MBBS Syllabus, Subjects, 1st Year, 2nd Year, 3rd Year, Subject List, 4th Year, 19 subjects of MBBS

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Sounak Banerjee

Associate Content Manager

MBBS Syllabus imparts theoretical and practical knowledge on various medical branches such as Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, Pharmacology to subjects like Community Medicine, Dermatology and Venereology, Surgery, Orthopaedics etc. MBBS Syllabus is divided into 3 chapters like Pre-Clinical, Para-Clinical, and Clinical. MBBS Course duration is 5 years and 6 months. MBBS 1st year syllabus contains 3 subjects, 2nd year MBBS subjects contains 7 subjects, followed by 3 subjects in 3rd year mbbs subjects and 6 subjects in the final year mbbs subjects. Students will have to do an internship for 6 months in MBBS Syllabus.

The National Medical Commission (NMC), formerly known as the Medical Council of India (MCI), is the body in charge of developing the curriculum of the MBBS Course. The MBBS course consists of 19 subjects in total.

See Also: How to Become a Doctor? 

Students who want to study MBBS courses must clear NEET. NEET Syllabus is based on the subjects studied in class 11 and class 12. The most important subjects are Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

MBBS First Year Syllabus
Anatomy Check Detailed First Year MBBS Subjects

MBBS Subjects Year Wise

MBBS Subjects include gross anatomy, Osteology, Muscular system, Arthrology, Cardiovascular System, Respiratory System, Digestive System, Genito-Urinary System, Endocrine System and Individual Endocrine Glands, Nervous System and its components etc. The year wise MBBS Subjects are mentioned below

MBBS 1st year subjects

MBBS subjects in the first year consist of Anatomy, Biochemistry, and Physiology.

MBBS Subjects Description
Anatomy Microanatomy, Embryology and Genetics, Gross anatomy, and Neuroanatomy.
Biochemistry Molecular Biology, Biological cell, Hormones, Metabolic pathways, Enzymes, Cancer and cancer makers, Biomolecules, Food assimilation and nutrition.
Physiology Respiratory System, Gastrointestinal System, Nutrition, General Physiology, Kidney, Nerve–Muscle, Neurophysiology, Blood, Environmental Physiology, Cardiovascular System, Nutrition, Yoga.

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2nd year MBBS subjects

MBBS subjects in the second year consist of community medicine, pharmacology, pathology, microbiology, forensic medicine and toxicology, clinical postings and OPD.

MBBS Subjects Description
Community Medicine Infestations, Infective dermatoses, Ineffective dermatoses, Allergic disorders, Allergic disorders, Melanin synthesis, urticaria, Epidermopoiesis, Pathogenesis, Psoriasis, Gonococcal and Nongonococcal infections, HIV infection, Drug eruptions, Dermatological Emergencies, Vesiculo-bullous diseases, erythema multiforme,
Pharmacology General Pharmacology, Autacoids, Gastrointestinal and respiratory system, Cardiovascular system, Hormones, Miscellaneous, Central nervous system, Autonomic nervous system & The peripheral nervous system, Chemotherapy,
Pathology Systemic Pathology, General Pathology, Practical.
Microbiology Bacteriology, Microbiology, Virology, Laboratory Diagnosis of Viral Infection, Common Tests for Bacterial identification, Common Laboratory Methods for Diagnosis of Fungal Infections, Bacterial and Viral Genetics, Collection of Transport of Samples, Microorganisms associated with gastrointestinal infections, Sterilisation and disinfection, Gastrointestinal infections caused by parasites, Mycology, parasitology, Vaccines, Host-Parasite relationship, Immunodiagnosis, Bacterial Staining and Cultivation,
Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Toxicology, Forensic Medicine.
Clinical postings in wards Clinical postings in wards is what every MBBS student has to go through. Here students will get exposed to 12 week of clinical posting in the field of community medicine.
OPD OPD or Outpatient Department is defined as a particular place in the hospital which consists of medical and physical facilities, along with other staff. Everything takes place here on regularly scheduled hours care to the patients who are not primarily registered as the inpatients.

