HPUMAT 2023 Admit Card will be released in the 1st week of May 2023. Candidates can download the admit card from Himachal Pradesh University’s (HPU) official website i.e. www.hpubsshimla.org. For downloading HPU MAT 2023 admit card, the candidate will require Registration No as User ID and Date of Birth as Password. HPU MAT 2023 will be conducted on May 24, 2023, in offline mode.
Candidates will have to produce a valid id proof along with the admit card on the day of examination. Candidates can visit the official site if they have any discrepancy in their admit card. Applicants can choose from 8 cities in Himachal Pradesh as exam centers.HPU MAT (Himachal Pradesh University Management Aptitude Test) is an entrance exam conducted by Himachal Pradesh University Business School. It is conducted to provide admission to aspirants in various management programs.
HPU MAT 2023 Important Dates
HPU MAT 2023 Admit Card will be available a week before the exam date. Given below are the dates:
Event | Date |
Last date to fill Application Form for HPU MAT 2023 | May 10, 2023 |
Release of HPUMAT Admit Card | 1st week of May 2023 |
HPUMAT 2023 Exam Date | May 24, 2023 |
How to Download HPU MAT 2023 Admit Card?
After completing HPU MAT 2023 Registration candidates can download the admit card form HPU official website i.e. www.hpubsshimla.org. Downloading process is a simple task. Here is step by step guidance or downloading HPUMAT 2023 Admit Card:
- Visit www.hpubshimla.org
- Go to Admit Card
- A new webpage will open:
- Registration number for user ID and date of birth as password must be entered
- Click on DOWNLOAD ADMIT CARD button
- HLUMAT 2023 Admit Card will be displayed here
- Save it and Print it

*Above given Image shows the form to fill in for downloading HPUMAT 2023 Admit Card.
Details on Admit Card
HPUMAT 2023 Admit card shows important information on both candidate and exam. Candidate must check entire information mentioned on admit card. Such details are as follows:
- Name of exam i.e. HPUMAT 2023
- Date and time of HPUMAT
- Name and address of exam center
- Signature of admit card issuing authority of HPU
- Name of candidate
- Candidate’s date of birth
- Address of candidate
- Candidate’s photographs
- Signature of candidate
- Important instructions for HPUMAT 2023
Discrepancy in HPU MAT 2023 Admit Card
If you found any error in any information mentioned on HPU MAT 2023 Admit Card, without making any delay, inform authorities in the prescribed format mentioned on HPU official website: www.hupbsshimla.org.
Follow below given steps for correction in HPU MAT Admit Card:
- Visit www.hpubshimla.org
- Go to Admit Card
- A new webpage will open displaying a message to print admit card.
- Look at a link on the right corner of this webpage ‘HELP’
- Click on HELP
- A new form will open here
- Fill in all required information such as:
- Name
- Email Address
- Mobile No.
- Date of Birth (click on calendar given with the field of DOB and Select Date from this calendar in DD / MM / YYYY format)
- Degree Type
- Select Degree / Program from drop down menu (e.g.MBA)
- Select Problem Area from drop down menu: select Admit Card Issue
- Registration Number
- Problem Details (Mention what error is on admit card)
- Click on Choose Document Button
- Select file as a Proof for information need to be changed (Soft copy showing Right Information)
- Click on SAVE Button
- A confirmation will be sent to your email address
- You can check status of Reported Problem by clicking on Check Status displayed on the same webpage
For reference purpose, an image is given below herewith depicting all what is written above:

Documents Required with HPU MAT 2023 Admit Card
HPU MAT 2023 Admit Card is a compulsory document to carry with during exam but along with admit card one more document as a proof of identity of the candidate is mandatory to present at the time of HPU MAT 2023 for the purpose of verification.
Any one of the documents in original form must be brought from the below-mentioned list:
- Passport
- Aadhaar Card
- Driving Licence
- College ID card
HPU MAT 2023 Exam Centers
HPU MAT exam is conducted mainly in Himachal Pradesh. Cities, where its centers are allocated, are as follows:
- Chandigarh
- Shimla
- Solan
- Hamirpur
- Palampur
- Una
- Mandi
- Dharamshala.
HPU reserves the right to change the date/center of HPUMAT 2023 at its own discretion.
Exam Day Instructions
As per the regulations for HPU MAT 2023 exam some instructions for maintaining discipline, transparency and smooth operations of all activities of HPU MAT 2023 exam. Candidate must follow all the instructions.
- Keep valid admit card issued for HPU MAT 2023 during exam
- No request will be entertained for attempting HPU MAT 2023 exam without admit card whatsoever is the reason.
- Keep one Original ID Proof along with admit card.
- Any document other than admit card and ID proof, any size and type of paper, mobile phone, analog watch, calculator and electronic Devices and Gadgets are not allowed in exam hall
- Don’t leave exam hall without the permission of the invigilator
- Produce admit card and ID proof twice or thrice, whenever is asked to by the authorities, don’t be irritated
- Any food or beverage is not allowed to have during the exam. Only water can be taken with prior permission of invigilator or as per the instructions
- Conversation or discussion with any other candidate is not allowed. Such an act is deemed to be a punishable act.
- If there is some problem with table, chair, computer or anything else that is creating a disturbance, don’t try to handle it on your own. Bring this in the notice of invigilator and let him resolve the problem.
- If somebody comes with candidate, he or she will not be allowed to enter in examination center. Don’t expect exam center authorities to provide any facility as they are not instructed for the same so please don’t create any argument with any of staff persons.
*The article might have information for the previous academic years, which will be updated soon subject to the notification issued by the University/College.