NIT Biotechnology Cut Off: JoSAA Cut Off

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Sounak Banerjee

Associate Content Manager | Updated on - Mar 10, 2025

B.Tech Biotechnology Latest Updates

10 Mar, 2025

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BTech Biotechnology is a 4 year UG degree program that combines biology with engineering. It makes the best use of biological resources to better human conditions with the help of engineering techniques. 

The admission to NIT for BTech Biotechnology takes place through JEE Main. Students with a rank of more than 30000 in JEE Main ensure admission to Top NITs in India. The JoSAA Counselling determines the NIT that a particular student will study. 

JoSAA releases cut offs for a total of 11 categories. The cut offs are further divided into 2 genders. All the categories and sub-categories have their own set of cut offs. 

The top NITs in India are NIT Durgapur, NIT Rourkela, NIT Allahabad etc. The average fees for BTech Biotechnology range between INR 1,86,100 - INR 2,30,000. Out of 31 NITs in India, BTech Biotechnology is available in 8 NITs. 

NIT Biotechnology Cut Off: Highlights

Particulars Details
NIT BTech Biotechnology Entrance Exam JEE Main
NIT BTech Biotechnology Total Seats 468
NIT BTech Biotechnology Average Fees INR 4 Lakhs
NIT BTech Biotechnology Application Dates To be Announced
Minimum Cut Off for NIT 29000
Factors that determine NIT Cut Off
  • Availability of seats.
  • JEE Main Result
Admission Process Ongoing
JEE Main 2023 Result April 20, 2023 (tentative)

NIT Cut Off for BTech Biotechnology 2022

The highest cut off for BTech Biotechnology was in NIT Allahabad. The cut off was 29767. The cut off for BTech Biotechnology remains lower on average as compared to other BTech Branches

NIT Cut Off 2022 Round 1: BTech Biotechnology

College Name Gender OPEN SC ST OBC-NCL EWS
Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar Gender Neutral 67053 10500 - 49056 13354
Female 70992 12060 - 77648 15448
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Gender Neutral 29767 4272 3583 9571 4468
Female 35469 8558 - - 7240
National Institute of Technology Calicut Gender Neutral 32346 9407 8194 10455 32720
Female 21448 8270 - 8768 -
National Institute of Technology Durgapur Gender Neutral 38086 5872 5455 23462 9271
Female 36140 3308 5445 20345 19284
National Institute of Technology Raipur Gender Neutral 74847 12304 3236 25197 17722
Female 81958 13459 3815 35233 17015
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela Gender Neutral 35030 5947 2137 14154 7386
Female 34789 9817 - 15362 -
National Institute of Technology, Warangal Gender Neutral 33545 5824 1335 11421 4928
Female 33008 5585 1305 11032 246
National Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh Gender Neutral 42153 7501 3248 14091 6974
Female 46084 8276 - 14749 -

NIT Cut Off 2022 Round 2: BTech Biotechnology

College Name Gender OPEN SC ST OBC-NCL EWS
Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar Gender Neutral 79613 12680 - 70442 15835
Female 78820 12060 - 78007 17064
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Gender Neutral 30975 4867 3710 9696 4669
Female 36120 8558 - - 7240
National Institute of Technology Calicut Gender Neutral 42487 9407 27641 14175 36977
Female 33192 8270 - 12805 -
National Institute of Technology Durgapur Gender Neutral 44297 7325 6375 26962 10800
Female 38463 3308 5445 43064 22699
National Institute of Technology Raipur Gender Neutral 80825 13065 3341 29009 21938
Female 88097 13459 3815 35854 18202
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela Gender Neutral 36783 8427 2205 16977 7386
Female 35160 9817 - 26757 -
National Institute of Technology, Warangal Gender Neutral 34334 5824 1335 11926 5460
Female 33545 5585 1305 11865 -
National Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh Gender Neutral 49430 7501 3248 15626 7696
Female 38471 8485 - 16812 -

