Brock University vs University of Windsor

Brock University is a public research university in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. University of Windsor is a public research university in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

Overview Comparison
Brock UniversityUniversity of Windsor
Collegedunia Score4.1 Out of 104.1 Out of 10
ranking (overall)# 1201 QS World University 2024
# 1001 QS World University 2023
# 1306 US News 2023
# 501 Times Higher Education 2024
# 641 QS World University 2024
# 601 Times Higher Education 2023
Subject Strength-# 301 for Engineering by Times Higher Education 2024
# 601 for Law by Times Higher Education 2023
ProgramsUG Programs -32
PG Programs -21
Doctorate Programs -5
UG Programs -46
PG Programs -43
Doctorate Programs -7
Acceptance Rate85.0 %65.0 %
Exam ScoreIELTS-6.5
GRE updated-292
Cost to StudyAverage Tuition Fees   20914
[For UG Program]
Average Tuition Fees  11752
[For PG Program]
Hostel + Meal - 17720 Per Year
Average Tuition Fees   38250
[For UG Program]
Average Tuition Fees  17246
[For PG Program]
Hostel + Meal - 20078 Per Year
placement (average package)

Average Salaries are as follows:

Degree                           Average Salary

Bachelor of Arts               $36,000 

Bachelor (Other)              $35,000 

MBA                                 $30,000 

Average annual salary: 45,000 USD; Top recruiters: Litens Automotive, Ground Effects, Magna International , FCA Corp, Flex-N-Gate Corporation; Highest paying degrees: MBA (94,000 USD), BSc (76,000 USD), BA (52,000 USD). 

application requirements

Submit official transcripts of all previous education

Submit English language proficiency test scores

Check program specific requirements

UG applicants must fulfill core-subject requirements, which vary as per the choice of program. Masters applicants must have at least 70% in their UG degree. PhD applicants must have at least 77% in their master's degree. 

Campuses and B-SchoolsGoodman School of Business
Odette School of Business
CollegeDunia Reviews7.3/10 Read 9 reviews7.4/10 Read 17 reviews
General Facts Comparison
General FactsBrock UniversityUniversity of Windsor
Type of UniversityUniversity
Student:Faculty Ratio33:1
Male:Female42% Male, 57% Female48% Male, 52% Female
Location Facts

The campus is located at St. Catherine, Ontario, Canada. Another campus is operated at Hamilton, Ontario

The university is located by the banks of Detroit river. The location is accessible in minutes from both downtown Windsor and Detroit. 


The library at the university provides facilities like e-books, study rooms, research guides, study guides, course readings etc.

Leddy library holds around 3 million items with an excess of 1 million electronic data sets and titles. It has an academic search tool: Omni. 

Campus Life

Student Life provides opportunities for everyone in the Brock community to be active and engaged at Brock and within its surrounding communities.The university facilitates engagement opportunities for Brock students that encourage extra-curricular and co-curricular learning experiences and that enrich the communities at Brock, in Niagara, and beyond. University programs and services support Brock students’ development and success. The university offers programs and services that support first-year orientation and transition, campus involvement, leadership development, community engagement and volunteerism, and off-campus living. The on campus residences are walking distance from the classes, that helps students to make connections with other students and get support with dedicated staff members and service desks in the traditional, semi-suite and townhouse style accommodations.

Campus has some coffee shops and is surrounded by restaurants around it. There are over 100 student clubs, organizations, greek societies, etc to be a part. There are various varsity teams to join. The university has its radio station CJAm 99.1. It organizes various arts festivals, music concerts, and theatre for students to indulge in these.  

Hostel#Double Room - $8440
#Single Room - $9280
#Double Room - $7114
#Single Room - $8164
Famous Alumni

Peter McLaren (Canadian scholar), Kyle Dubas (Canadian Ice hockey player), Matthew Santoro (Canadian youtuber), Rick Campanelli (Canadian television and radio personality)

Amanda Tapping (actress), Antoni Cimolino (actor), Navdeep Bains (minister of innovation, science, and industry), Eddie Francis (former mayor of Windsor), Arjei Franklin (American footballer), Patrick Brown (mayor of Brampton), Maureen Jennings (writer), Tessa Virtue (Canadian ice dancer), Dwight Duncan (politician), Rob Nicholson (member of Canadian house of commons), etc.

City Life

Brock’s beautiful location in Niagara combines the best of everything. Here you’ll enjoy all the benefits of a comprehensive university, in a convenient, affordable and safe region with beautiful natural surroundings. It is the only university in Canada in a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, at the centre of Canada’s Niagara Peninsula on the Niagara Escarpment. Niagara offers safe and affordable housing options including individual apartments, and shared student housing that are just minutes from Brock’s main campus. 

Windsor- You can explore the world-class museums at DIA, the science center, Detroit zoo, and Henry Ford museum through the connectivity offered by tunnel bus. You can rollerblade around the river’s scenic front, catch local jazz trios at Windsor bars, ice skate at Charles Clack Square, attend Whitestripes concert at Detroit, or pound plexiglass at Red wings game. The city of Windsor has the highest unemployment rate in Canada of 8.3% (2020).
