Master of Engineering [ME] (Communication Systems)
total fees: ₹60,000
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₹1.27 Lakhs
Prathyusha Engineering College Thiruvallur Master of Engineering [ME] (Communication Systems) Ranking
Prathyusha Engineering College Thiruvallur Engineering ranking by Anna University is 117 out of 355 in Tamil Nadu in 2024. Prathyusha Engineering College Thiruvallur Engineering ranking by The Times Of India is 54 out of 125 in India in 2023 and it was ranked 51 out of 148 in India in 2022
Fifty percentage (50%) admission by single window system (DOTE), TNEA, Anna University, Chennai- 602025.
Fifty percentage (50%) admission by Institute under Management Quota.
Candidate should have passed UG programme in relevant Engineering and Technology with at least 50% (45% in case of Backward Class, 40% in case of Scheduled Class).
Entrance Exam:
Admission is based on obtained score in TANCET conducted by Anna University