NIT Cut Off 2022 Round 3: BTech Biotechnology

College Name Gender OPEN SC ST OBC-NCL EWS
Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar Gender Neutral 89653 12773 - 73949 16380
Female 78820 12060 - 78007 19752
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Gender Neutral 30975 4867 3999 9717 4669
Female 37574 8558 - - 7240
National Institute of Technology Calicut Gender Neutral 45297 9407 27641 14612 32720
Female 33192 8270 - 12805 -
National Institute of Technology Durgapur Gender Neutral 47234 7325 6984 29556 11731
Female 38463 3308 5445 47449 23022
National Institute of Technology Raipur Gender Neutral 85180 13065 3341 29811 23257
Female 88097 13459 3815 35854 22597
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela Gender Neutral 38065 8605 2205 16977 7386
Female 35160 9817 - 26757 -
National Institute of Technology, Warangal Gender Neutral 36058 5876 1335 12275 5724
Female 33545 5585 1305 11865 -
National Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh Gender Neutral 49430 7501 3248 16204 7696
Female 38471 8485 - 18169 -

NIT Cut Off for BTech Biotechnology 2021

The highest cut off for Gender Neutral candidates in 2021 was 28389. NIT Allahabad is the best NIT for BTech Biotechnology. 

NIT Cut Off 2021: BTech Biotechnology

College Name Gender OPEN SC ST OBC-NCL EWS
Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar Gender Neutral 57572 12289 - 62238 13606
Female 53440 11441 - 84586 -
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Gender Neutral 28389 5918 4137 9675 4321
Female 29976 6941 - 14757 6780
National Institute of Technology Calicut Gender Neutral 33103 10514 - 11409 41516
Female 26335 5682 - 10811 -
National Institute of Technology Durgapur Gender Neutral 35245 6820 2432 11496 5662
Female 34561 6317 - 15712 6609
National Institute of Technology Raipur Gender Neutral 71929 12160 3532 24515 16182
Female 71227 13269 3205 37500 15869
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela Gender Neutral 39362 6441 2716 16894 7098
Female 34678 6474 - 18862 -
National Institute of Technology, Warangal Gender Neutral 28784 6113 1716 9831 5392
Female 31469 6110 1249 11378 5966
National Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh Gender Neutral 43271 6507 2596 13571 6762
Female 39340 - - 17096 6836

NIT Cut Off 2022 Round 2: BTech Biotechnology

College Name Gender OPEN SC ST OBC-NCL EWS
Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar Gender Neutral 64289 13674 - 93012 15510
Female 59284 11441 - 84586 --
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Gender Neutral 29125 5918 4137 10877 4413
Female 30386 6941 - 14757 8833
National Institute of Technology Calicut Gender Neutral 41557 10514 - 14121 49260
Female 26335 5682 - 12496 -
National Institute of Technology Durgapur Gender Neutral 40593 7653 2696 12554 6354
Female 42826 6317 - 16863 6609
National Institute of Technology Raipur Gender Neutral 71929 12160 3532 24515 16182
Female 76406 13269 3532 41071 15869
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela Gender Neutral 44035 6734 2716 18191 9557
Female 41056 6645 - 18862 -
National Institute of Technology, Warangal Gender Neutral 36771 6747 1716 11297 5929
Female 35629 6110 1994 12392 5966
National Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh Gender Neutral 47789 8177 2596 14791 7284
Female 45711 - - 18096 7620

NIT Cut Off 2022 Round 3: BTech Biotechnology

College Name Gender OPEN SC ST OBC-NCL EWS
Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar Gender Neutral 65794 13674 - 108297 15510
Female 59284 11441 - 95858 -
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Gender Neutral 29125 5918 4137 10897 4413
Female 30386 6941 - 14757 8833
National Institute of Technology Calicut Gender Neutral 42016 10514 - 15386 22510
Female 26335 - - 12496 -
National Institute of Technology Durgapur Gender Neutral 40951 7678 2696 12566 6446
Female 42826 6317 - 17069 6609
National Institute of Technology Raipur Gender Neutral 87901 14135 3810 27255 17620
Female 76406 13269 3532 41352 15869
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela Gender Neutral 45878 6734 2716 19372 9557
Female 41056 6645 - 18862 -
National Institute of Technology, Warangal Gender Neutral 37434 7111 1716 12058 6348
Female 36771 6110 1994 12392 5966
National Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh Gender Neutral 49156 8177 2596 15551 7608
Female 46077 - - 18576 7620

