Annai Violet Arts and Science College Chennai Bachelor of Science [B.Sc] (Computer Science) Ranking
Annai Violet Arts and Science College Chennai Science ranking by India Today is 184 out of 211 in India in 2024 and it was ranked 193 out of 197 in India in 2023
Aspirants seeking admission to 3-year Full-time B.Sc Program should meet the following criteria as specified by the institute –
Academic Requirement:
(10+2) or High School Senior Secondary exam by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) or any equivalent exam conducted by any State Board or Equivalent. He/She should have secured a minimum of 50% Aggregate with English as a subject. All SC/ST candidates have a relaxation of 5% in the minimum aggregate.
Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination other than Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary Examination must submit an eligibility certificate from the Registrar, University of Madras and the course of study certificate issued by the Principal of the Institution previously attended.