Sooriya School of Nursing and Hospital Chennai Tamil Nadu was established in 2000. The aim of the Sooriya School of Nursing and Hospital is to provide educational /medical services to the poor and needy of the society and to ease out the scarcity of qualified and well-trained nurses and to meet the health needs of the society. Sooriya School of Nursing and Hospital is one of the pioneer nursing institutions of Chennai providing training to the number of aspiring students in the field of nursing and midwifery. Sooriya School of nursing offers Diploma in General nursing and Midwifery. The organization has been working towards helping the poor and needy and also providing world-class assistance to the upcoming medical staff.
Facts and Figures of Sooriya School of Nursing and Hospital Chennai Tamil Nadu:-
Year of Establishment |
2000 |
Affiliated to |
Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University |
Recognized by |
Indian Nursing Council (INC) |
Library |
5000+ books |
How to Reach |
14km from chainai railway station |
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