Jharkhand BSc Agriculture Admission 2023: Application Form, Registration Dates, Counseling, Top Colleges

Jharkhand BSc Agriculture Admission 2023 will commence in October 2023. Admission to the BSc Agriculture course is done on the basis of an entrance exam JCECE. The counseling session to offer Jharkhand BSc Agriculture Admission will begin in December 2023.  

BSc Agriculture  Admission 2023 is a four-year-long course. A candidate should have passed 10+2 from any recognized board in order to be eligible for admission to the course. In addition, the candidate may have to appear for the J.C.E.C.E exam conducted by the Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Exam Board.

Jharkhand BSc Agriculture Admission 2023: Highlights

BSc Agriculture Full-Form Bachelor of Science (Agriculture)
Course Duration 4 Years
Admission Process Entrance-based or merit-based
Eligibility Class 12 in Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Mathematics) stream from a recognized educational board
Average Course Fee INR 13,500 - 115,000

Jharkhand BSc Agriculture Admission 2023: Important Dates

Event Date
Registration Begins October 2023
Last date of form filling October 2023
Entrance exam date November 2023

Jharkhand BSc Agriculture Admission 2023: Eligibility

To be eligible for the BSc Agriculture course in Jharkhand, the candidate must satisfy the following criteria:

  • should have passed 10+2 from a recognized board with physics, chemistry, and biology or mathematics as the main subjects.
  • Should have passed the Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Exam.

Jharkhand BSc Agriculture Admission Guidelines 2023

Follow the given steps in order to apply for the JCECE examination:

  • Visit the official site of the Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board.
  •  Click on New Registration
  • Fill in the form and select your subject group.
  • Pay the necessary registration fee.
  • Download and print the online admit card
  • The registration fee is INR 1000 for general candidates and can be paid through debit/credit card or net-baking

Jharkhand BSc Agriculture Admission 2023: Exam Pattern

There are three subject groups depending on the subjects taken up by candidates in their 10+2. These groups are given below:

Subject Group
PCB Students who have taken physics, chemistry, and biology as their main subjects in 10+2.
PCM Students who have taken physics, chemistry, and mathematics as their main subjects in 10+2.
PCMB Students who have taken physics, chemistry, mathematics, and biology as their main subjects in 10+2.

Jharkhand BSc Agriculture Admission 2023: Syllabus

J.C.E.C.E follows the syllabus of class 11th and class 12th given by the CBSE. The syllabus of each subject is given below:

Physics Syllabus

Class 11th Topics Class 12th Topics
Physical world and measurement Electrostatics
Kinematics Current Electricity
Laws of Motion Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
Work, Energy, and Power Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
The motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body Electromagnetic Waves
Gravitation Optics
Properties of Bulk Matter Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
Thermodynamics Atoms and Nuclei
Behavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory Electronic Devices
Oscillations and Waves -

Chemistry Syllabus

Class 11th Topics Class 12th Topics
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Solid State
Structure of Atom Solutions
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Electrochemistry
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Chemical Kinetics
States of Matter: Gases and Liquids Surface Chemistry
Thermodynamics General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
Equilibrium p- Block Elements
Redox Reactions d and f Block Elements
Hydrogen Coordination Compounds
s-Block Element (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals) Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Some p-Block Elements Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and Techniques Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
Hydrocarbons Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
Environmental Chemistry Biomolecules
- Polymers
- Chemistry in Everyday Life

Biology Syllabus

Class 11th Topics Class 12th Topics
Diversity in Living World Reproduction
Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants Genetics and Evolution
Cell Structure and Function Biology and Human Welfare
Plant Physiology Biotechnology and Its Applications
Human physiology Ecology and environment

Mathematics Syllabus

Class 11th Topics Class 12th Topics
Sets Relations and Functions
Relations & Functions Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Trigonometric Functions Matrices
Principle of Mathematical Induction Determinants
Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations Continuity and Differentiability
Linear Inequalities Applications of Derivatives
Permutations and Combinations Integrals
Binomial Theorem Applications of the Integrals
Sequence and Series Differential Equations
Straight Lines Vectors
Conic Sections Three - dimensional Geometry
Introduction to Three-dimensional Geometry Linear Programming
Limits and Derivatives Probability
Mathematical Reasoning -
Statistics -
Probability -

Jharkhand BSc Agriculture Admission 2023: Results

After the exam is conducted, the result will be available on the board website. The student can then proceed to download the result.

Jharkhand BSc Agriculture Admission 2023: Counselling

The counseling process is conducted in 2 rounds. In round one, successful candidates are called based on the merit list. The date, time, and venue are advertised in leading newspapers as well as on the board website. The candidate will be allowed to choose their course or stream after all original documents and their identity is scrutinized. If there is any vacancy left after the first round, round 2 is conducted. 

In this round, students selected in round one can also appear to change their course or stream. A candidate has to pay the necessary counseling fee of INR 400 via RTGS or debit/credit card. The counseling fee for SC/ST/Female categories is INR 250. The candidate also has to produce their online admit card during the counseling process.

