Acropolis Group of Institutions, Indore - Placement Details and Companies Visiting

Indore, Madhya PradeshEstd 2005 Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya Indore, Indore
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Acropolis Group of Institutions Indore Highest and Average Package

Highest Package
11 L
02.2 Lakhs4.4 Lakhs6.6 Lakhs8.8 Lakhs11.0 Lakhs

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Acropolis Group of Institutions Indore Placements 2025

company logocompany namehighest package
2020DeqodeDeqode10 L
2020JuspayJuspay8 L
2020Persistent LtdPersistent Ltd8 L
2020ZycusZycus6.50 L
2020Nestle IndiaNestle India6.20 L
2020Yash TechnologiesYash Technologies6 L
2020Jade GlobalJade Global6 L
2020EpamEpam6 L
2020TEK SystemsTEK Systems6 L
2020Daffodil Software LtdDaffodil Software Ltd4.50 L
2020XpanxionXpanxion4.50 L
2020ValueLabsValueLabs4.50 L
2020TruechipTruechip4 L
2020CognizantCognizant4 L
2020Blazeclan TechnologyBlazeclan Technology3.80 L
2020GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals (GSK)GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals (GSK)3.75 L
2020Pratibha SyntexPratibha Syntex3.60 L
2020T systemsT systems3.50 L
2020Eternus SolutionEternus Solution3.50 L
2020DXC TechnologyDXC Technology3.50 L
2020Diaspark IncDiaspark Inc3.50 L
2020NIITNIIT3.50 L
2020MindTreeMindTree3.50 L
2020Tech MahindraTech Mahindra3.50 L
2020VodafoneVodafone3.50 L
2020ImpetusImpetus3.50 L
2020WiproWipro3.50 L
2020InfosysInfosys3.50 L
2020CapgeminiCapgemini3.40 L
2020CGICGI3.39 L
2020ZensarZensar3.38 L
2020ATMECS TechnologiesATMECS Technologies3.20 L
2020Börm Bruckmeier InfotechBörm Bruckmeier Infotech3 L
2020Tata Project LimitedTata Project Limited3 L
2020TechInfini SolutionsTechInfini Solutions2.50 L
2020ILead GroupILead Group2.50 L
2020CollaberaCollabera2.50 L
2020TCSTCS2.50 L
2020EInfochipsEInfochips2.40 L
2020Wonder CementWonder Cement2.40 L
2020Advantmed India LLPAdvantmed India LLP2.30 L
2020Prachi Infrastructure Pvt .LtdPrachi Infrastructure Pvt .Ltd2 L
2020Hidden BrainsHidden Brains2 L
2020Kirloskar BrothersKirloskar Brothers2 L
2020Maan Aluminium LimitedMaan Aluminium Limited1.80 L
2020PiaggioPiaggio1.50 L
2020John DeereJohn Deere1.50 L
2020Altis IndustriesAltis Industries1.40 L
2020Asahi India Glass Ltd.Asahi India Glass Ltd.1.40 L
2020PolyBondPolyBond1.20 L
2020Belmaks IndiaBelmaks India1 L
2020QH Talbros Limited QH Talbros Limited 1 L

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Other companies

QH Talbros Limited Belmaks IndiaPolyBondAsahi India Glass Ltd.
Altis IndustriesJohn DeerePiaggioJTEKT
Maan Aluminium LimitedKirloskar BrothersHidden BrainsPrachi Infrastructure Pvt .Ltd
Advantmed India LLPWonder CementEInfochipsTCS
CollaberaILead GroupTechInfini SolutionsTata Project Limited
Börm Bruckmeier InfotechATMECS TechnologiesZensarCGI

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Acropolis Group of Institutions Indore Latest News

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