Learn More: Types of Doctors in India

3rd year MBBS subjects

MBBS Subjects in 3rd year consist of Community Medicine, ENT, Ophthalmology .

MBBS Subjects Description
Community Medicine Community Medicine deals with the health system of the overall population of a community. The service provided at Primary Healthcare centres are taught in this subject.
ENT The full form of ENT is Ear, Nose and Throat. This field of medicine is also known as otolaryngology. The treatment of the ear, nose, throat, head and neck area of the human body is dealt with in ENT subjects.
Ophthalmology Ophthalmology deals with the treatment and diagnosis of the eye. It is derived from the Greek words ophthalmos meaning “eye” and logia meaning “study of the course”

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Final year MBBS subjects

MBBS Subjects in the final year consist of Psychiatry, Dermatology and Venereology, Paediatrics, Anesthesiology, Orthopaedics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

MBBS Subjects Description
Psychiatry Psychiatric disorders, Emotion and its application to health, Behavioural Sciences, Cognitive process and memory, Schizophrenia, Anxiety neurosis, Bipolar disorders, personality disorders, depression, phobia and OCD Head
Dermatology and Venereology Health Education, Environment, Behavioural Sciences, Nutrition, Biostatistics, Rehabilitation, Epidemiology, Important National Health Programs, Health Administration, Epidemiology of Communicable Diseases And Non-communicable Diseases, Counselling Maternal & Child Health, Geriatrics, Health Economics.
Paediatrics Growth and development, Respiratory system, Vital statistics, Nutrition, Infectious diseases, Immunization, Hematology, Gastro-Intestinal Tract, Cardiovascular system, Central Nervous System, Behavioral Problems, Neonatology, Fluid-Electrolyte, Pediatrics Emergencies, Genetics, Fluid-Electrolyte, Therapeutics, Genito-Urinary System, Pediatrics Surgical Problems.
Anesthesiology Cannulation, Preoperative evaluation & optimization, Nasopharyngeal or Oropharyngeal Airway insertion, Skills I/V, Attaching pulse oximeter, Bag-Mask Ventilation, BP cuff and ECG electrodes and setting up a monitor.
Orthopaedics Orthopaedic Oncology, Orthopaedic Neurology, Paediatric orthopaedics, Sports Medicine, Management of Trauma, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Radiology, Disorders of Spine, Fracture.
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Obstetrics, Gynaecology, Basic Sciences, Neonatology and Recent Advances, Contraception.

See Also:

Final year MBBS subjects

MBBS Semester Wise Syllabus

MBBS Subjects in Semester 1 and Semester 2 are Anatomy, Biochemistry and Physiology. The pre-clinical phase of MBBS Syllabus consists of 2 semesters. The Para-clinical phase of MBBS Syllabus consists of 3 semesters. MBBS Subjects in para clinical phase of MBBS syllabus consist of Forensic Medicine, Community Medicine; Pathology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Clinical postings in wards and the OPDs studies begins in this phase. The clinical phase of MBBS Syllabus has 4 semesters. MBBS subjects of the clinical phase are Community Medicine, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Gynae, Pediatrics etc.

Phase MBBS Subjects
Pre-Clinical (Semesters 1-2) Anatomy
Para-clinical (Semesters 3-5) Community Medicine
Forensic Medicine
Clinical postings in Wards
Clinical (Semesters 6-9) Community Medicine
Medicine and allied subjects
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Surgery and allied subjects
Clinical postings

The MBBS Syllabus is divided into three segments. These segments are followed by a compulsory internship for a period of one year.

MBBS Syllabus: Pre-Clinical Phase

  • The preclinical phase of MBBS Subjects is spread over the first two semesters of the MBBS course. The MBBS subjects of the pre-clinical phase consist of different MBBS subjects such as Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology.
  • The candidates have to conduct practicals on gross anatomy, microanatomy, Embryology, genetics, Neuroanatomy, etc. in the MBBS syllabus.

