ISI Admission Test 2023: Exam Dates (Out), Application Form, Pattern, Syllabus, Practice Papers

ISI Admission Test 2023 Application form is expected to be released in the first week of February 2023. Candidates will be able to fill out the application form at Before applying for the exam, candidates must go through the eligibility criteria to spply for the exam. Check ISI Admission Test 2023 Eligibility 

  • ISI Admission 2023 admit card will be released in April 2023. The admit card can be downloaded through the official website by using the login credentials. 
  • As per ISI Admission 2023 syllabus, none of the subjects are theoretical and thus, require thorough practice to be able to solve even the trickiest questions in the exam. Candidates can download ISI Admission 2023 Practice Papers for a better understanding of the type of question and exam pattern.  

What is ISI Admission Test? Indian Statistical Institute Admission(ISI) Test is a national level exam conducted by ISI Calcutta once a year to grant admission into various courses like – B Stat (Hons), B. Math. (Hons), M Stat, M Math, MS (QE), MS (QMS), MS (LIS), M Tech (CS), M Tech (CrS), M Tech (QROR), PG Diplomas and Research Fellowships. The admission is done purely on the basis of marks obtained in the written test and interview (for some courses). Moreover, the candidate's academic records may also be considered at Institute's discretion. Check ISI Admission 2023 Seat Offered

ISI Admission Test 2023 Highlights

Exam Highlights
Exam Name ISI Admission Test
Mode of Exam Offline
Conducted by ISI Calcutta
Frequency of Exam Once in a year
Courses Offered Undergraduate and Postgraduate

ISI Admission Exam Date 2023

ISI Admission Test 2023 Dates

Here is a look at a complete and detailed look at the schedule to be followed for ISI Test 2023:

Particulars Dates
ISI Admission Test official Notification 1st week of February 2023
Starting date of online application for ISI Admission Test 1st week of February 2023
Last date to fill ISI entrance Test online application 2nd week of March 2023
Availability of ISI Entrance Test Admit Card starts Last week of April 2023

Date of ISI Admission Test 2023

May 14, 2023

Declaration of Result/ Merit List June 2023

ISI Admission Eligibility Criteria

ISI Admission Test 2023 Eligibility Criteria

ISI Admission Test 2023 is conducted for various Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Diploma and Fellowship courses, hence the eligibility for the exam also depends on the course(s) a candidate is opting for. The following table provides the details of ISI Admission eligibility criteria for various courses.

Eligibility for Undergraduate and Post-Graduate Courses

Course Eligibility Criteria
B.Stat. Successful completion of Higher Secondary (10+2) or equivalent with Mathematics and English as subjects.
B.Math Successful completion of Higher Secondary (10+2) or equivalent with Mathematics and English as subjects.
M.Stat. (i) 3-year Bachelor’s degree or a BE/B.Tech. degree with Statistics as a subject, or (ii) B. Math. Degree from ISI, or (iii) PG Diploma in Statistical Methods with Applications from ISI.
M.Math (i) 3-year Bachelor’s degree, or (ii) BE/B. Tech. degree with Mathematics as a subject, or (iii) B. Stat. degree from ISI.
Master of Science (MS) in Quantitative Economics (i) 3-year Bachelor’s degree in Economics/Mathematics/Statistics/Physics, or (ii) B. Stat. degree from ISI, or (iii) BE/B. Tech. degree or any other qualification considered equivalent (such as AMIE).
Master of Science (MS) in Quality Management Science (i) 3-year Bachelor's degree with Mathematics as a subject, or (ii) BE/B. Tech. degree in any discipline.
Master of Science (MS) and in Library Information Science 3-year Bachelor’s degree in any discipline.
M Tech in Computer Science (i) Master's degree in Mathematics/ Statistics/ Physics/ Electronic Science/ Computer Science/ Computer Applications/ Information Technology or, (ii) BE/B. Tech. degree or any other qualification considered equivalent (such as AMIE or, DOEACC ‘B’ Level).
M. Tech in Quality, Reliability & Operations Research (i) Master's degree in Statistics or (ii) Master's degree in Mathematics with Statistics as subjects or (iii) BE/B. Tech. degree or any other qualification considered (such as AMIE) and (ii) Physics and Chemistry at (10+2) level.
PG Diploma in Statistical Methods and Analytics: (i) Bachelor's degree in any discipline with Mathematics as a subject or, (ii) BE/B. Tech. degree or any other qualification considered equivalent (such as AMIE)
PG Diploma in Computer Applications 3-year Bachelor's degree with Mathematics as a subject (Offered at Giridih).

