Master of Business Administration [MBA] (Actuarial Science)

MBA Actuarial Science: Course Structure

The course is divided into two terms and each term consists of 4 papers. For a student to excel in the course, one has to take all these courses over the span of two terms and clear every paper according to the rules set by the institutes.

MBA Actuarial Science: Scheme of Assessment

The students should score a minimum of 200 marks out of 400 marks and a minimum of 40 marks in each of the papers to successfully be awarded the degree of MBA. The minimum 40 marks are a combination of the internal assessment and external examination scores. The division of marks out of 100 is such that 40 marks are allotted to the internal assessment and 60 to the external examinations in each of the papers.

MBA Actuarial Science: Syllabus

Students interested in MBA Actuarial Science have to take up various courses during their two-year classroom program. These courses include:

Course Topics Covered Description
Financial Mathematics Interest rates and factors, level and varying annuities, project appraisal and loans, financial instruments, etc. An introduction to financial mathematics and the term structure of interest rates and related topics.
Finance and Financial Reporting Characteristics of principal form of financial instrument, financial techniques used, principles of personal taxation and company taxation, etc. Introduction to the key principles of finance, the basic construction of accounts, etc.
Probability and Mathematical Statistics Concepts of probability, concepts of analysis of variance, conditional expectations, and compound distribution. Introduction to data analysis, basic discrete and continuous distributions and testing of hypotheses, etc.
Business Economics Consumer demand and behavior, the role of money and interest rates in the economy, macroeconomic policies and supply-side policies, pricing strategies, etc. Making students aware of the relevance of economics in the world of business.
Contingencies Life tables, gross premiums and reserves, profit testing, variable benefits and annuities, etc. Acquainting students with the practical methods of evaluation of the values and contracts.
Statistical Methods Loss distribution, risk theory, ruin theory, credibility theory, etc. Understanding the concepts and theories underlying the analysis of time series models.
Statistical Models Markov chains, two state Markov Model, general Markov Model, Markov Jump Process, the Cox Regression model, Ross Models, the binomial and poison model, etc. Introduction to the principles of Stochastic Processes and their classification into different types.
Finance and Statistical Economics Interest rate futures and swaps, mechanics of future market and hedging strategies, the Black-Scholes-Metron Model, Martingales and Measures, Binomial Trees, Wiener Procedures and Ito’s Lemma, etc. Deep understanding of the workings and mechanics of market and strategies.


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