Imayam College of Arts and Science, Thuraiyur - News & Articles Details

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Imayam College of Arts and Science Thuraiyur Latest News

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Loyola College
Loyola College
₹46630First year Fees
Madras Christian College - [MCC]
Madras Christian College - [MCC]
₹70000First year Fees
PSG College of Arts and Science
PSG College of Arts and Science
₹10000First year Fees
PSGR Krishnammal College for Women
PSGR Krishnammal College for Women
₹2258First year Fees
Ethiraj College for Women
Ethiraj College for Women
₹10056First year Fees
Scott Christian College
Scott Christian College
₹1120First year Fees


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Top Courses
BA (Tamil)
Course Duration:  3 Years
₹1350  First Year Fees
B.Sc Computer Science
Course Duration:  3 Years
₹2850  First Year Fees
B.Com Computer Applications
Course Duration:  3 Years
₹2850  First Year Fees
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