I had heard that bcit's gis program was great, and it was only 9 months of study with work placement to get practical experience in the working field. Of the 3 schools in canada that offered the decent gis degree, bcit was my prefered option to moving to the other side of canada for coggs.
Course Curriculum
Mostly great. A couple of courses are out of date or the teachers teaching methods are not helpful, but mostly it was good preparation for the working world. Super intense amount of class time and homework/assigments.
Almost everyone was super nice and knowledgeable with the exception of one instructor who couldn't teach me a single thing beyond hating autocad because I'm tasked with doing something with zero help from the teacher or lesson plans.
Lots of job wanted out there, hard to get your foot in the door when every place wants several years of experience. Staff worked very hard to make sure every student had a work placement to meet end of year requirements, which was great.
I lived on campus in a study dorm. Lots of people in very small space but luckily our schedules mixed well and everyone was mostly respectable of public spaces. 2 washers and 2 dryers for 48 people to share was nonsense and typically meant hopong you get lucky but rarely actually getting lucky.
I have no idea. I didn't have time for events when I went to school. I was always too busy either in class or working on assignments or studying. I'm sure the college did event and stuff but I never attended and don't remember any flyers or whatever.
Was about $4000-$5000 a semester, 2 semesters total. Additional fees for monthly bus pass. Text books were also required for most class but not necessary for all.
No, I did not avail any scholarships or financial aid. I worked the year before school and saved enough to not need extra money.
Examination Structure
Exam structure is great. Mid terms and then finals. Usually split 30% and 40% respectivly. Lots of material and preparation help provided by teachers. Nothing was too challenging and as long as you study hard and prepare, exam can be completed in time given.