MSc Chemistry Syllabus: Semester, Year, Entrance Exam, Subjects, Course Details

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Sounak Banerjee

Associate Content Manager

MSc Chemistry Syllabus studies at an advanced degree the study of chemistry at the atomic level. The branches of studying MSc Chemistry contain subjects like Quantum Chemistry, Surface Chemistry, Thermodynamics etc. MSc Chemistry syllabus contains subjects like Inorganic Chemistry, Equilibrium, Thermodynamics, Spectroscopic Methods, Nanoscience, Inorganic Chemistry etc.

See Also: Chemical Engineering Syllabus 

MSc Chemistry is a mix of Academic Lectures, Individual Projects, Group Projects, Practical Reports and Professional Training. Some of the projects in MSc Chemistry are Crude palm oil analysis, Synthesis of aspirin and its decomposition etc. MSc Chemistry subjects help students excel in pharmaceutical companies, teaching careers, medicine production, chemical plants etc. Students who want to work in the academic field can do PhD after MSc Chemistry

MSc Chemistry Course Details

Course Name Master of Science in Chemistry
MSc Chemistry Course Level Post Graduate
MSc Chemistry Duration 2 years
MSc Chemistry Admission Process Merit/Entrance Based
MSc Chemistry Entrance Exam IIT JAM, NEST - National Entrance Screening Test, DUET, BITSAT
MSc Chemistry Eligibility Candidates should have 50-60 % aggregate score in their graduation.
MSc Chemistry  Colleges Hindu College, Miranda House, Hansraj College, Fergusson College, Sri Venkateswara College, Chandigarh University, Christ University
MSc Chemistry Fees INR 20,000 - INR 1,000,000

See Also:

MSc Chemistry Syllabus

Semester I Semester II
Inorganic Chemistry Equilibrium and Thermodynamics
Chemistry Lab I Spectroscopic Methods
Introduction to Nanoscience Inorganic Chemistry II
Physical Chemistry Chemistry Lab III
Chemistry Lab II Physical Chemistry II
Catalysis of Surface and Interface Elective I
Semester III Semester IV
Organometallics Electro Analytics and Radio Analytics
Separation Techniques Industrial Catalysis
Green Chemistry Photochemistry
Chemistry of Materials Polymer Science
Group Theory Elective III
Elective II Elective IV

MSc Chemistry Semester Wise Syllabus

MSc Chemistry is a 2 year course divided into 4 semesters. Students learna bout all types of chemistry subjects at the base level like Inorganic Chemistry, nanoscience, Inorganic Chemistry etc. 

MSc Chemistry First Semester Subjects

  • Inorganic Chemistry: Inorganic chemistry consists of inorganic compounds, which include metals, minerals, and organometallic compounds.
  • Introduction to Nanoscience: Nanoscience is the study of chemical and physical changes that takes place at the nanoscale.
  • Catalysis of Surface and Interface: Catalytic reaction occurs on the surface or interfaces of the solid catalyst, where reactants are adsorbed and subsequently converted to products.

See Also: Chemical Engineering Courses 

MSc Chemistry Second Semester Subjects

  • Equilibrium and Thermodynamics: It is a condition or state of a thermodynamic system, which do not change with time and that can be changed to only at the expense of effects on other systems.
  • Spectroscopic Methods: These methods are used to study the interaction at the molecular scale. One such technique is nuclear magnetic resonance.
  • Inorganic Chemistry II: Inorganic chemistry II focuses on the methods used to identify the structure of organic molecules, advanced principles of organic stereochemistry, and methods used to synthesize organic compounds.

See Also:

MSc Chemistry Third Semester Subjects

  • Organometallics: The study of organometallic compounds, chemical compounds containing at least one chemical bond between a carbon atom of an organic molecule and a metal
  • Separation Techniques: These refer to separating substances or mixtures such as Handpicking, Threshing, Winnowing, Sieving, Evaporation, Distillation, etc.
  • Green Chemistry: Green chemistry is the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use of hazardous substances.

