Bachelor of Arts [BA] (English Literature)

Bachelor of Arts [BA] (English Literature) : 31 answered questions


Ques. What is the scope of English Hons from DU?

● Top Answer By Shradhha Agarwal on 07 Oct 22

Ans. If you want to do English Hons at DU, you should have a good XII grade point average. If you have a talent for it, an interest in it, and have been successful at it, please go ahead and hone your knowledge of Literature. In terms of scope, after Hons with good division, you have a lot of options.  You could try your hand at publishing and work for companies like Oxford, Tata McGraw Hill Elsevier, Sage, and others. You could work in editing or marketing and have the opportunity to meet authors and develop marketing skills for book sales. After completing Hons, you may pursue a career in journalism or mass communication. You can also pursue a Masters in Public Relations, and a plethora of opportunities will open up to you once you complete the Hons course. You can earn a master's degree in a related field and sit for the civil service exam. You can also join MNCs if you develop other skills for the relevant assignment. Remember that it is a difficult course, but it is well worth it.Read more
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Ques. What is it like to do English Hons from Delhi University?

● Top Answer By Manav Batra on 25 Oct 21

Ans. If you are a reading enthusiast and loves to write with a great hold of Grammar, go for English Hons. You should not choose this as your 2nd option because the course is very hectic and requires a lot of concentration and interest.  English Hons is often misunderstood only with British Literature which is not true. You will be reading literature around the world including American, African, European, and Indian.  You must be regular to lectures as they are highly recommended. The faculty at Delhi University for this course is exceptional and their teachings should not be missed. You may find everything online but attending classes has its own advantages.  You will definitely enjoy your experience in the classes while interacting with teachers. It is important to note that your attendance will play a major role in internal assessment.Read more
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Ques. I am planning to enroll in a BA English course in IGNOU. What is the procedure of the whole course and important things that I should follow?

● Top Answer By Rahul Sinha on 19 Oct 22

Ans. Opt for this course only if you are into novels and literature. Otherwise, it will be a monotonous ride. If you are planning to pursue BA English at IGNOU, you can conveniently work full time alongside. Instead of attending full-time classes, just sitting for a few will do it. Get your study material and go through it regularly. Don’t forget to apply for term-end exams. Exam applications come around March for the July exams.  You must also submit your assignment at the study centre before the last date. The questions for the assignment can be found on the IGNOU website as well as the study centre. Before the 2nd and 3rd years consult your study centre and choose your desired course and register for it. Lastly, keep in constant touch with your study centre for regular updates.Read more
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Ques. How do I apply for a foreign language course in DU?

● Top Answer By Saloni on 10 Oct 22

Ans. Admission to foreign language courses at Delhi University is relatively simple. You must investigate which colleges offer such courses and which languages are available. You should make a list of colleges that you will be comfortable in based on your requirements and the faculty. Once you have a list, go to each college's website and look for all of the information there. The date of form distribution, the application deadline, the fee structure, time slots, and other pertinent information. You can fill out the form online and then keep checking the site for the list. Once the list is published, you must check your name to see if it is on it, and if it is, you must go to the respective college with all of your documents in hard copy. They'll check your documents, and if everything checks out, you'll be seated. After you've been admitted, you must pay the fees online within a certain number of days. Following payment, you will receive an email confirming your registration as a language student. The forms are usually available in June and July, and there is a minimum fee for the form.Read more
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Ques. How easy is the entrance examination conducted by EFLU Hyderabad for getting into English Hons.?

● Top Answer By Prabhas Sengupta on 16 Jul 21

Ans. The entrance examination conducted by EFLU Hyderabad is not easy for English Honours because there are more than 20 centers where this test takes place. There are certain reservations as well which add up to 50% of all the seats. Even if we don’t consider these numbers, the level of competition will be a real challenge. Also, it is not called BA honors, it is just BA English. One great advantage that you have is that you get to learn a foreign language consecutively for two years. The language that you opt for depends on the merit scored by you in the entrance exam. Spanish and French are usually in good demand. The admission process for this year has been completed. This is not to discourage the students from taking admission but it is important to state the facts. Campuses at Lucknow and Shillong also offer such courses where competition is relatively less. You cannot transfer from one campus to another. If you prepare according to the previous years’ question papers and have a good command of English, then it is not that difficult to get into EFLU.Read more
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Ques. What is the syllabus for a BA in English Hons for IGNOU?

