I opted for this college because it had a highly regarded reputation in the community, and it offered an online, as well as the fast-tracked version of the course I took. The application process was pretty standard and simple and the fees were also standard. My educational background includes completion of high school as well as another diploma program, Paralegal services, from the Nova Scotia Community College.
Course Curriculum
The course curriculum was very thorough and very well laid out. It was based directly from the project management body of knowledge textbook.
The class was online, so I never got to formally meet my instructor but he was very professional and always responded to the class discussions in a timely manner.
I opted for this program because it didn't have too many requirements to be accepted- no testing or entrance exams. It was a diploma program, it was just the completion of high school that was the main requirement for acceptance. I also thought the course would be a great addition to my personal career goals.
I was not awarded any scholarships but I do know that the school offered many as they have their own web page dedicated for scholarships. I searched through the page and didn't find any that would applicable to myself personally or the program so I paid using my own funds. The fee structure was a set amount for each section of the course and then another amount in addition to the final exam project.
Examination Structure
Each section of the course had an exam at the end and once those were completed there was a large final exam project that needed to be completed as well.