See Also:

MSc Chemistry Fourth Semester Subjects

  • Electro Analytics and Radio Analytics: Electroanalytical method, measure the quantity of electricity needed to convert the analyte quantitatively to a different oxidation state. While, radio analytics enhance the team's competitiveness, by quickly unlocking insights from teams' communications and feeding them into future strategies.
  • Industrial Catalysis: Industrial Catalysis is vital for the industrial world. industrial processes are catalyzed by mixed metal oxides. 
  • Photochemistry: Photochemical in chemistry refers to the reaction triggered when light energy is absorbed by a substance's molecules. This leads the molecules to experience a temporary excited state.

See Also:

Analytical Chemistry Courses Industrial Chemistry Courses

MSc Chemistry Entrance Exam Syllabus

Inorganic Chemistry Atomic Structure
Chemical Bonding
Periodic Properties
Acids, Bases and Non Aqueous Solvents
s block elements
P block elements A
P block elements B
Chemistry of noble gases
Chemistry of the Elements of the First Transition Series
Coordination compounds
Oxidation and Reduction
Chemistry of the Lanthanide Elements
Chemistry of the elements of the second and third transition series
Chemistry of Actinides
Ionic Solids
Metal-Ligand Bonding in Transition Metal Complexes
Bio-inorganic Chemistry
Inorganic solid state chemistry
Organometallic Chemistry
Electronic spectra of Transition Metal Complexes
Industrial fuels and chemicals
Symmetry and Term symbols
Magnetic properties of transition metal complexes
Selected topics
Inorganic Polymers
Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of metal complexes
Physical Chemistry Mathematical Concepts
Gaseous State
Chemical kinetics
Solutions, Dilute Solutions and Colligative Properties
Liquid State and Applications
Chemical Equilibrium
Phase Equilibrium
Solid State
Colloidal State
Quantum Chemistry
Molecular Structure:
Nuclear Chemistry
Molecular structure and molecular spectra
Organic Chemsitry Structure and Bonding:
Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry
Alkanes and cycloalkanes
Alkenes, dienes and alkynes
Stereochemistry of organic compounds
Arenes and Aromaticity
Alkyl and aryl halides
Electromagnetic Spectrum: Absorption Spectra
Ethers and Epoxides
Aldehydes and Ketones
Oxidation and Reduction reactions of carbonyl compounds
Carboxylic Acids
Stereochemistry of Reactions
Heterocyclic Compounds
Vitamins and Hormones
Amino acids, Peptides, Proteins and Nucleic Acids
Organic synthesis via Enolates
Fats, Oils and Detergents
Synthetic Polymers

MSc Chemistry Subjects: Specialization Wise

There are various chemistry streams that deal with the subjects of MSc chemistry. Some of them are mentioned below:

MSc Organic Chemistry subjects

MSc Organic Chemistry semester wise syllabus is mentioned below: 

Semester I Semester II
Organic Chemistry - I Organic Chemistry - II
Organic Chemistry Practical - I Organic Chemistry Practical - II
Communicative English - II Bio-Organic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry - I Physical Chemistry Practical
Inorganic Chemistry - I Physical Chemistry - II
Inorganic Chemistry Practical Inorganic Chemistry - II
Communicative English - I -
Semester III Semester IV
Organic Spectroscopy and Synthesis Natural Products
Synthetic Organic Chemistry Polymeric Compounds
Reaction Mechanism and Stereochemistry Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Aromaticity and Aromatic Compounds Food Chemistry
Computer Applications Cosmetic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry Practical - III Project
Organic Chemistry Practical - IV -

