HKL College of Nursing, Firozpur - Photos & Videos

Firozpur, PunjabEstd 2009 BFUHS, Faridkot
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Saraswati Group of Colleges
B.Sc (Nursing)
Anand Institute of Medical Science - [AIMS]
B.Sc (Nursing)
Anand Institute of Medical Science - [AIMS]
₹42000First year Fees
Adarsh College of Nursing
B.Sc (Nursing)
Adarsh College of Nursing
₹154000Total Fees
Ambika College of Nursing
B.Sc (Nursing)
Ambika College of Nursing
₹115000First year Fees
Army College of Nursing - [ACN]
B.Sc (Nursing)
Army College of Nursing - [ACN]
₹89202First year Fees
Baba Mehar Singh Memorial College of Nursing - [BMSMCN]
B.Sc (Nursing)


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Top Courses
B.Sc Nursing
Course Duration:  4 Years
P.B.B.Sc (Nursing)
Course Duration:  2 Years
₹45750  First Year Fees
Certificate course in Hospital and Home Based Care Attendant
Course Duration:  1 Year
₹15000  First Year Fees
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