NIT Cut Off for BTech Biotechnology 2020

College Name Gender OPEN SC ST OBC-NCL EWS
Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar Gender Neutral 52696 9894 - - 11559
Female 50401 12175 - - 15804
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Gender Neutral 28560 4600 3726 - 5073
Female 32077 6655 - 12251 -
National Institute of Technology Calicut Gender Neutral 18673 7145 - - 11539
Female 14957 7134 - - -
National Institute of Technology Durgapur Gender Neutral 32489 6568 2557 - 5961
Female 35622 6607 - - 7246
National Institute of Technology Raipur Gender Neutral 66029 14136 3637 - 16994
Female 64651 10615 2832 - 16883
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela Gender Neutral 34486 7826 2222 - 10347
Female 38824 6151 - - -
National Institute of Technology, Warangal Gender Neutral 25792 5152 1443 - 4491
Female 24429 3680 1697 - 4991
National Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh Gender Neutral 37998 5666 2701 - -
Female 39447 - - - -

NIT Cut Off for BTech Biotechnology 2019

College Name Gender OPEN SC ST OBC-NCL EWS
Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar Gender Neutral 43576 11070 - 65507 10579
Female 53275 5499 - 43317 20096
National Institute of Technology Calicut Gender Neutral 31146 8824 11941 8482 4948
Female 30899 6812 - 9013 -
National Institute of Technology Durgapur Gender Neutral 28775 5309 1750 9590 3641
Female 33572 4666 - 12527 4902
National Institute of Technology Raipur Gender Neutral 77406 9950 3022 27159 10433
Female 78413 10615 - 32243 -
National Institute of Technology, Rourkela Gender Neutral 40217 6420 1926 16807 5458
Female 38824 7916 - 17978 -
National Institute of Technology, Warangal Gender Neutral 25745 5119 1041 8594 3365
Female 24191 4868 1014 10810 3469
National Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh Gender Neutral 31636 5682 2567 10891 -
Female 30563 - - 11147 -

NIT Cut Off for BTech Biotechnology: FAQs

Ques. Which nit is best for BTech Biotechnology?

Ans. The best NITs for BTech Biotechnology are listed below.

  • Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
  • Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad
  • National Institute of Technology Calicut
  • National Institute of Technology Durgapur
  • National Institute of Technology Raipur
  • National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
  • National Institute of Technology, Warangal
  • National Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh

Ques. How many marks required for BTech Biotechnology?

Ans. For BTech Biotechnology, one has to secure a minimum combined score of 50% (45% for SC/ST candidates) at Higher Secondary and Senior Secondary levels.

Ques. How can I get admission in NIT BTech Biotechnology?

Ans. Candidates can get admission into NIT BTech Biotechnology courses by securing 60% in class 12th and a getting a good rank in entrance exams like JEE Main.

Ques. What is the lowest rank cutoff for nit?

Ans. Any rank above 70,000 in JEE Main is considered among low ranks for NITs.

Ques. Can you get NIT with 2 lakh rank?

Ans. No, you cannot expect to get NIT with 2 lakh rank.

Ques. Which NIT can i get with 4 lakh rank?

Ans. There won’t be any NIT accepting a candidate with 4 lakh rank.

Ques. What is the minimum salary of NIT student?

Ans. NIT graduates can earn a minimum salary of 4 to 5 LPA.

Ques. Can I get NIT at 1.5 lakh rank?

Ans. There are no chance of getting an NIT with 1.5 lakh rank.

Ques. What is the last rank for NIT?

Ans. For NIT Bhopal the last rank was 27275.

Bachelor of Technology [B.Tech] (Biotechnology) : 42 answered questions


Ques. What is the placement scenario of biotechnology from NIT Calicut?