MSc Physical Chemistry syllabus

MSc Physical Chemistry Semester Wise Syllabus is mentioned below

Semester I Semester II
Organic Chemistry I Organic Chemistry II
Inorganic Chemistry I Inorganic Chemistry II
Physical Chemistry I Principles of Spectroscopy
Analytical Chemistry I Physical Chemistry II
Practical: Chemistry Lab I-Organic Practical: Chemistry Lab IV-Organic
Chemistry Lab II- Inorganic-Analytical Chemistry Lab VI-Physical
Chemistry Lab III-Physical Chemistry Lab V-Inorganic-Analytical
ICT Learning in Chemistry -
Semester III Semester IV
Organic Synthetic Methods Analytical Chemistry- III Radioanalytical & Electroanalytical Methods
Nuclear & Radioactivity Analytical Chemistry-V Separation Methods
Chemistry of Materials Analytical Chemistry-IV Computational Chemistry
Group Theory and Applications of Spectroscopy Inorganic Chemistry III
Practical: Chemistry Lab VII-Organic Analytical Chemistry-VI Hyphenated Methods and Automation
Chemistry Lab VIII-Inorganic/ Analytical Inorganic Chemistry IV
Chemistry Lab IX-Physical Inorganic Chemistry V
Computational Chemistry
Advanced Quantum Chemistry and Photochemistry
Advanced Chemical Kinetics and Electrochemistry
Analytical Chemistry Project
Physical Chemistry Project
Inorganic Chemistry Project

MSc Analytical Chemistry Syllabus

MSc Analytical Chemistry Semester Wise Syllabus is mentioned below

Semester I Semester II
Molecular Spectroscopy Principles of Analytical Chemistry
Chromatographic Separation Techniques Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Radiochemical and Optical Methods of Analysis Chromatographic Separation Techniques
Semester III Semester IV
Molecular Spectroscopy Molecular Spectroscopy
Advanced Organic Chemistry Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
Advanced Physical Chemistry Molecular Symmetry & Spectroscopy
Principles of Analytical Chemistry Electro-analytical & Thermo-Analytical Techniques

MSc Biochemistry Syllabus

MSc Biochemistry Semester Wise Syllabus is mentioned below

Semester I Semester II
Structure and Function of Biomolecules Molecular Biology I
Enzymology Plant Biochemistry
Cell Biology & Physiology Nutritional and Clinical Biochemistry
Bioenergetics & Intermediary Metabolism Biophysical & Biochemical Techniques
Lab Course I Lab Course II
Semester III Semester IV
Molecular Biology II Biostatistics and Research documentation
Immunology Stem Cell and Reproduction
Basic Biotechnology Bioinformatics
Lab Course III Lab Course IV
Immunology Project Report
Seminar -

MG University Msc chemistry syllabus

Msc chemistry syllabus in MG University is mentioned below 

Semester I Semester II
Organometallics and Nuclear Chemistry Coordination Chemistry
Structural and Molecular Organic Chemistry Organic Reaction Mechanisms
Quantum Chemistry and Group Theory Chemical Bonding and Computational Chemistry
Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory and Statistical Thermodynamics Molecular Spectroscopy
Inorganic Chemistry Practical-1 Inorganic Chemistry Practical-1
Organic Chemistry Practical-1 Organic Chemistry Practical-1
Physical Chemistry Practical-1 Physical Chemistry Practical-1
Semester III Semester IV
Structural Inorganic Chemistry Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
Organic Syntheses Advanced Organic Chemistry
Chemical Kinetics, Surface Chemistry and Crystallography Advanced Physical Chemistry
Spectroscopic Methods in Chemistry Advances In Polymer Science And Technology
Inorganic Chemistry Practical-2 Analytical Chemistry
Organic Chemistry Practical-2 Medicinal Chemistry
Physical Chemistry Practical-2 Project
Inorganic Chemistry Practical-2
Organic Chemistry Practical-2
Physical Chemistry Practical-2

MJPRU MSc chemistry syllabus

MSc chemistry syllabus in MJPRU is mentioned below

Year 1
Transition and Non-transition Metal Chemistry Chemical Dynamics and Electrochemistry
Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Group Theory and Spectroscopy
Inorganic Reaction Mechanism and Organometallics Applications of Spectroscopy
Organic Reactions Mechanisms Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Principles of Organic Chemistry Quantum Chemistry
Year 2
Principles of Bioinorganic Chemistry Computer in Chemistry
Concepts in Organic Synthesis Modern Techniques and Scope of Chemical Biology
Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics Physical Chemistry Laboratory

