Western Sydney University provides me with the same level of teaching and experience which other universities offered me but with an affordable tuition fee which I think is the greatest factor for any student. Also, this University is very nice for health science courses, which I'm doing right now.
Course Curriculum
The course curriculum here is quite good I believe as it doesn't put much pressure on students and also encourage them to learn each and every subject practically rather than theoretically. It involves practicing beforehand what we are going to do professionally in the field. It also gives a choice to every student to choose their desired field of study.
The faculty at my college is really nice. All the teachers are really cooperative and coordinating. You can mail them, call them or meet them to discuss any assessment problems, or even career-related questions. They provide fantasy material to study which is very handy and easy to use.
Job opportunities are quite nice as they involve partnerships with various big sectors, both governmental and private. Also, they have great opportunities to work on campus with great pay starting from $30/hr, and workload is also not very much.
I live with my relatives and I don't have to pay my rent that way. I save a lot of money and invest it in paying my tuition fees. This saves me from taking money back from home and gives me a sense of an independent woman.
I undertook IELTS in India in which I scored 7.5 bands. 7 in speaking and 7.5 each in listening, writing, and reading.
A lot of events are celebrated in our college including the western fair which showcases people from different cultures, career days and nights, cultural programs, harmony day celebrations, Are u ok program where it deals with student problems and stress, and lot more including and celebrating all the festivals around the globe.
The per semester fee for my course is $13,500 which is quite less as compared to Macquarie, University of Sydney, UTS and UNSW. Uni also charges an annual fee of $150 for student services and amenities fee.
I was automatically given a scholarship for one semester as soon as I joined this university along with my offer letter. I was offered $5000 of scholarship for one sem which saved me a lot of money to pay for my tuition fee.
Examination Structure
In my course, there are no exams required. Everything is covered by assignments that are good I believe as having pressure from both sides is difficult to cope up. So, it is less burden by concentrating only on assignments and not taking stress on exams. It also increases your knowledge of applying a lot of skills.