Eligibility for Junior Research Fellowship Courses (JRF)

Domain Eligibility
Statistics: (i) M. Stat. degree from ISI, or ii) MA/M. Sc. or equivalent degree in Statistics or, (iii) B. Stat./B. Math. from ISI with outstanding maturity in Statistics, or (iv) BA/B. Sc., BE/B. Tech. or equivalent degree with Statistics as a subject and outstanding maturity in Statistics (Offered at Kolkata, Delhi, Bengaluru and Chennai).
Mathematics: (i) M. Stat./M. Math. degree from ISI, or (ii) MA/M. Sc. or equivalent degree in Mathematics or, (iii) ME/M. Tech. degree or equivalent with Mathematics as a subject, or (iv) B. Stat./B. Math. degree from ISI with outstanding maturity in Mathematics, or (v) BA/B. Sc., BE/B. Tech. or equivalent degree with Mathematics as a subject and outstanding maturity in Mathematics (Offered at Kolkata, Delhi, Bengaluru and Chennai).
Quantitative Economics: (i) MS(QE)/ M. Stat. degree from ISI, or (ii) MA/M. Sc. or equivalent degree in Statistics/Mathematics/ Economics/Econometrics or, (iii) BA/B. Sc. degree with Economics as a subject with outstanding mathematical maturity, or (iv) BE/B Tech degree with Economics and Mathematics/Statistics as subjects (Offered at Kolkata and Delhi).
Computer Science: (i) ME/M.Tech. or equivalent degree in Electronics/ Telecommunication/Radio Physics/ Computer Science/ Electrical Engineering/ Microwave Communications/ Information Technology/ Bioinformatics/ Biotechnology with Mathematics as a subject, or (ii) M. Stat./M. Sc./MCA/ MA or equivalent degree in Physics/Mathematics/Applied Mathematics/Statistics/Electronic Sciences/Computer Science/ Atmospheric Science/Information Technology/Bioinformatics/ Biotechnology with Mathematics as a subject at the graduate level, or (iii) BE/B Tech or equivalent degree in the above subjects with Outstanding maturity in relevant subjects (Offered at Kolkata, Bengaluru and Chennai).
Quality, Reliability & Operations Research: (i) M. Tech./ME/MS/M. Phil. or equivalent degree in Quality/Reliability/Operations Research, or (ii) M. Stat./M. Sc./MA or equivalent degree in Mathematics/ Statistics/Physics with Mathematics as a subject at the graduate level, or (iii) BE/B. Tech or equivalent degree in the above subjects with Outstanding maturity in relevant subjects (Offered at Kolkata, Delhi and Chennai).
Physics: A consistently good academic record with M. Sc. in Physics/ Mathematics/ Statistics (Offered at Kolkata).
Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science: A good academic record with M.Sc.(Agriculture) in Agricultural Chemistry with Soil Science (Offered at Kolkata).
Geology: A good academic record with M. Sc. in Geology or equivalent (Offered at Kolkata).
Library and Information Science: At least high second class in MS (LIS) awarded by ISI or Associateship in Documentation and Information Science (awarded by ISI or NISCAIR/INSDOC) or its equivalent degree (such as Master's degree in LIS from any Indian/Foreign University) with at least 55% marks in undergraduate (BA/B. Sc./B. Com. or its equivalent and also in BLISc. if applicable) programme (Offered at Bengaluru).
Linguistics: An MA degree in Linguistics/Applied linguistics with a minimum of 55% marks (Offered at Kolkata).

ISI Admission Test Application Form 2023

ISI Admission Test: Application Form 2023

A candidate looking to appear for ISI Admission Test 2023 will have to register himself/herself on the official website of ISI Calcutta, which is Here is a list of steps that a candidate needs to follow to register for ISI Test 2023:

  • Visit the official portal of ISI,
  • Click on the Apply Online link at the admissions page of ISI.
  • Register yourself by filling the form and uploading necessary documents (presumably scanned photograph and signature)
  • Pay the fee and now registration is complete.