DU MSc chemistry syllabus

MSc Chemistry Syllabus in Delhi University is mentioned below

Semester I Semester II
Inorganic Chemistry – I Inorganic Chemistry – II
Organic Chemistry – I Organic Chemistry – II
Physical Chemistry – I Physical Chemistry – II
Inorganic Chemistry – I Practical Inorganic Chemistry – II Practical
Organic Chemistry – I Practical Organic Chemistry – II Practical
Physical Chemistry – I Practical Physical Chemistry – II Practical
Semester III Semester IV
Inorganic Chemistry – III Inorganic Chemistry (Special - III)
(Elective course 1)
Organic Chemistry-III Inorganic Chemistry (Special - IV)
(Elective course 2)
Physical Chemistry-III Inorganic Chemistry (Special - V)
(Elective course 3)
Inorganic Chemistry (Special - I) Inorganic Chemistry (Special - VI)
(Elective course 4)
Inorganic Chemistry (Special - II) Inorganic Chemistry (Special -VII)
(Elective course 5)
Organic Chemistry (Special - I) Practical Inorganic Chemistry – II
(Elective practical 2)
Organic Chemistry (Special-II)
Physical Chemistry (Special - I)
Practical Inorganic Chemistry – I (Elective practical 1)
Practical Organic Chemistry – I (Elective practical 1)
Practical Physical Chemistry – I (Elective practical 1)

MSc Chemistry Books

Name of the Book Author
Advanced Organic Chemistry Carey and Sundberg
Inorganic Chemistry James E Huheey
The mechanism in Organic Chemistry Peter Sykes
Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology Kirk Othmer
March’s Advanced Organic Chemistry Michael Smith
Quantum Chemistry RK Prasad

MSc Chemistry Teaching Methodology and Techniques

The M.Sc. curriculum in chemistry can be taught in many ways. Lectures are an essential part of university teaching. Lecture styles may include web-based delivery, demonstrations, as well as the traditional 'chalk and talk lecture. Chemistry teachers should use students to build models, play games, and complete lab experiments. Chemistry is a practical subject, emphasis should be given on placing the acquisition of laboratory skills. 

Some of the M.Sc syllabus Chemistry teaching methodology and techniques are mentioned below: 

  • Academic Lectures
  • Group Projects
  • Practical Reports
  • Individual Projects
  • Professional Training

See Also:

MSc Chemistry Syllabus: FAQs

Ques. What are the course subjects of MSc Chemistry?

Ans. The core subjects in the M.Sc Chemistry course:

  • Green Chemistry
  • Polymer Science
  • Surface Science and Coating Technology
  • Bioanalytical Chemistry
  • Nano-Chemistry and Technology

Ques. What courses can I pursue after MSc Chemistry?

Ans. Certification/Degree Courses to pursue after M.Sc Chemistry are:

  • Certification course in Pharmacy.
  • Certification Courses In Biochemistry. 
  • Certification in Environmental Science: 
  • Certification in Forensic Science.
  • PhD in Chemistry.

Ques. What is the eligibility criteria for admission to MSc Chemistry program?

Ans. The basic eligibility criteria for admission to MSc Chemistry program is the candidates should have 50-60 % aggregate score in their graduation. 

Ques. What is exactly taught in MSc Chemistry?

Ans. MSc Chemistry is 2 -year postgraduate course. It is the study of physical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry and analytical Chemistry.

Ques. What are the job options after MSc Chemistry?

Ans. The job options after MSc Chemistry are:

  • Synthetic Lab Scientist.
  • Content Creator.
  • Assistant Professors.
  • Online Mentor.
  • Solid State Chemistry Expert.
  • Chemistry/Biochemistry Research Officer.

Ques. How much one can earn after completion of MSc Chemistry?

Ans. Average salary for a MSC Chemistry graduate in India is INR 2.1 Lakhs per year.

Ques. What are the top colleges that offers MSc Chemistry?

Ans. The top colleges that offers MSc Chemistry are Hindu College, Miranda House, Hansraj College, Fergusson College, Sri Venkateswara College, Chandigarh University, and Christ University.

Ques. What are th etop 5 branches for MSc Chemistry?

Ans. Top 5 Branches of Chemistry for Masters

  • MSc Organic Chemistry.
  • MSc Medicinal Chemistry.
  • MSc Analytical Chemistry.
  • MSc Molecular Chemistry.
  • MSc Biochemistry.