● Top Answer By Devesh Saraf on 16 Mar 23

Ans. NIT Calicut boasts of impressive placement records with high placement rates and attractive salary packages for its students. In the year 2021-2022, the Biotechnology department had a placement rate of 89% with an average salary of INR 7 LPA. On the other hand, the CSE department had a 100% placement rate with a maximum salary of INR 69 LPA, placing it at the top of the salary hierarchy among departments. Other departments such as ECE, EEE, and MECH offered around the same salary packages. During the NIT Calicut placements in 2022, a total of 193 companies visited the campus, resulting in a placement rate of 90.90%. The average package offered during the placements stood at INR 12.07 LPA, while the highest package offered was INR 67.62 LPA. According to media reports, the average package recorded during NIT Calicut placements in 2023 was INR 23 LPA, which is a testament to the institute's commitment to providing quality education and fostering the skills required to excel in the job market. Overall, NIT Calicut is an excellent choice for students who want to pursue higher education and secure promising placements.Read more
2 Answer

Ques. Should I take the biotechnology branch at NIT Raipur?

● Top Answer By Shreea Tiwari on 25 Mar 21

Ans. My brother completed his B. Tech in Biotechnology from NIT Raipur in May 2016. The reason for choosing it was because of the brand value. But after being in the college and started taking interest in the studies and various activities, it went on to be a great 4-year long journey. Biotechnology is an amazing subject with many interdisciplinary projects coming up your way. You can always combine your knowledge of biotechnology with other fields, like Electronics,  It is a trustworthy institute for CSE. You will have to work yourself to achieve something big.  Companies that visit NIT Raipur include some good names but not the high-end ones like Google, Facebook but the ones like Oracle, Samsung, Infosys, CTS, CIL, BPCL, Mu-Sigma, Polaris, Yodlee, Analytics Quotient, Tricon Infotech, Capgemini, Wipro, Barclays, Amazon, Pradan, Resonance, etc. Placement Percentage 90-100% Highest Package 17 Lakh Average Package 7-8 Lakh Lowest PAckage 3.5 Lakh The number and level of the companies which visit the campus is going to go up in the coming years. The institute is fast developing in every aspect, be it infrastructure or the quality of students taking admission each year. With a score of 170 in JEE Main, you have a pretty good chance of getting admission in CSE through the home state quota. You might even end up getting some other branches like EE, ECE, etc. One of my friends has passed the third year from CSE, NIT Raipur, and is interning with the UnitedHealth Group, the sixth on the Fortune 500 list of companies.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. How good is biotech at BIT, Mesra?

● Top Answer By Indrani Pahari on 19 Apr 21

Ans. I would like to share the experience of one of my cousins, who studied biotech at BIT Mesra. It all started after he secured a decent rank in his AIEEE exam and through the All-India quota got admission in BE- Biotechnology course, offered by BIT Mesra. In the first year of his engineering, students studied the same subjects irrespective of their branches. At the end of his first year, he was quite confident that he had studied hard and cleared all subjects without any problems. After getting into his second year on the first day in the department he got the reality check. From that day onwards, he doesn’t advise people to join Biotechnology, here at BIT Mesra. Some vital points about Biotechnology, BIT Mesra: The lab equipment is world-class but none of them truly work. If some of them do the students are not allowed to operate them. The class schedule is quite hectic, students will have classes throughout the day, 5 days a week. For the next 3 years, same things are taught to you under different subject titles. It's like every semester. So from the experience, I shared with you gives you in and out of the field. Now, it is your choice whether you want to get enrolled in the particular field or not.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. I am doing BTech biotech from IMS Engineering College Ghaziabad. What is the scope of my jobs in the future both on and off campus?

