Marco Review at York University, Toronto | Collegedunia

YORK UNIVERSITY, TORONTO, ONTARIOMy study experience in York University

My study experience in York University

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Social Life

York university is close to my home, it was good for my program and what I want to do in the future. York university is also considered one of the best programs for history something in which I enjoy to do. Teaching is also something I want to get into in which is why I am currently enrolled in the program that I chose

Course Curriculum


It is a good curriculum that is structured in a way for students to find manageable and succeed in


The program was interesting for what I want to do which is teach. The credits that are required are also not too heavy and I can maintain a job and school. History will also help me get teachable for the career that I want to do which is taught and educate the younger generation. The minimum score is also something in which I found manageable



There are placements that are reasonable and help a student Continue their career goals. It also allows students to maintain a grade average as the work is kept to an average amount while also allowing students to gain work experience


I do not believe so, but if it does it should be able to help the student acquire future positions in a field that they find interesting and would want to continue in the years to come. It should also be paid.



We have many events that are celebrated such as the university's birthday and the start and end of school year celebrations


There are many scholarships available to gain at York but they are hard to achieve for students. There have been many cuts recently to Ontario education so payment has been harder for many students as OSAP is not reduced by a considerable amount that affects many families from being able to send a child to university.


I have gotten both a scholarship and financial aid. I have gotten a scholarship by maintaining a certain grade Average and I have received OSAP in which has been recently reduced due to province-wide budget cuts

Examination Structure

Exams are structured in a way in which students can succeed through various learning styles



The faculty is very diverse and interesting as they have many different topics on which they teach. History is wide and has various topics on which the professors have extensive knowledge about



I currently live at home which had been good for me as it allows me to save money. But the commute back and forth from school is costly and hard to do with the expensive fares and the need to pay for more than one fare at a time.

Marco (Enrolled 2020) York University| Reviewed on Nov 7, 2019