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MBBS Syllabus: Para-Clinical Phase

  • It starts from the second year of the MBBS course. It consists of MBBS subjects such as Pathology, Pharmacology, Forensic medicine and Toxicology, Microbiology, etc. 
  • Candidates are introduced to community medicines in this phase of the MBBS course. 
  • This phase of MBBS Subjects continues for three semesters, i.e from the third to the fifth semester. 
  • During the semester of MBBS subjects, the aspirants would be posted to the different wards in the hospital and would also have to take up OPD responsibilities.

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MBBS Syllabus: Clinical Phase

  • The candidates continue to study community medicine, from phase 2 of the MBBS Syllabus.
  • Candidates learn about medicine and allied MBBS subjects such as dermatology, Psychiatry, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, etc.
  • Candidates also gain knowledge about surgery and allied field such as (Anesthesiology, E.N.T., Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, etc.
  • The candidates would continue with their clinical postings throughout the clinical phase.

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The exam of the MBBS course is scheduled in three different phases:

  • First Professional Exam at the end of the second semester.
  • Second professional exam at the end of the fifth semester.
  • Final professional exam at the end of the ninth semester.

See Courses after MBBS

MBBS Entrance Exam Syllabus

To get admission to MBBS course, candidates must clear the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test aka NEET. It is conducted for admissions into colleges offering MBBS, BDS, AYUSH and Nursing courses. The syllabus is based on the topics studied in class 11 and 12 and the 3 major subjects are Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. 

  • Some of the other important topics in NEET syllabus are Genetics and Evolution, Human Physiology, Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Chemical Bonding, Chemical Equilibrium, etc.
  • The biology section from the NEET syllabus has been divided into 2 parts i.e. Botany, Zoology each had a total of 50 questions asked in the exam.
  • It is speculated that the NEET 2023 syllabus will remain unchanged from that of the previous years. 

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MBBS Entrance Exam Syllabus: Biology

  • NEET Biology Syllabus 2023 is expected to be the same as of the previous year with 5 units each from the Class 11 and 12 syllabi. 
  • Some of the Units included in NEET 2023 Biology Syllabus are Diversity in Living World, Human Physiology, Reproduction, Plant Physiology, Genetics and Evolution, etc. 
  • As per the new NEET Biology 2023 Exam Pattern, both subjects will have 2 sections i.e. A and B in the paper. The sections will have 35 and 15 questions, where aspirants can score 4 marks whereas for a wrong answer 1 mark will be deducted.

NEET Biology Syllabus: Class Wise

NEET Biology Syllabus from Class 11 NEET Biology Syllabus from Class 12
Diversity in Living World Reproduction
Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants Genetics and Evolution
Cell Structure and Function Biology and Human Welfare
Plant Physiology Biotechnology and Its Applications
Human physiology Ecology and environment

MBBS Entrance Exam Syllabus: Physics

NEET Physics Syllabus carries 25% weightage in the paper which is 180 marks. Some of the important topics based on the questions asked in previous years are Alternating current, Current electricity, Physics Laws, Optics, etc.

NEET Physics Syllabus: Class Wise 

NEET Physics Syllabus from Class 11 NEET Physics Syllabus from Class 12
Physical-world and measurement Electrostatics
Kinematics Current Electricity
Laws of Motion Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
Work, Energy and Power Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body Electromagnetic Waves
Gravitation Optics
Properties of Bulk Matter Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
Thermodynamics Atoms and Nuclei
Behavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory Electronic Devices
Oscillations and Waves -

MBBS Entrance Exam Syllabus: Chemistry

NEET Chemistry syllabus is further divided into three categories: Physical Chemistry, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry. Inorganic has 19, Organic has 15 and Physical has 16 questions which are from subjects studied at class 11 and 12 level respectively. It is considered to be the scoring section, most questions are NCERT-based and are easy to understand and answer.

