BSc Computer Science 3rd Year Syllabus, Subjects, Practical, Projects, Electives, Colleges

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Sounak Banerjee

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BSc Computer Science 3rd year syllabus consists of some core subjects, most electives subjects and some practicals. The core subjects in BSc CS 3rd year syllabus are Internet Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Theory of Computation, Computer Graphics, Information Security, Data Analysis and Visualization etc. 

The elective subjects in BSc Computer Science are Digital Image Processing, Image Processing, Information Security, Data Mining, Advanced Algorithms etc. The lab subjects that students go through in BSc CS 3rd year syllabus are Internet Technologies Lab, Theory of Computation Lab, Data Analysis and Visualization Lab, System Programming Lab, Combinatorial Optimization Lab and Digital Image Processing Lab. 

See Also: BSc Syllabus

BSc CS 3rd year Syllabus

The third year of BSc Computer Science comprises the fifth and sixth semesters. The syllabus for the fifth and sixth semesters of BSc CS is listed below. 

BSc CS Subjects 3rd year Semester 5 BSc CS Subjects 3rd year Semester 6
Internet Technologies Artificial Intelligence
Theory of Computation Computer Graphics
Data Analysis and Visualization Information Security
System Programming Data Mining
Combinatorial Optimization Advanced Algorithms
Digital Image Processing Machine Learning
Microprocessors Deep Learning
- Unix Network Programming
- Project Work/ Dissertation

BSc CS 3rd year Subjects

In BSc Computer Science 3rd year there are 16 subjects (both core and electives). In BSc CS fifth semester the core subjects are Internet Technologies and the Theory of Computation. The discipline-specific electives of the fifth semester are Data Analysis and Visualization, System Programming, Combinatorial Optimization, Digital Image Processing, and Microprocessors. 

See Also:

In BSc CS sixth semester the core subjects are Artificial Intelligence and Computer Graphics. The discipline-specific electives of the sixth semester are Information Security, Data Mining, Advanced Algorithms, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Unix Network Programming, and Project Work/ Dissertation.

BSc CS 5th Semester Subjects

  • Internet Technologies: This subject focuses on the protocols used in the Internet, its architecture, and the security aspect of the Internet. The topics covered are Introduction to Internet Protocols, Web Servers, Javascript, jQuery, JSON, NODE.js, BOOTSTRAP, Search Engines, and Introduction to Cookies and Sessions.
  • Theory of Computation: The Theory of Computation focuses on formal models of computation, like, finite automaton, pushdown automaton, and Turing machine. The topics covered are Languages, Regular Expressions and Finite Automata, Regular Languages, Non-Regular Languages and Context Free Grammars, Context-Free Languages (CFL) and PDA, and Turing Machines and Models of Computations.
  • Data Analysis and Visualization: It focuses on data analysis and visualization in exploratory data science using Python. The topics covered are Introduction to Data Science, Essential Python Libraries, Getting Started with Pandas, Data Wrangling, Data Visualization Matplotlib, Data Aggregation and Group operations, and Advanced Pandas.
  • System Programming: System Programming focuses on the design of the assembler and basic compiler. The topics covered are Assemblers & Loaders, Linkers, Lexical Analysis, Parsing & Intermediate representations, and Storage organization & Code generation.
  • Combinatorial Optimization: Combinatorial Optimization focuses on the fundamentals of combinatorial optimization in terms of theory and application. The topics covered are Introduction to Combinatorial Optimization, Theory of Linear Programming and Algorithmic Perspective to Simplex Method, Primal-Dual Algorithms, and Network Flows.
  • Digital Image Processing: This subject focuses on the fundamentals of digital image processing, and various image transforms, image restoration techniques, image compression and segmentation used in digital image processing. The topics covered are Spatial Domain Filtering, Filtering in Frequency Domain, Image Restoration, Image Compression, and Morphological Image Processing.
  • Microprocessors: This subject focuses on internal architecture, the programming model of Intel Microprocessors and assembly language programming using an assembler. The topics covered are Microprocessor architecture, Microprocessor programming, Interfacing, Data transfer schemes, Microprocessor controllers, and Advance microprocessor architecture.