Jharkhand BSc Agriculture Admission 2023: Reservation

  • Reservation is given on a caste/income basis and also to candidates with benchmark disabilities.
  • Candidates seeking reservation on the basis of caste/income basis need to produce a caste certificate or income & asset certificate from a competent authority such as Circle Officer or Sub Divisional Officer – (Civil) or Dy. Commissioner of Jharkhand State. Certificates from any other authorities may not be considered valid.
  • Candidates seeking admission under the disabled category need to submit a full sized photograph as well as a certificate of disability issued by the members of the medical board and countersigned by Medical Superintendent/CMO/Head of Hospital of the Jharkhand State

Jharkhand BSc Agriculture Participating Colleges

The following institutes offer BSc Agriculture degree in Jharkhand:

  • Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi

Jharkhand BSc Agriculture Admission 2023: FAQs

Ques. What is the language in which the J.C.E.C.E exam is conducted?

Ans. J.C.E.C.E is conducted in 2 languages, Hindi and English.

Ques. What is the total duration of the J.C.E.C.E exam?

Ans. The duration of the exam is 3 hours for PCM and PCB group. The duration for PCMB group is four hours.

Ques. Can a calculator be used in the J.C.E.C.E examination?

Ans. No, the candidate is not allowed to use a calculator or any other electronic device in the examination.

Bachelor of Science [B.Sc] (Agriculture) : 31 answered questions


Ques. What is the syllabus of the BHU B.Sc. agriculture?

● Top Answer By Shruti Das, on 12 Nov 21

Ans. The syllabus of B.Sc. Agriculture at Banaras Hindu University (BHU) comprises of the following: 25 Ques from Mental Ability + 25 Ques from Chemistry (compulsory for all the streams). 50 Ques including Zoology and Botany (for biology students). 25 Ques from Physics and  25 Ques from Maths (for Mathematics students). 50 Ques from Agriculture (for agriculture students). Preparation Tips: Mental Ability section is mainly based on previous years papers. Most of the questions are repeated. For Chemistry, it includes areas of Organic, Inorganic and Physical. For Organic, you must have knowledge of the mechanism of basic reactions of addition, substitution, elimination with popular named reactions like Cannizaro, Williamson, Wurtz, OMDM, HBO etc. Inorganic has basic trends of periodic table, Solubility, thermal decomposition. Chemical bonding and coordination. For Physical, revise all the basic questions of equilibrium, electrochemistry, Solubility, Surface Chemistry, Chemical kinetics, Thermodynamics and Mole Concept. For Biology, read class 11th and 12th NCERT Books. Study plant diversity, animal Diversity, Human and Plant Physiology. The exam is around 2 hours so the paper is not difficult or lengthy. Negative marking is there so make sure the answers are accurate. Your basic knowledge acquired by revising and practicing mental ability questions will be determined.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. What is the future scope of doing a B.Sc. in agriculture from Banaras Hindu University (BHU)?

● Top Answer By Vedika Pandey on 15 Nov 22

Ans. Banaras Hindu University is a prestigious agricultural sciences institution. The institute has made numerous contributions to Indian agriculture and has numerous scientific accomplishments. Agriculture is a vast area in India, and there is a need for major breakthroughs to increase crop production, not just rice and wheat production, and food security. After graduating from this institution, you will have many opportunities to pursue your interests. ICAR-JRF - If you want to pursue further education, you can take the JRF exam in the subject of your choice. IARI is a dream institution, and only the best students are admitted. Every year, many BHU students attend IARI for M.Sc Ag in various fields and other agricultural universities. BHU Postgraduate BHU students are given reserved seating. Admission to BHU M.Sc Ag is no longer easy. Internal quota seats are available to BHU students. MBA Master's in Business is another route that students can take. There is a good environment for MBA preparation here, and many students get into prestigious institutes like IIM-Ahmadabad, IRMA, TISS, NIBM NAARM, and many more. BANKING Every year, IBPS invites applications for Agriculture officers. In recent years, there has been a trend in BHU to prepare for IBPS exams, with approximately half of a batch going into the banking sector. Many students also study for the FCI, NABARD, and State PCS (for District Agriculture Officer) exams.  PLACEMENT Many private firms, dairy companies, private banks, non-governmental organizations, and seed and fertilizer industries offer graduates lucrative packages. Students who are looking for jobs right after graduation usually apply for them. MS, approximately 3-4 students apply for MS each year. The institute has a large alumni network of students who are studying at universities in the United States and Australia, and they are used to motivate and guide students interested in pursuing postgraduate studies at any foreign institution. As a result, not only does the Institute of Agricultural Sciences BHU provide a better scope, but it also provides a better alumni network and environment for overall development. The institute is the most sought-after institute at BHU. Studying agriculture here is a life-changing experience.Read more
2 Answer

Ques. How many marks are required in the BHU BSc. (AG) entrance exam?

● Top Answer By Anika Sinha on 20 May 22

Ans. BHU BSc Agriculture cutoff stays around 205-210. However, this is an approximate value, the required cutoff changes each year. Every year BHU receives around 73000 forms for UET. On average almost 300 students fight for a single seat. Even if you had Agriculture at the intermediate level, you will face strong competition. Read more
2 Answer

Ques. How can I crack the BHU entrance exam for BSC AG?