NEET Chemistry Syllabus: Class Wise

NEET Chemistry Syllabus from Class 11 NEET Chemistry Syllabus from Class 12
Basic Concepts of Chemistry Solid State
Structure of Atom Solutions
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Electrochemistry
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Surface Chemistry
Thermodynamics d and f Block Elements
Equilibrium Coordination Compounds
Redox Reactions Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Hydrogen Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
Hydrocarbons Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
s-Block Element (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals) Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
Environmental Chemistry Biomolecules


19 Subjects of MBBS

  • Anatomy
  • Biochemistry
  • Physiology
  • Community Medicine
  • Pharmacology
  • Pathology
  • Microbiology
  • Community Medicine
  • Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • Clinical postings inwards
  • OPD
  • ENT
  • Ophthalmology
  • Psychiatry
  • Dermatology and Venereology
  • Paediatrics
  • Anesthesiology
  • Orthopaedics
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology

See Also:

MBBS Internship

As per the National Medical Commission (NMC), every MBBS student has to go through a compulsory rotating medical internship (CRMI) for a minimum period of 12 months to become eligible for the award of the MBBS degree. MBBS students are required to undergo mandatory internship training in Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy and Sowa Rigpa, according to the National Medical Commission (Compulsory Rotating Medical Internship) Regulations, 2021 released by the National Medical Commission.

With the ongoing pandemic situation, students from the last year of their degree are directly given internships to work for the covid patients indirectly at some places. During the Internship, they are trained to become competent as general practitioners. MBBS students are posted under various clinical subjects which they have studied during their studies. This gives them a complete exposure to how to deal with and care for the patients. Also if they are looking forward to doing post graduation after your M.B.B.S, it gives them an idea of which stream they are interested in.

The table below shows the compulsory field into which all the MBBS students need to complete a year of internship.

Medical Fields Duration
Medicine 2 Months
Community Medicine 3 Months
Surgery including Orthopaedics 2 Months
Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2 Months
Welfare Planning 15 Days
Paediatric 15 Days
Ophthalmology 15 Days
Otorhinolaryngology 15 Days
Casualty 1 Month

MBBS Books

Following the previous trends, NEET 2023 will be based on the previous trends. Some of the important books that a candidate must have to get admission into colleges offering MBBS courses are mentioned below.

Physics Chemistry Biology
Physics for NEET by C.P. Singh Organic Chemistry by Morrison Pradeep’s Publication Biology
40 Days Physics for NEET by SP Tiwari Objective Chemistry by R.K. Gupta Objective Botany by Ansari
Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick, and Walker Physical Chemistry by OP Tandon Objective Biology by Dinesh
Objective Physics by DC Pandey Concise Inorganic Chemistry by JD Lee GR Bathla publications for Biology
Concepts of Physics by H.C. Verma Boyd for Organic Chemistry by HC Verma Trueman’s Objective Biology for NEET
Problems in General Physics 40 Days Chemistry for NEET 40 Days Biology for NEET
Fundamental Physics ABC of Chemistry for Classes 11 and 12 Biology Vol 1 and Vol 2 by Trueman

MBBS 1st Year Books

MBBS 1st year books that are MCI recommended are very useful for students. MBBS Subject wise books help students understand the concepts. Some of the MCI recommended MBBS 1st year books are mentioned below:

  • Gray’s Anatomy for Students, South Asia Edition
  • BD Chaurasia’s Textbook of Anatomy
  • Vishram Singh’s Textbook of Anatomy
  • Netter’s Atlas
  • diFiore’s Atlas of Human Histology with Functional Correlation
  • Inderbir Singh’s Textbook Of Human Histology
  • Langman’s textbook of Medical Embryology
  • Harpers’ Illustrated Biochemistry
  • Textbook of Biochemistry for Medical Students, DM Vasudevan
  • Guyton and Hall, Text of Medical Physiology (South Asian edition)
  • Textbook of Medical Physiology. G K Pal
  • Textbook of Medical Physiology. D Venkatesh, H H Sudhakar