See Also:

BSc CS 6th Semester Subjects

  • Artificial Intelligence: This subject, as the name suggests, focuses on the basic concepts and techniques of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The topics covered are Introduction to AI, Knowledge Representation, Reasoning with Uncertain Knowledge, Problem Solving and Searching Techniques, Game Playing, and Understanding Natural Languages.
  • Computer Graphics: This subject focuses on fundamental concepts of Computer Graphics with a focus on modeling, rendering, and interaction aspects of computer graphics. The topics covered are Introduction to Graphics systems, Drawing and clipping primitives, Transformation and Viewing, Geometric Modeling, and Visible Surface Determination and Surface Rendering.
  • Information Security: This subject focuses on the fundamentals of information security covering error correction or detection, cryptography, steganography, and malware. The topics covered are Error detection or correction, Cryptography, Malicious software, and Security in Internet-of-Things.
  • Data Mining: This course focuses on data mining techniques. The topics covered are Introduction to Data Mining, Data Pre-processing, Classification, Model Evaluation, Association rule mining, and Cluster Analysis.
  • Advanced Algorithms: This subject focuses on advanced data structures and algorithms for solving problems efficiently and their theoretical behavior. The topics covered are Advanced Data Structures, Divide and Conquer, Greedy Algorithms, Dynamic Programming, Network Flows, NP-Completeness, and Backtracking.
  • Machine Learning: This subject focuses on the basic concepts and techniques of machine learning. The topics covered are Regression, Classification, and Clustering.
  • Deep Learning: This subject focuses on deep learning algorithms and their applications in order to solve real problems. The topics covered are Introduction, Neural Networks, Convolution Neural Networks, Sequence Modeling, Autoencoders, and Structuring Machine Learning Projects.
  • Unix Network Programming: This subject focuses on the concepts of Internet protocols, ports used during communication, Client/Server concepts and various transport protocols used in computer network applications and services. The topics covered are Connection-oriented and Connectionless client server Applications, Socket Options, Connection-oriented and connectionless Sockets, Elementary name and Address conversions, and Advanced Sockets. 
  • Project Work: It will cover prototype development of real-life software.

See Also:

Top BSc CS Colleges in India

Some of the top colleges in India offering BSc Computer Science courses are listed below.

BSc CS Books in Second Year

Subjects Books Authors
Internet Technologies Web enabled commercial application development using HTML, JavaScript, DHTML and PHP I. Bayross
The Internet Book: Everything You need to know about Computer networking and how the internet works D Comer
JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development J. Duckett
Web Technologies A.S. Godbole and A. Kahate
Fundamentals of Internet and WWW R. Greenlaw and E. Hepp
Theory of Computation Introduction to Computer Theory D.I.A. Cohen
Elements of the Theory of Computation H.R. Lewis and H.R. Papadimitriou
Automata and Computability: A programmer's perspective G.L. Gopalkrishnan
An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata P. Linz
Data Analysis and Visualization Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy and IPython W. McKinney
Doing Data Science: Straight Talk from the Frontline C. O’Neil and R. Schutt
System Programming System Software S. Chattopadhyaya
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools A. Aho, M. Lam, R. Sethi, and J.D. Ullman
System Software: An Introduction to System Programming L. Beck and D. Manjula
Systems Programming D.M. Dhamdhere
Combinatorial Optimization Understanding and Using Linear Programming Matousek & Gartner
Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and complexity C.H. Papadimitriou and K. Steiglitz
Combinatorial Optimization B. Korte and J. Vygen
Digital Image Processing Digital Image Processing R.C. Gonzalez and R.E. Woods
Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing A.K. Jain
Microprocessors The Intel Microprocessors: Architecture, Programming and Interfacing B.B. Brey
The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors Programming, Interfacing, Software, Hardware and Applications W.A. Triebel and A. Singh
Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence E. Rich and K. Knight
Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach S.J. Russell and P. Norvig
Computer Graphics Computer Graphics D.H. Baker
Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice in C J.D. Foley, A.V. Dam, S.k. Feiner, and J.F. Hughes
Information Security Security in Computing C.P. Pfleeger, S.L. Pfleeger, and J. Margulies
Error Control Coding: Fundamentals and applications S. Lin and D.J. Costello
Cryptography and network security W. Stallings
Data Mining Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques J. Han, M. Kamber, and P. Jian
Principles of Data Mining D. Hand, H. Mannila, and P. Smyth
Advanced Algorithms Introduction to Algorithms T.H. Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest, and C. Stein
Algorithm Design J. Kleinberg and E. Tardos
Machine Learning Machine Learning T.M. Mitchell
Machine Learning: The Art and Science of Algorithms that Make Sense of Data P. Flach
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Christopher & Bishop
Deep Learning Fundamentals of Deep Learning N. Bunduma
Deep Learning and Neural Networks J. Heaton
Unix Network Programming Unix Network Programming: The Sockets Networking API R.W. Stevens, B. Fenner, and A.M. Rudoff
Data Communication and Networking B.A. Forouzan

BSc CS 3rd Year Practical Subjects

All subjects of BSc 3rd year have practicals and they are listed below.

