(Since Jul 10, 2018)
A Post Graduate in Computer Science from MMMUT, Gorakhpur, researches and updates Admission related information. He can be reached for various admission related queries.
A student must be open-minded, creative, confident, and above all, disciplined, asserts Mrs. G Srividya Reddy
Do not criticise the system but work towards its growth, suggests Dr. Londhe
‘Be the Best’, the mantra of success for Rizvi Education Society
Be Positive; Keep Away from Vices, and Never give up on your dreams, suggests Dr. Changole
Time is the most important element in everybody’s life, claims Dr. K.C. Singh
MUIT offers a positive and a comfortable environment, meeting industry-level curriculum, ensures Prof. Sharma
Happenings @ Symbiosis Skills & Open University (SSOU)
Education is not a business, it is a gift of enlightenment that a teacher delivers to their disciple, believes Md. Khan
The success and failure of any endeavour depends upon leadership, believes Prof. Renu Joshi
How Online Education is Bridging Rural-Urban Divide in India?
Work towards the set goals and never forget your moral values while achieving them, suggests Dr. Verma
Focus and pursue your dreams with utmost devotion and commitment, suggests Prof. Purvi