Book Name Author
Cunningham’s Manual of Practical Anatomy Vols.I, II & III Oxford University Press, 15th edition (1996) G.L.Romanes
Understanding Medical Physiology R.L. Bijlani
The essential of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology 21st Edition 2002 Dr.K.S.N.Reddy
Text book of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Dr. Krishan Vij
Medical Microbiology Greenwood Slack, Peutherer


MBBS Books in CMC

Book Name Author
Medical Physiology Guyton And Hall
Carbs, Proteins and Fat Metabolism Satyanarayan
Molecular Biology Vasudevan
Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology Textbook John E. Hall
Paniker's Textbook of Medical Parasitology Textbook by C. K. Jayaram Paniker
Essentials of Medical Pharmacology Book KD Tripathi

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MBBS Books in Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research

Book Name Author
Textbook of Biochemistry for Medical Students Damodaran M. Vasudevan and S. Sreekumari
Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology E-Book Arthur Guyton
Textbook of Anatomy: Upper Limb and Thorax, Vol 1 Vishram Singh
Textbook of Medical Physiology Textbook by D. Venkatesh and H. H. Sudhakar
Human Physiology Chandi Charan Chatterjee

Read: MBBS Abroad

Courses Beneficial for MBBS Students

MBBS Syllabus: FAQs

Ques. What are the 19 subjects in MBBS?

Ans. The MBBS syllabus is divided into three phases first is the pre-clinical phase, Para-clinical phase and Clinical phase. A few of the 19 subjects that the candidates have to study are Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology, Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Pathology, Ophthalmology, etc.

Ques. What is the syllabus of MBBS 1st year?

Ans. The first year of the MBBS course is called the Pre-clinical Phase. The subjects are Anatomy, Biochemistry and Physiology.

Ques. Is MBBS difficult?

Ans. The best answer would be it depends. If the student properly organizes their study material and completes their syllabus beforehand, Then It should be easy for them to complete the course.

Ques. Which is the hardest subject in MBBS?

Ans. All the subjects in the MBBS comes with their own set of challenges, but the general view of the candidates suggests that the anatomy in the first year of the MBBS course is the toughest subject.

Ques. Can MBBS do surgery?

Ans. Though Surgery is taught in the MBBS syllabus, but the MBBS graduates are not allowed to perform surgery. They must complete MS to perform surgery.

Ques. Is there Physics in MBBS?

Ans. No, physics is not there in the MBBS syllabus.

Ques. Do students fail in MBBS?

Ans. Unfortunately yes. It has been reported that 40% of the students fail their MBBS exam. But if you plan well then you should pass easily.

Ques. Do MBBS students get salary?

Ans. The MBBS students are offered internships in different hospitals, during their final year of the course. The internship ranges from INR 15,000-INR 21,000.

Ques. Is an MBBS a doctor?

Ans. Yes. MBBS stands for Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery.

Ques. Which is the easiest subject in medical?

Ans. According to medical students, dermatology is the easiest subject in medical while the hardest is internal medicine.

Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery [MBBS] : 94 answered questions


Ques. How much marks should I score in the AIIMS entrance exam to secure an MBBS seat in AIIMS Delhi?

● Top Answer By Muskan Shafi on 30 Mar 24

Ans. AIIMS Delhi doesn’t conduct its own entrance exam for MBBS, instead, it accepts NEET UG for admission to MBBS on an All-India basis. Being the top choice for medical aspirants in India for MBBS, AIIMS Delhi has an extremely high cutoff for all the categories. The marks required for securing a seat for MBBS at AIIMS Delhi vary each year depending on various factors such as the number of seats, the number of candidates appearing, the difficulty level of the exam, and the previous year's cutoffs.  To get a seat for MBBS at AIIMS Delhi, candidates from the general category must aim to score 710+ in NEET UG to be on the safer side for admission. Students from the general category must aim to have an All-India rank within the top 50 to have a sure chance for admission. For reserved categories such as EWS and OBC, candidates must aim to score above 690+ for admission to MBBS at AIIMS Delhi. SC and ST candidates should aim to score 675+ for admission to MBBS at AIIMS Delhi.  Candidates can also check AIIMS Delhi Cutoff in 2023 for MBBS for different categories to get an estimate about the expected cutoff rank in 2024: Category 2023 Closing Cutoff By Rank  General 57 EWS 258 OBC 247 SC 989 ST 1624 General- PwD 1018 OBC- PwD 20882 SC- PwD 77386 ST- PwD 145610Read more
3 Answer

