Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery [BAMS] From Sri Kalabyraveshwara Swamy Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital & Research Centre Bangalore, Bangalore

Bangalore, KarnatakaEstd 1997 RGUHS, Bangalore
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Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery [BAMS] 
first year fees:  ₹28,590
5 YearsFull Time
Total Year Wise fees28,59028,59028,59028,59028,590
Total Fees₹28590₹28590₹28590₹28590₹28590
Tuition fees₹28590₹28590₹28590₹28590₹28590

Eligibility Criteria


  1.  A candidate seeking admission to first BAMS course: Shall have passed two years Pre University examination conducted by Department of Pre?University Education, Karnataka State, with English as one of the subjects and Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional subjects. The candidate shall have passed subjects of English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology individually also. Preference will be given to candidates knowing Sanskrit.
  2. Shall have passed any other examination conducted by Boards/Councils/Intermediate Education established by State Governments/ Central Government and recognised as equivalent to two year Pre University examination by the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences/Association of Indian Universities (AIU), with English as one of the subjects and Physics, Chemistry and Biology as optional subjects and the candidate shall have passed subjects of English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology individually. 


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Sri Kalabyraveshwara Swamy Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital & Research Centre Bangalore Latest News

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