Conestoga College vs Centennial College: College Comparison

Conestoga College vs Centennial College

Overview Comparison
Conestoga CollegeCentennial College
ProgramsUG Programs -91
UG Programs -92
PG Programs -1
Acceptance Rate85.0 %67.0 %
Exam ScoreIELTS-6.5
Cost to StudyAverage Tuition Fees   10680
[For UG Program]
Hostel + Meal - 15200 Per Year
Average Tuition Fees   12308
[For UG Program]
Average Tuition Fees  16704
[For PG Program]
Hostel + Meal - 12600 Per Year
placement (average package)

A number of services offered at the college require employees, and an on-campus student hiring procedure allows students to work. A number of facilities at the college also provide job opportunities for the community.

Employees who graduate from Conestoga College earn an average base salary of $114k, mostly ranging from $112k to $149k

Median Salary (Within 6 Months): 60,000-70,000 CAD/per year
Computer Science Graduates Salaries: 62,900 CAD- 79,100 CAD/year
Finance Graduates Salaries: 52,200 CAD- 64,400 CAD/year

application requirements

Submit official transcripts of all previous education 

Submit English language proficiency test scores

Higher secondary school certificate
English language proficiency 

CollegeDunia Reviews7.6/10 Read 17 reviews7.4/10 Read 23 reviews
General Facts Comparison
General FactsConestoga CollegeCentennial College
Type of UniversityCollege
Student:Faculty Ratio91:1
Male:Female90% Male, 10% Female52% Male, 47% Female
Location Facts

Conestoga College has campuses and training centres located in Brantford, Cambridge, Guelph, Ingersoll, Kitchener, Stratford and Waterloo, Ontario. 

Conestoga's newest campus in Milton is scheduled to open in 2024.

5 Campuses- Progress (main), Ashtonbee, Morningside, Story Arts Centre, and Eglinton


The Conestoga College's Library supports the development of undergraduate students into prospective researchers and houses the essential academic resources for graduate students and teachers.

  • The library is a welcoming environment where collaboration, innovative thinking, and intellectual engagement are given the resources, encouragement, and chance to improve the world. The Conestoga university Library is dedicated to offering materials and services that satisfy the community of Conestoga's informational, pedagogical, and educational needs.
  • Twenty-five thousand twenty-seven books make up the library's collection; every year, the library circulates 9,000 items. The library serves 11,577 FTE Enrollment.
  • The Conestoga College community can congregate and research in the library because it is a welcoming, easily accessible space. Both quiet study spaces and gathering spots are available.
  • The library is open during the academic year to serve late-night students until midnight. Strong subject representation in business and management, engineering, mathematics, nursing, & physics & chemistry is provided via our library collections.
  • To help students with most of the student information requirements, the library also offers a skilled staff of librarians.
  • Student support services offer advice and treatment for student health issues, referrals, and health information for mental, physical, and sexual/reproductive health.
  • Various campus partners will be present at the Hot Desk during Student Connect. These organizations might collaborate on special student opportunities, activities, projects, or resources.

Offers special collections

  • Diversity collection
  • Daher Folk Tale Collection
  • Pollock Holocaust Collection

Campus Life

Conestoga College allows students to learn and develop in a stimulating environment with on-campus accommodation.

  • On-campus living options are available at the Kitchener-Doon campuses. The buildings have a shared study area, laundry rooms with secure access to residential spaces, and 24-hour security. 
  • The academic area is close by and may be reached on foot from the residence hall. University can meet the students' needs via a shuttle service as well.
  • Enjoy the comfort of being a short distance from Conestoga's Kitchener-Doon campuses while using first-rate amenities. You have the chance to meet other residents and foster a sense of community at the residence's weekly events.

50 student-led clubs and organizations
campus also encompasses dining places like Progress Cafe and Tim Horton’s
Has an Indian Cultural Club

Hostel#Two Bedroom Suite Style - $7200
#Two Bedroom Open Concept Style - $8000
#Rent - $10800
Famous Alumni
  • Will Ferguson, Ontario politician and Cabinet member
  • Barry Greenwald, whose 1975 student film Metamorphosis at Conestoga College won the Short Film Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival
  • Brenda Halloran, RN and Mayor of Waterloo
  • Brenda Irving, CBC Television sports journalist
  • Jonny Staub, radio and television personality
  • Elizabeth Wettlaufer, serial killer and former registered nurse

John Candy (actor, comedian), Tobias Enverga (Former Sentor-Ontario), Jennifer Valentyne (TV actor)

City Life

Kitchener is one of three of the ‘Tri-Cities’ located snugly between Waterloo and Cambridge. It’s also just 100km away from Ontario’s capital Toronto, which can be reached in around an hour by car, or from two to three hours by train or bus for only a small fee, which is obviously a massive plus for those who don’t drive.

Kitchener is a fantastic place to live for people who like to explore their surroundings without worrying about getting stuck in the wilderness with an unemployment rate at 11%

  Toronto is considered a world-renowned city in terms of place (quality of natural and built environments), people (diversity of population), product (key institutions, attractions, and infrastructure), and prosperity (standard of living), and is ranked in the top 20 of the world’s best cities to “live, work, invest and visit.” Dynamic neighbourhoods, globally recognized institutions, and a vibrant arts and culture scene belie the many challenges it faces, including inequity, climate change, mobility, housing, and community and neighbourhood development.