Ques. How is the life of an MBBS student at KJ Somaiya medical college, Mumbai?

● Top Answer By Raktim Tarafdar on 28 Sept 23

Ans. The life of an MBBS student at KJ Somaiya Medical College, like medical students at most institutions, can be both challenging and rewarding. The lectures at KJ Somaiya typically begin at 8:30 in the morning and go until 5–5:30 in the evening. Typically, lectures last three hours and include a 15-minute break. After lectures, students attend committee meetings, presentations, assignments, or extracurricular activities. Here's an overview of what you can expect during your time as an MBBS student at KJ Somaiya Medical: Academic rigor: You will have to study a wide range of subjects, including anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, pathology, microbiology, and clinical medicine. The workload can be intense, and you'll spend a significant amount of time in lectures, labs, and studying. Class strength: The student-faculty ratio is good. And students come from various states which results in a diversity in culture, perspective and language This diversity of thought enriches class discussions and exposes students to a wide range of ideas and viewpoints, fostering a more dynamic and stimulating learning environment. Facilities: College provides you with great amenities. There is stock in libraries. Next to the college is the hostel. The cafeteria is fantastic. You may also find a skating rink, cricket pitch, indoor table tennis facility and football pitch on the site. Private hospital: Because it is a privately funded facility, patients are not in short supply, but there is also not an overcrowding issue. This offers you plenty of time to prepare for your PG while also providing ideal clinical experience. Rather than high fee structure KJ Somaiya Medical college is a good place to pursue MBBS. It would be demanding as well as incredibly rewarding.Read more
2 Answer

Ques. What is the total MBBS course fees in KMC, Manipal?

● Top Answer By Sonal Mishra, on 30 Sept 23

Ans. For the batch of 2023-24, the first installment is Rs.17.80 Lakhs. The remaining installments add up to Rs. 70,88,500. This includes tuition and other fees.  So, for your medical degree, you’ll be paying around Rs. 88,68,500. This is for Indian students. You will be paying the fees in 5 installments. You’ll also be paying a caution deposit of Rs.10,000 (refundable). For girls’ hostels, the cost is Rs. 1,30,500 per year, and for boys’ hostels, it is Rs. 1,25,500 per year.  This is the total MBBS course fee at KMC Manipal. Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Which one is the best AIIMS or CMC Vellore for an MBBS?

● Top Answer By Akriti Banerjee on 21 Sept 23

Ans. One of my friends was in a similar dilemma. He considered the following points while making his decision  Most AIIMS undergraduates settle in the US or pursue higher education in top colleges in India while CMC graduates prefer CMC for their higher education only.  Students of CMC are required to do bonds in mission hospitals so their higher education gets delayed. But this instills in them a strong sense of community-oriented healthcare. They tend to work in remote places of India without any personal glory. An AIIMS student can hardly be seen doing community service. AIIMS graduates publish more when compared to CMC graduates. CMC students get better hands-on experience and hence fare better in terms of clinical and Surgical skills. Right from the second year, they start assisting postgraduates in clinical work.  If you are a non-Christian, it will be difficult to go through the entire training without a mission hospital Ultimately, make a choice based on your demographics, preferences, and goals in life. Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Which academic books do the students of MBBS at AIIMS, Delhi and JIPMER use?

