Master of Arts [MA] (Mass Communication)

Course Structure

The curriculum for MA in Mass Communication comprises of some core papers and some electives. Core papers address subjects which offer fundamental knowledge in the field of mass communication while electives focus more on specialized knowledge and skills.

As part of the course, students also have to fulfill a summer internship at the end of second semester with companies catering to mass media needs such as news agencies, media houses, TV channels, publishing houses etc. Students can choose to intern in any specific filed related to mass communication such as sound editing, film production, audio-video editing etc.

The course structure can best be summed as in the figure below:

  • First Year Core Courses
  • Sumer Internship
  • Second Year, Core Courses, Electives

Course Delivery Methods include classroom lectures, seminars, group and solo presentations, assignments, film screening, practical etc.

At the end of the program, every student has to submit a dissertation or project report in any relevant area of mass communication.

Scheme of Assessment

The final assessment for MA in Mass Communication is based on performance in a theory examination which is held at the end of each semester and marks scored in Internal Assessment. The table given below illustrates the weightage given to various assessment criteria.

Type of Assessment


Theory Paper


Internal Assessment







The syllabus for MA Mass Communication may be a little different for various universities but the core structure of the courses remains same. Here we have prepared an overview of the syllabus for MA in Mass Communication.

Name of Paper



Principles of Mass Communication

Nature and Process of human communication

Functions of communication

Verbal and non-verbal communication

Communication Models

Nature and Process of Mass Communication

Media systems and Theories

Issues of Media monopoly

Ownership patterns of mass media

Media and Social Responsibility

This paper focuses on the basic concepts and principles of mass communication. It is an introductory paper for mass communication students.

Development of Media


Language and Society

Early communications system in India

Newspapers and magazines in the 19th century in India

Birth of the Indian Language Press

The Indian Press and Freedom Movement

Journalism in Indian Languages

The press in India after Independence

Social Issues


Development of Radio as a medium of Mass Communication

Emergence of AIR

Commercial broadcasting



Development of Television as a medium of Mass Communication

Historical Perspective of Television in India

Satellite and Cable television in India


Early efforts

Film as a Mass medium

Historical Development of Indian Films

Silent era

Indian Cinema after independence

Parallel Cinema/Commercial cinema


Issues and Problems of Indian Cinema

Folk Media

Traditional Media in India

Regional Diversity

Content, Form, Utility, Evaluation, Future

New Media

Development of New Media



The present form of mass media is due to a continuous evolution process. In this paper students learn about the various evolutionary phases of media channels.

Print Media




Interpretative Reporting

Investigative Reporting

Political Reporting

Legislative Reporting

Diplomatic Reporting

Scoops and Specialized Reporting


Meaning and purpose

Proof Reading

News Desk, editorial department set-up, news flow, copy management and organization


Magazine Editing, Layouts, Graphics

Print media is one of the erstwhile methods of mass communication in India and world. This course focuses on the two most important factors of print media/journalism – Reporting and Editing.

Electronic Media

Evolution and Growth of Electronic Media

Technology and skills of Linear and Non-linear systems of audio-visual communication

Infrastructure, content and flows on internet

Electronic media is one of the strongest influencers in the field of mass media. In this paper students are introduced to the various aspects of Electronic media.


Evolution and Growth of Advertising

Ad Agency Management

Client related issues and process

Mass Media Laws concerning advertising

Advertising tools and practices

Consumer behavior

Consumer in economic theories

Models of Consumer behavior

Brand Management

Defining creativity

Process of Motivation and theories of motivation

Media Characteristics

Advertising research

Advertising is a crucial form of mass communication and in this paper students learn about the growth, management, and defining elements of advertising.

Development Communication

Meaning, concept and models of Development

Development Communication

Agricultural communication and rural development

Development support communication

Developmental and rural extension agencies

Writing Development message for rural audience

In recent years there has been a huge demand for development and rural society centric approaches in various walks of life. This course addresses that requirement in the field of mass communication.