● Top Answer By Barkha Roy on 23 Jun 21

Ans. Since B.Tech Biotech is the newly evolving sector in India, you need to struggle a little to get placed in decent jobs. Most core companies do not hire B.Tech students as they get their work done by BSc. Graduates at a very low pay scale, public sectors are good to look for a job. If you want to go into the research and development field, then you need to go for JRF interviews, once you get selected you will do various projects under a well-qualified scientist. Also, 2 years of JRF and SRF can get you a Ph.D. degree. You can join various research centers like ICAR, CSIR, NIO, and many others. You can even give GATE, or GRE and do masters first, then apply for a job. This will make you more capable and many other options will be open for you after pursuing a master's degree. Thus concluding we can say that though there are options for you to enter the research and development field, joining research centers, applying for a job, or searching for a job. But pursuing a master's degree would be a much better option as it will provide you ample opportunities to opt for.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. How would you rate the B.Tech Biotechnology course in NIT Calicut?

● Top Answer By Rahul Mohan on 26 Aug 21

Ans. Biotechnology is a research-oriented course and getting a job is not easy. If you are looking for a core job after completing B.Tech in Biotechnology, then you may face a struggle. Though the NIT tag will help you a lot in looking for opportunities and it is not completely impossible. To open your options, you can go for higher studies after your graduation. Countries like the UK, Canada, and the US have considerably more scope than India in the domain of Biotechnology. You can pursue a Master’s in domains like Genetic Engineering, Food Technology, Soil Technology, Biomedical Engineering, etc. The biotechnology department in NIT Calicut requires reforms in terms of faculty, students, industrial and research exposure, and lab work. It can only help with the NIT tag if you are applying to foreign universities.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Is it worth doing a BTech in biotechnology from Thapar University, or should I prefer a government college like UIET Chandigarh? What are the placement records of biotechnology students at Thapar?

● Top Answer By Arnav Singh on 26 May 21

Ans. If you have a keen interest in biotechnology, then B.Tech in Biotechnology is an excellent field. But if you aren’t interested in the branch it will be better to go for other branches. I have friends from both institutes. Here are some of the facts about the Biotech course at both institutes based on the interactions I had with them.  Comparison: Biotech from UIET Chandigarh is decent, but the placement opportunities are limited. But if you have a good academic record then you can go for higher studies at Panjab University which has a good industry interface with Sun Pharma.  Panjab University holds a better international reputation than Thapar University. It will help you sail through the admission process in a leading foreign institute for further education in biotech. The crowd in UIET Chandigarh is better than Thapar University. The reason is, UIET requires to require a less JEE Mains cut-off rank as compared to Thapar. Thapar is a private university. So, it has the edge over the placements compared to UIET Chandigarh. Being a private institution it charges a massive fee as compared to UIET Chandigarh. Thapar has a tie-up Trinity College, Dublin, so you get an opportunity to do (2+2), i.e., two years at Thapar and two years at Trinity. This program can hike the fee up to INR 40-45 Lakhs. Before joining, it will be better to have a conversation with the students on campus to have a wholesome knowledge about the institutes.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Which are the colleges providing B.Sc./B.Tech. Biotechnology in India?

● Top Answer By Viswajeet Ghose on 21 Apr 21

Ans. As of now, there are many reputed colleges and institutes in India offering B.Sc./B.Tech Biotechnology.Here is a list of some of the most reputed colleges for Biotech in India.  Amity University - Amity Institute of Biotechnology VIT University SRM University Lovely Professional University Maharshi Dayanand University Thapar University Banasthali University Rajasthan Technical University Glocal School of Life and Allied Health Sciences Apart from these institutes, Chandigarh University is also a pretty good option. I heard good things about the course from some of my friends who are pursuing it currently.  Here are some of the reasons why Chandigarh university is a worthy choice for pursuing a degree in Biotechnology.  Specializations offered for the course meet the industry requirement, so you will have better employability.  You will have a vertical-based subject choice in three fields, i.e. Industrial Biotechnology, Medical and Clinical Microbiology, Biomedical Engineering.  There are regular industry sessions, workshops, visits, projects, monitoring, and career guidance sessions.  There are options of international semester exchange, semester abroad, and frequent interaction with international experts.  The institute also offers good placement opportunities to the students. Students of Biotechnology usually get a salary package of 6-24 LPA.  The institute also offers many scholarships too based on merit and different factors. Hope the above information helps you in choosing an institute. Read more
1 Answer

Ques. How is biochemical and biotechnology at IIT Delhi?