● Top Answer By Akriti Banerjee on 20 Sept 23

Ans. As an MBBS student at JIPMER, I am listing down the academic books followed over here- For Anatomy- Gray's Anatomy, Keith L. Moore, B.D. Chaurasia (before exams), difiore's Atlas of Histology, Langman’s Embryology. For Neuroanat, Snells and Vishram Singh, and Netter’s Atlas. For Physiology- Dr. G.k.Pal’s textbook and Guyton,for reference. For Biochemistry- Harper, Vasudevan, and the college practical manual. For Pharmacology- K. D. Tripathi and Lippincott. You can also read Dr. Gobind Rai Garg sir's book. For Pathology - Robbins, Tejinder Singh (Haematology). For Microbiology - Ananthanarayanan, Dr. Apurb Shastri. For Parasitology- Panikar. For Forensic - V. V. Pillai, Apurba Nandi For Ophthalmology - Parsons and Khurana For ENT - Dhingra For Psm - Parks For Medicine - Davidson, Harrison (only some topics), George Matthew, Kundu and Alagappan (for practical), Sethuraman (clinical examination) For Surgery - Bailey and Love’s Short Practise of Surgery, Manipal textbook, SRB textbook, Das and Makhanlal for practicals For OG - Sheila Balakrishnan and Dutta for Obs, Shaws and Lakshmi Sheshadri for Gynae For Pediatrics - O. P. Ghai (the standard but not all topics are updated), IAP and Nelson for recent topics and reference For Dermat - Dr. Thappa and Neena Khanna For Ortho - Apley, Maheshwari; John Ebenezer for clinics, Dr. Apurv Mehra’s textbook for quick review For Psychiatry - College handouts and George Matthew For Anesthesia - Bailey and Love’s For Pediatric surgery - Bailey and Love’s, Nelson This is the complete list of books that we read as MBBS students at JIPMER.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. Which is better for ug university college of medical sciences (ucms) or vmmc?

● Top Answer By Akriti Banerjee on 25 Sept 23

Ans. As a student of UCMS, I will try to enlighten you about my college. Location- It is true that UCMS is located in the periphery of Delhi, and its surrounding is not as developed as that of VMMC. Regardless, the location of UCMS offers most of the facilities required for a good college life. You can access Cinepolis, PVR and Big Cinemas from here, reach CP in 20-30 minutes by metro/private vehicle, and catch a metro from Jhilmil metro station to explore Delhi/NCR.  Campus- UCMS has a beautiful campus, the best among Delhi medical colleges. It has a huge central field where you can play cricket, basketball, football, etc. Boys get single seater hostel rooms from the first year itself. The campus has two 24*7 canteens, a book shop from where you can access all your medical books, an ATM, and a post office.The hospital has undergone renovation, and looks new and well managed. Academics- UCMS offers excellent academics. The faculty is skilled and teaches with sincerity. The Histology Lab in the Anatomy department is really good.  Extracurriculars- UCMS has a sports society, a western dance team, a theme choreography team, a dramatics team, a musical society, a literary society and a medical education unit. You can join any of these. According to me, both UCMS and VMMS are good medical colleges. You can choose the latter if location is a concern to you, otherwise, UCMS is a good choice too.Read more
1 Answer

Ques. What are the pros and cons of doing an MBBS at JIPMER in Puducherry?

● Top Answer By Manjil Sharma on 21 Sept 23

Ans. Here are a few pros and cons of pursuing MBBS from JIPMER Pros- You will meet some highly experienced doctors who will be your professors too. You will be amazed by their nature, their dealing with patience, and their motivating nature. You will start respecting them from the bottom of your hearts. You will be given the opportunity to take part in different procedures in neonatal resuscitation or the Pediatrics department. The residents are very helpful given that you are keen to learn. Pondicherry is a safe place for both boys and girls. You will experience a unique kind of freedom here. Girls stay out till 9-9:30 pm alone and dont face any issues at all. Pondicherry is a clean and pollution-free city that offers fresh breathable air. You will be away from the hustle and bustle of city life and get to experience a slow life. You get a lot of time to ponder upon the challenges life throws at you. Cons North Indians might face language issues to a certain extent. Pondicherry does not have online delivery services like Swiggy, Big Basket, and Food Panda.  There isn't any decent shopping place here. There is only Pothys which is only known for sarees and suits. There is no good bookstore near the campus for fictional books. Overall, studying at JIPMER is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that shouldn't be underestimated at any cost. Read more
1 Answer

Ques. What is the fee structure of an MBBS at AIIMS Rishikesh?