● Top Answer By Sheel Saurabh Balley on 21 Oct 22

Ans. IGNOU uses a credit system, and in order to get an Hons, a student must have 48 credits in that subject, which means taking 6 papers of 8 credits over the course of three years. In the case of English, below is a chart that includes the course name and code: BEGE 101 - From Language to Literature BEGE 102 - The Structure of Modern English BEGE 103 - Communication Skills in English BEGE 104 - English for Business Communication BEGE 105 - Understanding Prose BEGE 106 - Understanding Poetry BEGE 107 - Understanding Drama BEGE 108 - Reading the Novel You will notice that there are eight papers, each worth eight credits; students pursuing a major (Hons) should select any six of these eight papers (2 papers each year) Students can only take up to 48 credits in a single subject. Aside from the major papers, there are two compulsory courses in the first and second years: BSHF 101 and FST-1. Other elective courses must be chosen from the Program Guide's list or groups.Read more
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Ques. What is the course structure for BA Eng in IGNOU?

● Top Answer By Pramod Mehra on 28 Oct 22

Ans. The course structure at IGNOU for BA English is very simple. You need to complete 48 credits in 3 years. This means 16 credits should be completed every year.  Every subject is allotted a specific course for example BEGE101, BEGE102, BEGE103, BEGE104, BEGE105, BEGE106, BEGE107 and BEGE108.Read more
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Ques. Is it good to opt for a BA Hons English in Amity University, Noida?

● Top Answer By Mukesh Sachdev on 14 Aug 20

Ans. Yes, it is good to opt for a BA Hons English in Amity University, Noida. The eligibility to take admission in the course is 10+2 with a minimum of 70% in English for non-sponsored and 60% for the sponsored category. The course fee is Rs 3 lakhs for the first year. The institution has 16 well qualified and experienced faculties. The majority of them are alumni of central universities such as Delhi University, Banaras Hindu University, Jawaharlal Nehru University, etc. The approximate student-faculty ratio is 17 students to 1 teacher. The infrastructure of the institute is quite good. The institute provides free Wi-Fi facilities and a library with over 2,00,000 books, journals. There is also an online digital library. The institute provides a good audio-visual laboratory for students. Graduates can avail jobs in both public sector as well as private sector. Some of the major career opportunities for English graduates are Teacher, Policy Analyst, Writer, Editor, Publisher, Research Communicator, Public Relations Officer, Speech Writer, Blogger, Arts Administrator, Content Development Manager, etc. Top recruiting companies at Amity University for BA (Hons.) English graduates are Intra-amity, IMS, Sage Publications, media channels like Aaj Tak, Zee News, Star News, IBN7, etc.Read more
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Ques. Which college is better for an Honors degree in English Loreto College Kolkata or Shri Shikshayatan College?

● Top Answer By Shalini Jaiswal on 20 Jan 22

Ans. Both Loreto College and Shri Shikshayatan College are the most reputed all-girls colleges in Kolkata. Choosing any one of them will prove to be a good step up for your career. Loreto College is popular for its English Honours course. It is more strict compared to any other college. Students here have to maintain a 80% attendance, failing which you will not be able to sit for the examination. Also for subjects with practicals, students have to maintain a 100% attendance in labs. The faculty of the English department is highly experienced with some professors having 15-20 years of educational experience. Shri Shikshayatan College is a bit more liberal than Loreto. It is not so strict about certain rules and students have the freedom to explore. The attendance, dress code, academics, etc. are much more lenient than Loreto. But according to the education provided both are equally good. Choose the one that meets all your requirements, as only that can give you a fulfilling college life.Read more
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Ques. Which one is better for English (Hons): Shyam Lal College or Satyawati College?

● Top Answer By Archita Saha on 17 Jan 22

Ans. Among these two institutes, Satyawati College is better for a degree in English (Hons). The faculty members of the English department are quite supportive. The student crowd of the department is decent. You will get to participate in many events and co-curricular activities. Satyawati College cutoff for B.A (Hons) English was 92.5, in 2021. Read more
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Bachelor of Arts [BA] (English Literature) Colleges IN INDIA

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Presidency College
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
1.3 K first year fees
43.6 K first year fees
1.41 K first year fees
1.36 K first year fees
65 K first year fees
Queen Mary's College
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
2.11 K first year fees
30 K first year fees
SAGE University
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
35 K first year fees