  • Internet Technologies Lab
  • Theory of Computation Lab
  • Data Analysis and Visualization Lab
  • System Programming Lab
  • Combinatorial Optimization Lab
  • Digital Image Processing Lab
  • Microprocessors Lab
  • Artificial Intelligence Lab
  • Computer Graphics Lab
  • Information Security Lab
  • Data Mining Lab
  • Advanced Algorithms Lab
  • Machine Learning Lab
  • Deep Learning Lab
  • Unix Network Programming Lab

BSc CS 3rd Year Projects

The projects allotted during the BSc CS 3rd year are listed below.

  • Face detection
  • Online auction system
  • e-Authentication system 
  • Android battery saver system
  • Symbol recognition 
  • Search engine 

BSc CS 3rd Year Electives

In the fifth semester of BSc Computer Science there are two sets of discipline-specific electives known as DSE-1 and DSE-2. Each set has some subjects and students have to choose any one.

There are three subjects in DSE-1 and they are listed below.

  • Data Analysis and Visualization
  • System Programming
  • Combinatorial Optimization

There are two subjects in DSE-2 and they are listed below.

  • Digital Image Processing
  • Image Processing

In the sixth semester of BSc Computer Science there are two sets of discipline-specific electives known as DSE-3 and DSE-4. Each set has some subjects and students have to choose any one.

There are three subjects in DSE-3 and they are listed below.

  • Information Security
  • Data Mining
  • Advanced Algorithms

The subjects under DSE-4 category are listed below.

  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Unix Network Programming
  • Project Work/ Dissertation

BSc CS Subjects 3rd Year: FAQs

Ques. What are the subjects in BSc Computer Science final year?

Ans. The subjects covered in BSc Computer Science final year are listed below.

  • Internet Technologies 
  • Theory of Computation 
  • Data Analysis and Visualization 
  • System Programming 
  • Combinatorial Optimization
  • Digital Image Processing 
  • Microprocessors 
  • Artificial Intelligence 
  • Computer Graphics 
  • Information Security 
  • Data Mining 
  • Advanced Algorithms 
  • Machine Learning 
  • Deep Learning 
  • Unix Network Programming 
  • Project Work

Ques. Can I do BSc CS without Maths?

Ans. There are some Mathematics topics in BSc CS such as algorithms, hence, you cannot have BSc CS without Maths.

Ques. Is BSc Computer Science hard?

Ans. BSc Computer Science is a very challenging subject that requires complete dedication.

Ques. Is computer science a 3 year course?

Ans. Yes, BSc Computer Science is a 3 year course.

Ques. Is BSc Computer Science a good career?

Ans. Yes it is. After completing BSc CS, one can work as a computer scientist, software developer, web developer, programmer, data scientist, and many more high-paying jobs.

Ques. Which is better B.Tech or BSc in CS?

Ans. B.Tech is a 4-year engineering and BSc CS is a 3-year degree. BSc CS is more theory-oriented. 

Ques. Is BSc computer science and BCA same?

Ans. No, BSc computer science and BCA are different courses.

Ques. What is after BSc computer science?

Ans. After BSc computer science, one can either pursue further studies in courses like MSc CS, MSc Data Science, or MSc IT or can work in the IT field.

Ques. What are the 5 subjects in BSc Computer Science?

Ans. The 5 subjects in BSc CS are Internet Technologies, Theory of Computation, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics, and Machine Learning.

Ques. Is BSc tough than BCA?

Ans. Both subjects require hardwork and dedication, so they can’t be compared on the toughness parameter.

Bachelor of Science [B.Sc] (Computer Science) : 14 answered questions


Ques. What is the cutoff percentage of 12th class to get admission in BSc. CS, in Holkar Science College, Indore?

