bySachin Gupta Content Writer
INI CET Admit Card 2023: AIIMS, New Delhi will release INI CET 2023 Admit Card for the July Session on May 1, 2023, on the official website- aiimsexams.ac.in. To download the admit card, candidates need to login to their account.
INI CET 2023 for July session will be conducted on May 7, 2023. Admit Card for INI CET 2023 must be carried along with a valid photo id proof otherwise candidates won't be allowed to enter the exam center. Applicants must know that the admit card or hall ticket is valid only for a particular session, and it cannot be used for another session of the same year.
Table of Contents |
INI CET 2023 Admit Card Dates
Event | Date |
Release of Admit card | May 1, 2023 |
Last Date to download INI CET 2023 Admit Card | May 7, 2023 |
INI CET 2023 (July Session) | May 7, 2023 |
INI CET 2023 Admit Card: Steps to Download
Candidates can download INI CET 2023 Admit Card from the official website of AIIMS. Check out the steps mentioned below.
- Visit the official website of AIIMS at https://www.aiimsexams.org/
- Go to the section “Academic Courses”
- Click on the link “INI CET (MD/MS/M Ch(6yrs)/DM(6yrs))”
- Click on the tab “INI CET 2022 Admit Card”
- Login to the website using credentials such as Registration ID, RUC or Registration Unique Code, Password and Captcha code
- Click on the link “MyPage”
- INI CET 2023 Hall Ticket or Admit Card will be displayed on the screen
- View and Download the admit card in PDF format
- Take a print out of the same
Check INI CET 2023 Exam Pattern
Details mentioned INI CET 2023 Admit Card
Candidates are required to verify all the details mentioned in INICET 2023 Admit card. All the information on the admit card is listed below.
- Name of the candidate
- Roll number for INI CET 2023
- INI CET 2023 Registration Number
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Category of the candidate
- Subcategory of the applicant
- A place for Photograph
- A place for Signature
- A place for Thumb impression
- Date and time of the entrance test
- Venue of the examination
- Address of the entrance test
- Exam day guidelines
- Other instruction regarding the entrance exam for the candidate
Check INI CET 2023 Syllabus
Discrepancy in INI CET 2023 Admit Card
In certain cases candidates might face some discrepancies in INI CET 2023 Admit Card such as incorrect applicants detail, test centre, course applied for, any unclear word, any faint number in the place of roll number etc printed on the admit card.
In such situations registered applicants need to inform the competent authority for rectification and replacement of the admit card by sending mail by mentioning their Registration ID and Roll Number allotted to them in the mail within a specific day.
The address, number, time along with the mail ID are given below for the candidate.
Address: All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Ansari Nagar, New Delhi
Toll-free Number: 1800117898
Enquiry Time: Monday to Friday from 10 am to 5 pm and Saturday from 10 am to 1 pm
Email ID: aiims.inicet@gmail.com
Instructions on INI CET 2023 Admit Card
Candidates who are appearing in the entrance examination need to follow the guidelines that will be printed on INI CET 2023 Admit Card. All the instructions are given below.
- Candidate must check all the information on the hall ticket carefully and must bring it along with a valid photo ID proof on the day of the examination
- Applicant is required to appear the mock test in order to know the pattern of the test
- Candidates must present at the test centre on or before the reporting time.
- Eligible candidate will not get permission to enter into the test centre after the closing time
- Candidate need to present their photo ID proof at the registration desk for the verification
- Any kind of barred items such as mobile phone, iPad, pagers, Bluetooth device, calculators, etc will be strictly prohibited on the day of the examination
- Candidate must sign on the downloaded INI CET 2023 Admit Card at the presence of the invigilator at the examination hall
- Candidates should follow all the guidelines after the completion of the entrance examination.
INI CET 2023 Exam Day Instructions
- Candidates must carry their admit card, passport size photo, valid id proof, registration certificate, and curfew pass id needed.
- Photo id proofs include Aadhaar, Voter, PAN, E-Aadhaar, or Driving License.
- It is not required to paste photo on INI CET admit card.
- Carry original admit card only, photocopy will not be accepted. Detailed mentioned on the same must matchthe id proof.
- Candidates must not be late and reach the test centre on time.
INI CET 2023 Admit Card FAQ
Ques. Can I get the admit card of INI CET 2023 by post?
Ans. No, you will not get the admit card through any offline mode. You will have to download it from the official website of AIIMS by login using the credential received after the registration process.
Ques. When shall I get a response regarding discrepancies on INI CET 2023 Admit Card after appealing to the examination section of AIIMS?
Ans. You can expect the response regarding discrepancies on the admit card within 3 days from the day of appeal by the concerned authority. The time depends on the number of quarries they receive at that moment.
Ques. Can I present a photocopy or soft copy of INI CET 2023 admit card at the time of the examination?
Ans. No, you will have to present only the downloaded admit card at the time of the examination, and it is required to sign on it in the presence of the invigilator in the exam hall.
Ques. Is it required to attach a photograph on INI CET 2023 Admit Card?
Ans, No, you do not have to attach any photograph on the admit card. You can bring two passport size photographs on the day of the examination.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.