It was close to home, 4th best uni in Canada for psychology. lots of orientation events and tours of campus, I finished grade 12 with a 90% average. lots of school spirit. I applied to UW and WLU (Brantford and waterloo campus) and got into all three but chose UW because it is so prestigious and innovative.
Course Curriculum
It's really well planned.
They are very accessible and friendly. I just started last week so I don't have much experience but from the faculty members I've spoken to they're all approachable.
I'm living off-campus with my boyfriend, best friend, and another roommate. We pay $495/month, utilities included. We all split groceries as we are all poor and are trying to still eat well. We had trouble finding roommates because three of our potential roommates dropped out within a day or two but it finally worked for the better.
I didn't need any exams or anything, just an 80% average overall and grade 12 English completed. I want to be a forensic psychologist so I need to start with BA psychology to begin and then a master's degree and doctorate. I love psychology ever since I took it in grade 11 and decided to follow it with my career.
I paid $6000 for my first term and I'm living off-campus. I received a $5000 scholarship from the university. I have no experience from an international standpoint as I'm a domestic student but I'm sure there are.
I received $5000 from UW through a merit scholarship and another one based on my grades in grade 12. I also received about $4000 from OSAP.
Examination Structure
I'm not sure as I just started here.