Ques. What are the elective subjects in MSc Chemistry?

Ans. The elective subjects in the M.Sc Chemistry course are:

  • Bioorganic and Heterocyclic
  • Spectroscopic Identification of Molecules
  • Electrochemistry
  • Organic Quantitative Analysis Lab
  • Organic Qualitative Analysis Lab
  • Medicinal Chemistry

Ques. Can I do PhD in Chemistry after MSc Chemistry?

Ans. Yes, if candidate satisfy the eligibility criteria then he/she may pursue PhD in Chemsitry. The eligibility criteria is students should have completed a master's degree in Science or an M. Phil degree in a relevant field with at least 55% marks.

Master of Science [M.Sc] (Chemistry) : 17 answered questions


Ques. Which is better, CURAJ or CUPB for an MSc in chemistry?

● Top Answer By Anindya Guha on 28 Dec 21

Ans. All central universities including CURAJ, CUPB are good for Chemistry branches like Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, and Applied Chemistry. The course curriculum followed by these universities is up-to-the industry standard. The lab resources at these universities are also quite good. CURAJ and CUPB are also located in the industrial region, so you will get decent employment options. You can choose either of these two universities for an M.Sc in Chemistry.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Between an M.Sc chemistry in BITS Hyderabad and CSE in VIT, which is better?

● Top Answer By Bidita Ghose on 22 Dec 23

Ans. Based on mine and my friends’ experiences, here are some points I would like for you to consider in this regard- The branch should always be your top priority. For a dual degree in CSE at BITS Hyderabad, you’ll need to score more than 7.6 CG. That would mean an average +30 in most subjects (relative grading). Phoenix Dual is a better option than VIT CSE. Dual degree will take away a lot from your campus life. You won’t be able to enjoy clubs and events to the fullest. BITS Hyderabad undoubtedly has a better crowd quality. Moreover, it carries the prestigious ‘BITS’ tag. BITS will give you a more quality campus experience with better academics. The decision has to be made by you, but I hope that these points will guide you. Whatever you choose, make sure to maintain a good academic performance in college, so that you end up getting decent job offers.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. How is the MSc chemistry at the NIT Hamirpur?3

● Top Answer By Pari Tripathi on 20 Oct 23

Ans. Chemistry is the best department at NIT Hamirpur. They provide well-equipped labs, good infrastructure, and awesome campus life. The teachers are supportive and encourage students to express their viewpoints and engage in open discussion. You are also free to ask questions or express doubts. They will provide as much support for our growth. If you are a nature lover, then this campus is at your pace. So you can choose NIT Hamirpur without any hesitation.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. How is integrated MSc. in chemistry at SVNIT Surat?

● Top Answer By Trisha Sharma on 06 Jan 24

Ans. Here are my insights as a former iMSc. Chemistry student at SVNIT- Do not enroll into iMSc. Chemistry simply for the NIT tag. Do so only if you have a passionate interest in this course. You’ll have to put in a lot of effort from your own side. The faculty is very talented and the library has a good collection of books related to this field. But all of that will only help if you study religiously.  You’ll get a good understanding of the concepts of Chemistry through theoretical and practical sessions. The last semester will have dissertation work, which will be your introduction to the field of research.  The NIT tag will help you land good internships. You’ll get ample guidance from your teachers, but they can’t do the work for you. So you’ll have to search for good internships and projects all by yourself. The future of this stream mainly lies in research work and teaching. Institutes like Resonance, Akash, etc. visit the department with teaching vacancies.  These are the important details on integrated MSc. in Chemistry at SVNIT. The college offers good extracurricular activities, but don’t expect this journey to be all about fun.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Is JNCASR good for an MSc in Chemistry?

● Top Answer By Sandipan Mukharjee on 26 Nov 21

Ans. The general coursework for M.Sc Chemistry at JNCASR is not the best. But the research interface makes the course worthwhile. All the faculty members of the department are actively involved in research. They regularly publish in well-reputed journals. The research quality and the infrastructural facilities offered are great. If you want a rigorous core curriculum, then you should first consider state universities followed by IITs. JNCASR is also a decent option for pursuing your M.Sc Chemistry degree. It offers specialization in either Material Chemistry or Chemical Biology. If research is your long-term goal, then choosing JNCASR Bangalore will be the best option. Read more
1 Answer

Ques. I have been studying for an MSc in chemistry from IIT Hyderabad, but my 12 marks are just 61.5%. Will I qualify for a PhD abroad?

