Brunel University vs University of Greenwich

Brunel University London is a public research university located in the Uxbridge area of London, England. The University of Greenwich is a public university located in London and Kent, United Kingdom.

Overview Comparison
Brunel UniversityUniversity of Greenwich
Collegedunia Score4.4 Out of 104.2 Out of 10
ranking (overall)# 343 QS World University 2024
# 351 Times Higher Education 2024
# 401 Times Higher Education 2023
# 501 Times Higher Education 2024
# 671 QS World University 2024
# 501 Times Higher Education 2023
Subject Strength# 201 for Engineering by Times Higher Education 2024
# 401 for Medicine by Times Higher Education 2023
# 401 for Law by Times Higher Education 2023
# 401 for Engineering by Times Higher Education 2024
# 449 for Medicine by Round University Ranking 2018
# 501 for Law by Times Higher Education 2023
ProgramsUG Programs -78
PG Programs -76
UG Programs -163
PG Programs -85
Acceptance Rate60.0 %68.0 %
Exam ScoreGMAT-590
Cost to StudyAverage Tuition Fees   22010.6
[For UG Program]
Average Tuition Fees  24846
[For PG Program]
Hostel + Meal - 22115 Per Year
Average Tuition Fees   15100
[For UG Program]
Average Tuition Fees  17051.3
[For PG Program]
Hostel + Meal - 1334 Per Year
placement (average package)

Degree                             Average Salary

Masters in Finance               $78,000 

Master (Other)                      $71,000 

MBA                                      $69,000 

Bachelor (Other)                   $64,000 

PhD                                       $59,000 

Masters in Science                $54,000 

University of Greenwich is one of the top public universities in Greenwich, United Kingdom. It is ranked #801-1000 in QS World University Rankings 2023.

Degree                                 Average Salary

Executive MBA                        $77,000 

Bachelor (Other)                     $74,000 

Master (Other)                         $52,000 

Bachelor of Science                $42,000 

Bachelor of Arts                       $41,000 

Other Degree                           $38,000

application requirements

Applicants must have minimum score between 55 to 65% for admission consideration

Submit official transcripts of all previous education

Submit English language proficiency test scores

Check program specific requirements

Submit official transcripts of all education

Submit English language requirements

Check program requirements

CollegeDunia Reviews7.4/10 Read 5 reviews7.5/10 Read 5 reviews
General Facts Comparison
General FactsBrunel UniversityUniversity of Greenwich
Type of UniversityUniversity
Student:Faculty Ratio16:1
Male:Female53% Male, 47% Female43% Male, 57% Female
Location Facts

Brunel is a single campus in Uxbridge, west London. The campus is well connected to the rest of the UK, just a short drive from the M25, M4 and M40 motorways.

Greenwich Campus sits on a UNESCO World Heritage Site on the banks of the River Thames. 

The beautiful baroque buildings on campus were designed for the Royal Navy at the end of the 17th century by Sir Christopher Wren, who also designed St Paul’s Cathedral. 

The campus is a popular film location and has featured in many movies, including Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides and Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows


They offer a variety of study environments, in zones that are largely set by floor:

Quiet Study Floors 0, 1 and 2 of the Library, and the Law Library on Floor 3, are designated for Quiet study - some level of quiet discussion is acceptable. Due to COVID-19 there is no group working allowed and face coverings and 2 metre distancing must be maintained. People working in groups will be asked to move to their designated seat or leave the building.

Silent Study Floor 3 is designated for Silent study. Please ensure laptops, phones etc are switched to mute, and leave the area before answering calls. Only individual study is permitted in these areas. 

The Library has purchased over 137,000 electronic books (ebooks) available for students and staff to read (and in some cases to download) online via different publisher platforms. Over 13,650 titles are available in the Ebook Central platform and over 2,000 in VleBooks.

Campus Life

Brunel Institution is London's largest campus-based university, with approximately 14,000 students living on site. On Brunel University campus, students can join over 150 student clubs and groups to pursue their interests in a variety of subjects.

  • Brunel students also have the availability of world-class facilities such as a gym, spa, and jogging track, as well as nightclubs, cafés, and more, giving them numerous benefits of studying at Brunel University.
  • Throughout the year, the university hosts weekly classes, events, concerts, and productions. Everyone, including the general public, employees, and students, is welcome to participate in their courses and events, no matter what they're studying. Singing, acting, creative writing, music theory, digital photography, oil painting, life drawing, ceramics, and guitar groups are among the activities available.

  • The university has three main campuses in London and Medway, including Avery Hill Campus and Greenwich campus.
  • The facilities at the Greenwich Campus include library studios, research and social facilities and several teaching facilities.
  • The Dome is in the centre of the complex, which houses a gym and food outlet. Tennis courts, Rugby, football, netball, and indoor pitches are on Avery Hill Campus.
  • The campus has an award-winning library at Stockwell Street in Greenwich and the Drill Hall Library. It holds 150,000 volumes of text.
  • The Stephen Lawrence Gallery at the Stockwell Street building showcases the work of contemporary artists, which is linked to the school of design.
  • The university guarantees all the new students (undergraduate and postgraduate students)a place in a hall of residence or university-approved housing.
  • A great selection of accommodations in the halls of the university is offered on or near the campuses of study, which are equipped with all facilities and amenities needed to make a student feel at home.
  • Free WIFI and Internet facilities are available all across with 24/7 residential support.

Hostel#Large Room - $10127
#Standard Room - $5097
#Ensuite Room - $6731
#Rooms--Per Month - $1334
Famous Alumni

Brunel University London has a worldwide network of 130,000 Alumni. Associated with some Brunel Universities notable alumni like Lee Mack, a well-known comedian, and Archie Panjabi, a well-known actress. Among the renowned sports people who have attended Brunel are Tony Adams, Olympic gold medalist James Cracknell, and former NBA player Michael Olowokandi. Political theorist Ralph Miliband, Manchester Withington MP John Leech, and Greek politician Anastasios Papaligouras are among the other noteworthy alumni. 

Greenwich University has a strong alumni network of 50,000 members, including industry leaders, business owners and professionals. University of Greenwich notable alumni include Roy Hodgson( Football Manager, Crystal Palace Football Club), Steve King( CEO of Publicis Media) and Byron Cole ( Best Selling Author and CEO of the BLC Group).

City Life

Uxbridge has a wonderful watery heritage, with a cluster of rivers to its west, reminding residents of its flour mill past. The legacy is a serene backdrop and some handsome buildings that have been turned into homes, offices and even B&Bs. A must visit is Frays Island and Mabey’s Meadow – stunning scenery and that chance to spot a rare bird or two, thanks to expert management by London Wildlife Trust.Uxbridge has an unemployment rate of 8.4%.

London is a city for people who enjoy limitless options of things to do, places to go, and restaurants at which to eat. You have virtually everything on your doorstep, and one thing that might surprise you is the abundance of green space to enjoy. Greenspace Information for Greater London say 47% of Greater London is green space and nearly 6% of this is made up of parks and gardens. Unemployment rate here in london is 4.5% 
