National Sugar Institute [NSI], Kanpur - Hostel Details

Kanpur, Uttar PradeshEstd 1936
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National Sugar Institute Kanpur Hostel For Male

Fee: ₹400 - ₹1,000

Hostel Fee:

Hostel Admission fees 400
Room rent per month: (Single Occupancy) For Foreigner 1000
Room rent per month: (Double Occupancy) For Foreigner 600
Room rent per month: (Single Occupancy) For Indian 600
Room rent per month: (Double Occupancy) For Indian 400
Electricity & water charges per month Single Occupancy 350
Electricity & water charges per month Double Occupancy 250
Hostel caution money (Refundable) 1000
Hostel crockery fee per term (half-yearly) 500
Medical fees half-yearly 300
Hostel mess advance per month 2800

Hostel Establishment

  • ANSI(ST- I yr) & DSPMM
  • Others

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National Sugar Institute Kanpur Hostel For Female

Fee: ₹400 - ₹1,000

Hostel Fee:

Hostel Admission fees 400
Room rent per month: (Single Occupancy) For Foreigner 1000
Room rent per month: (Double Occupancy) For Foreigner 600
Room rent per month: (Single Occupancy) For Indian 600
Room rent per month: (Double Occupancy) For Indian 400
Electricity & water charges per month Single Occupancy 350
Electricity & water charges per month Double Occupancy 250
Hostel caution money (Refundable) 1000
Hostel crockery fee per term (half-yearly) 500
Medical fees half-yearly 300
Hostel mess advance per month 2800

Hostel Establishment

  • ANSI(ST- I yr) & DSPMM
  • Others

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