Communication Research


Elements of Research

Scientific approach to Research

Research and Communication theories

Research Design Components

Methods of Communication Research

Tools of Data Collection

Media Research

Report Writing, Data Analysis Technique, Coding and tabulation

Media Research as a tool of reporting

Research forms an important part of this discipline. In this course a student learns the various specifics of communication research.

Media Laws and Ethics

Media Law

Constitution of India

Specified Press Laws

History of Press Laws in India

Contempt of Courts Act 1971

Civil and Criminal Law of Defamation

Relevant Provisions of Indian Penal Code

Press and Registration of Books Act 1867

Working Journalists and Other Newspaper Employees Act, 1955

Cinematograph Act 1953

Prasar Bharti Act

WTO Agreement and Intellectual Property Right Legislations


Media’s ethical problems including privacy

Right to Reply

Communal Writing and Sensational and Yellow Journalism

Press Council of India and its broad guidelines for the press

Codes suggested for the press by Press Council and Press Commissions and other national and international organizations

Codes for Radio, Television, Advertising and Public Relation

Accountability and Independence of Media

While fundamental knowledge of mass media and communication is important, it is also important to possess a knowledge of laws and ethics related to media and related practices.

International Communications

Political, Economic and cultural dimensions of International Communications

International News Flow

International, regional and internal disparities

Communication as a Human Right

Impact of new communication technology on News flow

Issues in International communication

International communication is an important part of all media related activities. This course focuses on the practice of International Communication from all angles.

Media Management

Principles of Media Management and their Significance

Ownership patterns of mass media in India

Hierarchy, Functions and Organizational structure of different departments

Economics of print and electronic media

Planning and execution of Programme production

Foreign equity in Indian media

This course aims at giving an insight into the various practices for media management and the economic aspects of media in India.


Radio Journalism and Production

Radio program production process and techniques

Aspects of Sound Recording

Radio Feature Production

 Radio documentary production

News production

Using sound bytes and actualities

Studio production of radio newsreel and current affairs program

Formats of radio programs

Writing for radio

Spoken language writing

Writing for programs

Writing for radio commercials

Illustrating copy with sound effects

Structuring radio copy

Writing headlines, teasers and promos

Radio Reporting

Field reporting, reporting specialized areas, investigative reporting

Voice dispatches

Interview Techniques


Structuring a radio report

News capsuling and radio commentary

Voice training

Moderating techniques for radio discussion programs

This course focuses exclusively on the various aspects of radio as a medium of mass communication and radio journalism.

Television Journalism and Production

Visual Communication

Basic of TV Production

Studio Lighting

Video Editing Techniques

Writing for Television

TV news writing

Writing for television programs

Television  reporting

Television news editing

Television anchoring

In this paper students learn the fundamentals of Television journalism and methods of production.

Public Relation and Corporate Communication

Evolution and history of Public Relations

Symmetrical and asymmetrical theories of PR

Interface of PR with various management disciplines

Writing for PR

Writing for Media

Strategic Public Relation /Corporate Communication and Management

Defining stakeholders and media selection

Building a distinct corporate identity

Media Relations

This course focuses on the channels of Public Relation and Corporate Communication and their importance in brand management.  

New Media Applications

Communication Technology : Concept and Scope

Communication Technology and Information Technology


Optical Fiber

Web page development

Introduction to HTTP, HTML, ELP, DNS, JAVA

Cyber Journalism

In recent years Internet has emerged as a mass communication channel. In this paper the various aspect of communication through internet is discussed.

Inter-cultural Communications

Culture – definition, process, value systems, eastern and western perspectives

Inter-cultural communications – definition, process, philosophical and functional dimensions

Perception of the world – Western and Greek, varied eastern concepts, retention of information, comparison between eastern and western concepts

Communication as a concept in Eastern and Western cultures

Language and Grammar as a medium of cultural communication

Modern mass media as vehicles of inter-cultural communication

Culture, communication and Folk Media

Certain communication channels are directly affected by the culture of a region. So when talking about mass communication, it is important to address inter-cultural communication.


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Master of Arts [MA] (Mass Communication) Colleges IN INDIA

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1.24 L first year fees
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
1.22 L first year fees
7.2 K first year fees
16 K first year fees
5.16 K first year fees
1.33 L first year fees