● Top Answer By Aniket Mitra on 20 Nov 21

Ans. The required cutoff varies depending on various factors. Generally, you should have a percentage above 90%, if you want to take admission in B.Sc CS at Holkar Science College. If you have above 90%, you can choose your preferred combination of subjects. There are many subject choices.  Holkar Science College is a decent institute. But it may not offer you job opportunities, after the completion of your degree. You will have to seek opportunities on your own. If you have other options, it’s better to consider them. Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Why is the cutoff for computer science in Thapar lower than that of NIT Jalandhar?

● Top Answer By Ayush Agarwal on 03 Dec 22

Ans. The cutoff for computer science in Thapar has seen a fall in figures. This is because of the decrease in the fame of this college. There are so many better and popular institutes that people usually don’t consider Thapar as their first choice. Even big companies prefer students from IITs, BITS or DTU. Students themselves opt for IIT because of its tag. They know the IIT tag will always be a boon for them. The general decrease in its popularity has resulted in lower cutoffs and the situation seems to be worsening over the years to come.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Which is the better college between Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College and ARSD College for a B.Sc. in Computer Science (Hons), mainly in terms of faculty and course-related infrastructure such as computer

● Top Answer By Praniti Arora on 26 Nov 21

Ans. It may not be right to compare the colleges under DU among each other. As most of them have similar curriculum and teaching techniques. But if infrastructure is considered Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College (DDUC) is far better than other colleges under DU. As it is a newly established institution, the facilities provided are upgraded with the latest technology.  They also are known to have a very highly experienced faculty, some of them even having 20-30 years of teaching experience. DDUC is popular for its Science and Commerce streams. Therefore if you wish to choose among DDUC and ARSD College for an Honours degree in Computer Science, it is suggested that you go for the former rather than the latter.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Which course is better, an MSc. in finance from Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management, Mumbai, or NMIMS, Mumbai or MSc. in financial engineering from IFMR, Chennai?

● Top Answer By Apoorva Katnik on 14 Mar 23

Ans.  If you are considering pursuing a Master of Science (M Sc) degree from NMIMS, it is important to do some further research on the recognition of the degree. However, an MBA from their Mumbai campus can be a good option to consider. On the other hand, IFMR offers only MBA and Ph.D. programs, so it is not possible to pursue an M.Sc from there. As for JBIMS, it is the most prestigious institution in Mumbai, but there have been some concerns raised about the accuracy of their placement salary data. Additionally, the selection process for their M Sc course is quite competitive, with only 30 seats available for the program and a large number of candidates competing for those spots. Considering your interest in finance, it would be beneficial to aim for admission to a top-notch business school like XLRI, which is renowned for its finance program. Another option would be to gain experience in the industry and pursue a finance course such as CFA or FRM, which would make you eligible for admission to world-renowned business schools such as the Indian School of Business.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Which college is better for a B.Sc in Computer Science the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College or Keshav Mahavidyalaya?

● Top Answer By Saikat Taneja on 26 Nov 21

Ans. Both these colleges are off campus. They have been upgraded with all the modern facilities. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College (DDCU) is a bit better overall than Keshav Mahavidyalaya (KMV) DDUC is comparatively older which gives it an edge over KMV when overall educational experience is considered. They have a much more experienced faculty. They offer sufficient classrooms and labs equipped with the latest technology for educational purposes. If you prefer studying Computer Science, KMV will be the better option. They have an excellent faculty in this department. For other subjects it is better to rely on DDUC.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Which is better: ECE at IIT Bhubaneswar or CSE at the BITS Pilani Hyderabad campus?

● Top Answer By Admin on 25 Jun 24

Ans. ECE at IIT Bhubaneswar and CSE at the BITS Pilani Hyderabad campus both are good options for you to choose from. However, your choice majorly depends on factors like career goals and personal preference. If you ask me I can say choosing ECE at IIT Bhubaneswar is a better choice as IIT Bhubaneswar has high standards for academic curriculums. IIT Bhubaneswar is recognized for its excellent academic structure, highly qualified faculty members, and excellent facilities for research work. IIT Bhubaneswar offers undergraduate and Postgraduate programs for ECE. The average course fee for the four years of BTech in ECE from IIT Bhubaneswar is around INR 17.6 Lakhs . The placement scenario for the ECE branch at IIT Bhubaneswar is good with 90.91% of students placed in the placement drive with top recruiters like Microsoft, Amazon, and more. The highest package is INR 44.62 LPA and the average is INR 22.85 LPA for the year 2023.Read more
2 Answer