Application Fee for ISI Admission Test 2023

Category Fee
Open Category Male candidates 1250/-
Open Category Female Candidates 750/-
ST/SC/PwD/OBC-NCL Candidates 625/-

The fee can be paid through either online mode or bank challan. The bank challan will be generated at the time of registration. Here are the things that a candidate needs to keep in mind while paying the fee through either of the methods:

Mode Process
Online The payment through online mode can be made by a candidate using Credit/Debit card or through Net Banking.
Offline For payment to be made by offline mode, the candidate has to get a challan generated in the favour of ISI Calcutta through any SBI branch. Candidates should keep in mind that this mode of payment can take more than 48 hours to get completed and thus candidates are advised that they should start a bit early with this process and should not delay the payment to final days. 

ISI Admission Test Admit Card 2023

ISI Admission Test 2023 Admit Card

The candidate will have to carry the admit card to the exam center in order to appear for ISI Admission test. The admit card mentions the details regarding the exam timing, exam center, and Registration number of the candidate.

Here are the steps to be followed to download the Admit Card for ISI Admission Test 2023:

  • The link for downloading the admit card is sent on the registered email address of the candidate. Therefore, candidates are advised to keep their email id secure and available.
  • One needs to login to his/her email account and click on the link sent by ISI Calcutta.
  • The link will redirect the candidate to the page where the candidate can download the admit card for ISI Test 2023.
  • Candidate can then take a printout of the admit card and keep it with himself/herself.

Candidates are advised to keep a copy of the admit card with them even after the exam, as it may be needed in future processes regarding admission.

ISI Admission Exam Pattern

ISI Admission Test 2023 Exam Pattern

ISI Admission Test Exam Pattern varies according to the course a candidate is opting for. However, the paper pattern remains the same for the first exam. First exam will have a total of 30 marks while paper 2 will consist of 70 marks. Each paper wil be conducted for 2 hours duration.

  • For most of the courses, the candidate has to appear in two exams. Where one exam contains all objective type questions and another one contains descriptive questions.
  • Generally, both the exams are held on the same day and have similar duration.
  • Candidate can have a look at detailed exam pattern, along with the syllabus and previous year papers at this link:
  • The paper will comprise 2 parts. Part 1 is a mandatory section and will consist of multiple-choice questions in Mathematics at the undergraduate level. It will have 30 questions for 120 marks and a duration of 2 hours.
  • Part 2 varies with the discipline one opts for. It will comprise descriptive questions.

Courses offered at ISI

ISI Admission Test 2023: Courses Offered

There as many as 23 types of courses being offered by ISI, and the tests and selection process may vary according to the course being opted by the candidate. Here is a comprehensive list of courses being offered by ISI in different domains:

List of Courses
B.Stat B.Math M.Stat
M.Math M.S.(QE) M.S.(LIS)
M.S.(QMS) M.Tech.(CS) M.Tech.(QROR)
JRF in Statistics JRF in Mathematics JRF in Quantitative Economics
JRF in Computer Science JRF in Quality, Reliability and Operations Research JRF in Physics
JRF in Library and Information Science JRF in Sociology JRF in Geology
JRF in Psychology JRF in Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science JRF in Linguistics
PG Diploma in Statistical Methods and Analytics PG Diploma in Computer Applications --

ISI Candidates Granted Waiver

S.No. Programme
applied for
Registration no. Name
1 B. Math. (Honours) BMT-CN-1046 Apratim Ghosh
2 BMT-GH-1003 Ayan Nath
3 BMT-GH-1011 Ojas Mittal
4 BMT-DH-3048 Anshul Jha
5 BMT-VP-1069 Om Swostik Mishra
6 BMT-HY-1117 Adhavan S V
7 BMT-CC-3365 Tejas Mittal
8 BMT-CN-1116 Rishabh Sharma
9 BMT-DH-3249 Aryan Kusre
10 BMT-DH-3353 Anmol
11 BMT-CC-3035 Kalvala Vivek
12 BMT-GH-1045 R Roshana
13 B. Stat. (Honours) BST-CC-2101 Tuhin Saha
14 BST-CC-2509 Soutrik Sarangi

ISI Admission Test Result

ISI Admission Test 2023: Results

ISI Admission Test 2023 Result will be announced in the form of Merit List. The result will be displayed on the official website of ISI Calcutta. The candidate needs to follow these steps to be able to view his/her result:

  • Reach the official website of ISI Calcutta.
  • Click on the ‘ISI Admission Test results button.
  • Now candidates need to enter the credentials asked to be entered on the results page. (Application Number, Password, Roll number or Date of Birth)
  • Click on submit/View result, and the candidate can view the result of the ISI Test 2023.
  • Candidate can also download the result for future reference.

