It is one was the best colleges for the pharmacy technician program with a high success rate. I had really fun attending it with amazing professors and guidance teachers to help us through the program easily.
Course Curriculum
It is a great curriculum that gave us all the students to learn all the things required to be successful in the field with great experience in the techniques that were needed to work in a community pharmacy setting.
I have had some of the most amazing staff and faculty members to help me succeed I my program and also to help me through the two years of the pharmacy technician program
The fees were required to be paid per semester. I did so with the help of Ontario financial aid provided by the government of Ontario. Although the fees were affordable it included costs for gym and bus passes.
Examination Structure
Semester based exams with term tests and other assignments. The exam structure include multiple choice questions short answers long answers and practicle section that played an important component of our final mark