Ques. Is there computer science group in Dr. B. R. Ambedkar open university in Hyderabad

● Top Answer By Sapna Malik updated on 13 Jul 23

Ans. Yes, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University in Hyderabad offers a BSc program in Computer Science. Here are a few highlights pertaining to the course Duration 3 years Mode Distance/Correspondence Total Tuition Fees INR 7,700 Type of University State Year of establishment 1982 Qualification 12th/CBSE 12th/ TSBIE Hope this helped you!Read more
1 Answer

Ques. What should I choose for a BSc in CS, Holkar Science College or Medicaps University?

● Top Answer By Khushi Khandelwal on 19 Jul 21

Ans. The choice between Holkar Science and Medicaps University for a B.Sc. in Computer Science is difficult, but it can be made efficiently if your motivation and future plans are clear. To put it simply, if you want to work in the government sector and B.Sc. is just a requirement for graduation, Holkar is the place for you. I'm not blaming its quality, but you'll undoubtedly get a better atmosphere for government sector job preparation. On the other hand, if you want your B.Sc. CS to be more practical and fruitful, consider doing it at Medi-Caps because, as a technical institute, it will certainly deal with more practical aspects. Categories Holkar Science College Medi-Caps University Course Fee 11,200 (1st year) 50,000 (1st year) Highest CTC 6 LPA 8 LPA Average CTC 2 LPA 3.5 LPA Recruiting Companies TCS, Tech Mahindra, ITC, HCL, etc. TCS, Cognizant, IBM, Dell, etc. Holkar science college is a government college, whereas Medi-Caps is a private college, but both are good universities. In the end, it all depends upon your career choice. So think precisely and then make the decision.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Which is better, a BSc CS from Holkar Science College or a BTech CS from Medicaps University?

● Top Answer By Bhomit Ujjwal on 22 Oct 20

Ans. Holkar Science College is recognized by the Madhya Pradesh Government for providing undergraduate as well as postgraduate degree programs. Ranked at no.1 in Madhya Pradesh, Medicaps University is a private university offering various degree and research programs. Admission: B.Sc CS from Holkar Science College: The Bachelor of Science Program from Holkar Science College is a 3 years integrated program with the eligibility criteria of having passed 10+2 examination in a science stream while the selection being on the basis of merit. The grand total of the fees for the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science is Rs. 32,600. B.Tech CS from Medicaps University: The Bachelor of Technology program from Medicaps University is an integrated program offering specialization in Computer Science with the eligibility criteria of having passed 10+2 examination with an aggregate score of 75% while the selection being on the basis of JEE Main Entrance Exam. The fees for the Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science for the first year are Rs. 1 Lac. Placement: Holkar Science College: Being graduated from Holkar Science College with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, the students have chances of getting into various IT-related companies. Medicaps University: It holds a record of providing 94% placements every year with more than 200 companies visiting the campus such as Tata, Axis, Hike, ICICI, Amazon, Apollo. Bachelors of Science Program from Holkar Science College and Bachelors of Technology program from Medicaps University differ on the basis of eligibility criteria and selection along with the fee structure and the placements offered. Both the institutes have their advantages and disadvantages, so choose according to your convenience.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. What are my options for Higher studies after a B.Sc. (H) in CS from Ashoka University?

● Top Answer By Narayan Chakaborty on 14 Aug 20

Ans. Ashoka university offers an optional 4th-year undergrad which is accepted by most reputed universities abroad. Students of B.Sc(H) in CS can pursue Post Graduate Diplomas, Masters, Doctor of Philosophy, and Certificate courses in subjects related to CS. The job opportunities for a student of a B. Sc (H) in CS will be equivalent to one in the B.E., B. Tech., B.S graduate in computer sciences. There is a wide range of career opportunities available in the IT sector for B.Sc(H) in CS. The job profiles available include System Analyst, Computer Programmer, Hardware Designer, Computer Scientist, etc. Graduates with B.Sc(H) in CS can also find jobs in the public sector as Scientific Officer, Technical Officer, Network Operators, etc. They can also apply for teaching posts in colleges and schools. For teaching in Govt. colleges, one needs to qualify the NET or SET exam and for teaching in schools, they will need a B.Ed degree.Read more
1 Answer


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