● Top Answer By Abhinav Mishra on 28 Sept 23

Ans. The fee structure of AIIMS Delhi is mentioned below in tabular format: Academic and other fees Amount (in INR) Hostel and other fees Amount (in INR) Registration fee 25 Hostel rent 990 Caution money 100 Gymkhana fee 220 Tuition fee 1350 Pot fund 1320 Laboratory fee 90 Electricity charges 198 Student union fee 63 Mess security 500 - - Hostel Security 1000 Total  1628 Total 4228 Grand total: INR 5856 In addition to the INR 5856 levied over the course of 5.5 years, the students also have to pay a mess fee of INR 10,000 every three months. Also optional is that. We have the option to avoid mess and prepare our own meals.Read more
3 Answer

Ques. How is life as an MBBS student in JIPMER?

● Top Answer By Shreyansh Roy Singh on 21 Sept 23

Ans. The life of an MBBS student at JIPMER is quiet and tiring. Yet, they get to learn and experience new things every day. Their daily schedule looks like this  8 am to 11 am: Lectures 11 am to 1 pm: Anatomy dissection hours 1 pm to 2 pm: Lunch break 2 pm to 4:30 pm: Practicals In the evening some prefer playing basketball, football, hockey, table tennis, and badminton while others order just napping or hitting the gym. Some music lovers go to the band room to play out various symphonies and musicals. A few artist students spend their time participating or practicing for fine arts competitions. September brings in a huge crowd of students from different colleges attending Spandan. It’s a 7 day intercollegiate cultural literary and sports extravaganza that makes the monotonous life of JIPMER students a bit vibrant. October witnesses the Jipmer premier league ied teams of girls and boys. There is also Curie Day which is the annual girls' hostel day celebration. The hostel is open for boys as well and girls perform dance and sing. After all this enjoyment, the exams begin and students are reminded of their primary goal.  January is usually spent at home. In February, students go to Pune for the fest at AFMC -‘Silhouettes’. March brings in the tension of the annual university examinations and everybody can be seen surrounded by books. The seniors organize a wonderful Holi celebration- a cultural night followed by gulaal in the morning to ensure that students don’t succumb to the stress. With this the most happening year, the first year comes to an end.  The subsequent years bring in additional tasks such as Research projects, voluntary teaching, quizzing, etc. Read more
2 Answer

Ques. Which college is better for an MBBS: the MAMC or VMMC?

● Top Answer By Tezal Dahiya on 25 Sept 23

Ans. Usually MAMC is the first choice of aspirants. But, a good number of students choose VMMC over MAMC despite getting really high ranks, and having a Delhi state quota. The reasons for this decision are- VMMC is much newer than MAMC, UCMS and LHMC. Thus, it offers a modern and fully air-conditioned infrastructure. Workload for the first 1-2 years is much lighter. There are only semester-end exams. Despite this, the education quality is top notch.  VMMC offers the benefits of an internal PG quota. The batch strength is smaller. This facilitates better interaction with peers and professors. Safdarjung Hospital has the largest OPD in Asia with a dedicated Specialized Burns Unit. So you’ll get more opportunities to learn during postings and internship. There is an entirely separate Sports Injury Centre as well.  The hostels are air conditioned, and the girls' hostel has no curfew. The library reading room remains open 24*7.  VMMC is located in the heart of South Delhi. The best hangout spots like HKV, Dilli Haat, Promenade are all located at a close distance. SN market and South Ex are just 5 minute drive away. Thus, I would recommend you choose VMMC for your MBBS degree.Read more
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