMCT JEE Answer Key 2023.
- The marking scheme has to be strictly followed while calculating the scores by candidates.
- The total marks calculated will be the approximated or the estimated alleged score of the candidate in the entrance examination.
Procedure to Download NCHMCT JEE Answer Key 2023:
NCHMCT JEE 2023 Answer Key will be available for all candidates after the ending of the entrance exam. The PDF of the answer key will also be published as a relief for candidates in order to check how good have they performed, for the same PDF file may be there for the downloading purpose.
- Candidates will be able to access NCHMCT JEE 2023 answer key from the various links that will be given by different websites.
- Click on NCHMCT JEE 2023 Answer key from various websites.
- The answer key will be reflected on the screen and applicants will have to download it for future use.
It is to be noted that the score obtained by the candidate from the answer key will not be 100% accurate. The unofficial answer key will be available for all candidates who have participated in the entrance examination of NCHMCT JEE 2023. Candidates will have to make sure that they follow the marking scheme as set by the admission committee while estimating their marks from NCHMCT JEE answer key.
Challenge NCHMCT JEE Answer Key 2023
Candidates must follow the below-mentioned procedure to raise objections to NCHMCT JEE 2023 Answer Key:
- Visit the official website of NCHM JEE
- Log in using your NCHMCT JEE registration number and password
- All the questions will be displayed on the next screen that opens after logging in
- In the ‘correct option’ column, the right answer key will be given for the question as per the exam authorities.
- Select the question you want to challenge for the correct answer.
- Then, click on the ‘Save your Claim Finally’ tab and your computer screen will show the objections raised by you.
- Press on the payment tab and choose the desired payment method.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.