ISI Admission Test 2023 Result will display the qualification of the candidate. No score or marks will be displayed in it.

ISI Admission Test Cutoff

ISI Admission Test 2023 Cut Off

The admission of a candidate in various courses depends upon the marks that a candidate has scored in the admission test. However, the cut off is completely relative and keeps on changing year by year. The estimate of cut off on the basis of past results is as follows:

Course Category Cut off
B.Stat General UGA 60/120 & UGB 30/80
OBC-NC UGA 62.1/120 & UGB 27/80
SC/ST UGA 55.2/120 & UGB 24/80
M.Stat. General UGA 67/120 & UGB 31/80
OBC-NC UGA 60.3/120 & UGB 27.9/80
SC/ST UGA 53.6/120 & UGB 24.8/80
M.Math General MMA score more than 74, combined average score more than 55
OBC-NC MMA score more than 66.5, combined average score more than 49.5
SC/ST MMA score more than 59.2, combined average score more than 44

ISI Admission Test 2023 Selection Procedure

The selection process of candidates in various courses is conducted on the basis of marks scored by a candidate in ISI Test 2023 .The selection process for various courses is as follows:

B.Stat. and B.Math: Candidates are selected on the basis of scores of both the tests. ISI releases a cut off that decides that a candidate will be called for interviews or not. Also, INMO awardees will be called for interview sessions directly. Such candidates are not required to appear in ISI Admission Test 2023.

After the interview session is conducted, a final list is prepared for candidates who have qualified the interviews.

M.Stat and M.Math: The selection procedure here is a bit complex.

Candidates who have successfully obtained their respective Honors degree will be admitted directly to the ISI Calcutta campus.

However, candidates with a Pass (Non-honors) degree will need to appear in the ISI Admission test 2023 and then appear for interviews, on the basis of which a candidate will be allotted seat in either Delhi or Chennai campus for the first year.

MS (QE) and MS (QMS): Candidates in these two courses will be selected on the basis of interview.

MS (LIS): Candidates for this course may get selected directly on the basis of their scores in ISI test 2023 and past academic records.

M. Tech. (CS) and M. Tech. (QROR): The selection in these courses is also done on the basis of scores in the entrance test and Interview.

Frequenlty Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques: When will ISI Admission Test 2023 Application Form be released?

Ans: ISI Calcutta will release ISI Entrance Exam Application Form in the 1st week of February 2023. Candidates will have to visit the official website of Indian Statistical Institute to register for the exam.

Ques: What are the Eligibility Criteria to appear for ISI Admission Test 2023?

Ans: ISI offers admission to multiple undergraduate and Postgraduate courses, therefore eligibility criteria for ISI Admission varies depending on the programme being applied for, however, candidates applying for UG courses must have successfully passed 10+2 while those applying for PG courses must acquire their bachelor’s degree before applying

Ques: What is the application Fee for ISI Admission Test 2023?

Ans: The Application Fee for ISI Admission Test 2023 for the open category is INR 1250, whereas for reserved categories its is INR 650. Female from the open category will have to pay Rs 750 as the registration fee. 

Ques: When ISI Admission Test 2023 will be conducted? 

Ans: ISI Admission Test 2023 will be held on May 14, 2023, in pen and paper-based mode across various exam centers in India.

Ques: Is there any negative marking in ISI Admission Test 2023?

Ans: There is no provision of negative marking in ISI Admission Test 2023. The Exam will consist of 2 papers with a duration of 2 hours each. The both the papers will be conducted on the same day with a total duration of 4 hours.

Ques: When will the result for ISI Admission 2023 be declared?

Ans: ISI Admission 2023 results will be declared in the month of June 2023 Tentatively, Along with the results candidate will also be able to download the merit list for the test. Admission to each course will be done on the basis of ISI Admission Test 2023 Merit List. 

*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.

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