Quaide-E-Millath Government College for Women (Autonomous), Chennai - List of Professors and Faculty

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QMGCW Faculty Details

Assistant Professor
Mrs. J .Vanitha
Department of Economics
Assistant Professor
Mrs. S. Kamala Padmavathi
Department of Economics
Associate Professor
Prof. R. Geetha Rani
Department of English
Associate Professor
G. Eswari Prabhu
Department of English
Associate Professor
Ms. S. Sathyavathy
Department of Tamil
Associate Professor
Mrs. V. Gnanambigai
Department of Tamil
Associate Professor
Mrs. P. Parvathi
Department of Math
Associate Professor
Mrs. A. Uma Maheswari
Department of Math

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Mrs. J .Vanitha
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
Mrs. S. Kamala Padmavathi
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
Prof. R. Geetha Rani
Associate Professor, Department of English
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