● Top Answer By Bhavna Gupta on 18 Nov 22

Ans. Cracking any entrance exam is not a cakewalk. It required hard work and determination. Similarly, for BSc AG at BHU, you will have to start preparing quite early. Visit Lanka, a place in Varanasi where BHU entrance gate is situated. You will find some bookstores. Get the following -  BSc AG previous year papers Arihant Publication Practice questions that are intended for entrance exams from both as much as possible.  While attempting the exam, maintain a good speed and write accurate answers. Don’t lower your guard as many talented students from Bihar, UP or Bengal might grab your chances.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. How tough is BHU UET for a B.Sc in agriculture? I'm an average student. Can I crack it? What is the cut off for the general category for BHU UET agriculture?

● Top Answer By Ramesh Pandey on 18 Nov 22

Ans. Yes , the BHU UET for BSc in agriculture is tough because the seats are limited. Being a popular course, the cutoff is also high. A few tips that will take you a long way are: Download BSc AG Syllabus to make a strategy to cover the topics systematically. Solve previous year exams Focus on NCERT Subject wise, Chemistry and Biology was mainly from NCERT. Also, focus more on the botany section in biology.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. How many marks do I need at the minimum in the entrance exam of OUAT to get into BSc in agriculture science at OUAT?

● Top Answer By Sudesna Guha on 22 Dec 21

Ans. According to the recent trends, the required cutoff for BSc in Agricultural Science at OUAT is around 68 (Gen category). So, you will need to score around 115 out of 200, to get shortlisted for BSc Agricultural Science. You should also keep in mind that an above-average score in the entrance is not enough for admission at OUAT. They also consider your 10th and 12th scores. Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Is Doon Business School a good option for a BSc in agriculture?

● Top Answer By Yajnaseni Mukherjee on 10 Mar 23

Ans. If you are interested in pursuing a BSc in Agriculture, then Doon Business School is a great option for you. The school has been ranked among the top management colleges in India, but in recent years, it has also emerged as an institute that focuses on agricultural and allied sciences. One of the key advantages of studying at Doon Business School is that it has its own fields and research areas, which gives an edge to every student pursuing a degree in agriculture and allied sciences. The faculty members are experienced professors and professionals from the industry who are committed to providing quality education to their students. The courses are designed to give students the skills and knowledge required to be successful in their chosen field, covering subjects such as Plant Science, Animal Science, Soil Science, Environmental Science, and Farm Management. The infrastructure at Doon Business School is top-notch, with a well-maintained campus that has modern facilities such as a library, computer lab, and auditorium. The school also offers a host of other services and amenities, including hostel facilities, sports facilities, and a cafeteria. In conclusion, if you are looking to pursue a BSc in Agriculture, Doon Business School is a great option. The faculty is highly experienced and the infrastructure is up-to-date, ensuring that you receive a quality education. Furthermore, the tuition fees are reasonable and the school offers several scholarships and awards to help students with their tuition fees.Read more
2 Answer

Ques. What is the total fee structure in Khalsa College Amritsar in a B.Sc. Agriculture course?

● Top Answer By Vishal Singh on 28 Dec 21

Ans. This is the fee structure for B.Sc. Agriculture course in Khalsa College Amritsar for academic year 2021–2022 is: Academic Year Fee Year 1 INR 72,740 Year 2 INR 66,450 Year 3 INR 56,460 Year 4 INR 56,140 For more details you can visit the official college website.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Is Sanskriti University, Mathura good for a B.Sc. Ag?

● Top Answer By Ranjini Mishra on 28 Dec 21

Ans. Yes, Sanskriti University, Mathura is the best for a B.Sc. in Agriculture. They have their own agricultural land for student’s practice and training. There is a separate department for B.Sc. Agriculture students. This university provides a clean and green atmosphere. The greenery and infrastructure of the university stands out the most, along with the auditoriums that are very attractive and equipped with modern technologies.  The college is the best in infrastructure, so it has set a bar for other universities of its level.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Which is better for a B.Sc. in agriculture BHU or GBPUAT Pantnagar?

● Top Answer By Arpita Mukharjee on 19 Jul 22

Ans. BHU Agriculture will be a better option. The university offers a great bachelor's program in Agriculture. It offers good career opportunities and a competitive environment. BHU placements are pretty good for Agriculture. Fertilizer companies, dairy companies, and NGOs visit the campus drive for placements. Geolife, Patanjali, Advanta, etc. are among the major recruiters. Students receive salary packages of around INR 7 LPA. Read more
2 Answer


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Bachelor of Science [B.Sc] (Agriculture) Colleges IN INDIA

View All
4.2 L first year fees
1.41 L first year fees
48 K first year fees
Shri Ram Group of Colleges - [SRGC]
Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh
63.4 K first year fees
30 K first year fees
Annamalai University - [AU]
Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu
56.03 K first year fees