● Top Answer By Dipti Sinha on 03 Apr 23

Ans. Biotechnology and Biochemical are 2 of the major research fields at IIT Delhi. Unlike the general opinion, the course has a huge scope and career prospects. Coursework  The program offered at IIT Delhi is a blend of both Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology. The program has three aspects, Chemical, Biochemical, and Biotechnology. The topics covered under these aspects are Chemical  Biochemical  Biotechnology  Transport Phenomenon Bio-process Calculations Biochemistry Mass/Heat transfers Bioprocess Engineering Microbiology Fluid Mechanics Bio-process Technology, Molecular Biology Thermodynamics Bio-process plant design Genetics Lab The Biotechnology department has 2 labs; the wet lab, and the dry lab or the Computational Biology and Bioinformatics lab. Both are indispensable to each other. Yet, it’s common for students to prefer one over the other after a little time. Research: A plethora of research options are available in this diverse field. The courses offered to cover various topics like Bioprocess Plant Design, Downstream Processing, Bio-nanotechnology, Genomics & Proteomics, and Biological Waste treatment. These advanced courses make it possible to get into good universities. Non-core placements: This department has a lot of companies visiting for noncore jobs in various sectors such as  Analytics : Axtria, Barclays, Citicorp, Evalueserve, Fractal_Analytics, TransOrg, EXL, etc. Consulting : Acura, AT Kearney, Grail, PwC, BCG, KPMG, Opera, etc. Finance : CitiBank, American Express, CapitalOne, etc. IT : 3 Pillar Global, Capgemini, Ixigo, Jabong, Zapak, PayU, Sentieo, etc. IAS, CAT, and other competitive examinations: The not-so-rigorous coursework of this branch makes it possible to spare time for additional studies and exams like IAS, CAT, etc.  Analyzing the above points, Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering at IIT Delhi has excellent coursework, great research opportunities, and a high placement percentage making it one of the best branches at IIT Delhi.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Which one is a better option, biotechnology from UIET (Chandigarh) or food technology from UICET (Chandigarh)?

● Top Answer By Indranil Nair on 16 Jun 21

Ans. Food technology from UICET Chandigarh will be a better option for you. It has better scope in the future as compared to other streams. The reason for choosing UICET is as follows: Placements : Around 70% of students got placed in Food Technology. The highest CTC offered was INR 10 LPA, the average CTC was INR 5.5 LPA and the lowest CTC was INR 3.5 LPA. Top recruiting companies like HPCL, Reliance, and Pepsi came for the campus placements. More than 50 companies visited the campus. Brand name : This college has got a great brand name because UICET is a part of Punjab University and is the oldest department while the UIET is a newly founded department. You will find a lot of alumni in this college for better guidance who are from the food technology field. Research work : This college also provides research work to undergraduate students. You can take the research work from the assistant professors. Many students do their research from outside organizations as well. Fees : The annual fees at UICET are INR 18000 per annum as this is a government-funded course. If you study biotechnology from UIET then the fees would be INR 80,000 per annum. Food tech students are even getting preferences in IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Lucknow. Most of the students from this college are also going to Canada to pursue MS.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. How is biotechnology at Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata?

● Top Answer By Tridha Ghose on 22 Sept 21

Ans. Biotechnology is one of the oldest branches in Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata. The professors are really good and highly qualified and they will help you in conducting your research programs with great guidance from them. Many of the faculty at the department have good names in their area of specialization and if you can get guidance from them they will help you in getting good projects and recommendations from them. While doing PhDs or master’s from any university will help you a lot. In the recent placement drive, the average and highest CTC offered at Heritage was 4 LPA and 16 LPA. If you are self-motivated and want to study then this is a very good course. Life after this course will be really great if you are passionate about this degree.Read more
2 Answer


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Bachelor of Technology [B.Tech] (Biotechnology) Colleges IN INDIA

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NIT Warangal
Warangal, Telangana
2.07 L first year fees
2.4 L first year fees
3.19 L first year fees
2.48 L first year fees
1.74 L first year fees
1.98 L first year fees
4.13 L first year fees