● Top Answer By Sabitha Krutarth on 20 May 23

Ans. For a PhD, class 12th marks are given considerably less importance given that your graduation and post-graduation grades are great. For a Ph.D. abroad, since you will be seeking direct admission into the university and not approaching a specific professor, your past academics matter a lot. Having good class 12 marks, graduation, and post-graduation marks will improve your chances of admission and it’s always better to play safe. In case of average marks, you have the option to write to a professor in Europe who is working in a field that aligns with your research project topic. If you share a common ground with any professor you can get admission by skipping the entire formal admission procedure although you might have to appear for some interviews that will evaluate your research caliber. Overall, my recommendation is to apply everywhere as long as money is not involved. In cases you are required to send documents or GRE scores you need to be careful.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Where can I get the previous years' MSc chemistry entrance examination questions papers of Aligarh Muslim University?

● Top Answer By Nilima Pandey on 14 Aug 20

Ans. The previous year's examination question papers of Aligarh Muslim University can not be found on the internet. The main reason behind that is AMU does not make their paper public. If you want the previous year's papers, contact the members of the seminar library of the AMU chemistry department. Or else you can check the Maulana Azad Library about the previous year's papers of MSc. If you know any research scholars in the department, they might help you. Moreover, in Aligarh, there is a Shamshad market, famous for bookstores. You can buy reference books, previous year papers, etc. from the bookstores there.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. How is Kurukshetra University for MSc in chemistry?

● Top Answer By Srinjini Roy on 20 Oct 21

Ans. I have a friend who completed his M.Sc in Chemistry from Kurukshetra University. He advises against joining the institute. According to him, it’s better to prefer a central university or an IIT for your M.Sc degree.  Only the Organic Chemistry department is good. The other departments of Chemistry are not that great. The research culture is also not that effective. Only the first year of your M.Sc degree will be worth it. The final year is more like a formality at Inorganic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry department. Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Is it possible to prepare govt exams with parallel M.Sc Chemistry at Acharya Nagarjuna University? Please give suggestions about time management.

● Top Answer By Chestha Singh, on 30 Oct 21

Ans. Preparing for a government exam parallel with M.Sc Chemistry, is a bit tough. Here are some reasons as to why it could become difficult. You will have 4 days of lab class including physical, organic, inorganic and analytical lab. You will have assignments to write, records to be completed, and seminars you need to attend and prepare for. You will have to prepare for C-1 and C-2 internals. Try maintaining a proper schedule, plan your activities beforehand. If your classes become strict you will hardly get enough time to study during the day. But make time either early morning or late at night. Make a to-do list as you are preparing for competitive exams.  Make daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals and stick to them. If you are traveling try to use the time effectively by reading inorganic theory concepts or try solving previous year’s government exam questions. Usually in chemistry most of the organic and inorganic are heat-related experiments. If you have free time, utilize it by visiting the library and reading books on inorganic chemistry. You could also complete your assignments to stay a bit ahead. You will be left with 4-5 hours because of your M.Sc. but it is still sufficient, as you can study effectively between these hours. Make short notes and focus one day on revision, do mock tests to analyze your strengths and weaknesses and work on them.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Is Jiwaji University Gwalior good for an M.Sc. in chemistry?

● Top Answer By Yash Mathur on 11 Oct 21

Ans. The Department of Chemistry of Jiwaji University Gwalior has some of the best labs in the state of Madhya Pradesh. The alumni network does not let any of the graduate students sit idle and waste their time. A lot of the students, however, do not have respect for the university as the pattern of the exams is not regular and the classes are just as irregular.  There are usually 10 available seats and selection in this college is carried out on the basis of an entrance exam. Here the fees are much more reasonable than other colleges. If you study here, you may not get the best exposure but if you work hard, you could have the chance of succeeding also.Read more
1 Answer


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