Jess Review at RMIT University, Melbourne | Collegedunia

First year uni student

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Social Life

It provided a course that I wanted and I really liked the campus. It also has a very convenient location right in the CBD and there's a lot of resources around the place so that I can get extra assistance.

Course Curriculum


It's really good. Unfortunately, the course starts off very generalized and I don't get to go properly into my major until semester two but it is otherwise really good. The structure is great and the sequence of classes is good.


To get into the university I have had to finish my VCE(Victorian certificate of education). However, that is not the only way into the university. I haven't undertaken ant university level exams yet.



I am not far enough into the course to comment on placements and job opportunities. I have only just started and haven't had a chance to look into the opportunities but I think most of them happen in second or third years.


They do offer internship but I have only just started so I haven't looked into it very much yet. But they also offer a huge array of international internships as well that you can get scholarships for.



The college put on so many different events celebrating just about everything. Multiculturalism, pride, going green, everything. We had a Chinese New year night, Greek food festival. All kinds of things have been happening.


For my particular course, the annual fee is just under $10 000 and there are student amenities charges on top of that that are capped at $150 per semester. The fees can be deferred using HECS and then student amenities can be deferred using SA-help.


I received a scholarship from RMIT for the value of $2500 for one year only. I also received a scholarship through RRESP for the value of $18000 spread over 4 years. The process for the RMIT one was easy it was just a few questions on RMIT's website. And the RRESP was just some questions and document uploads on the QTAC website.

Examination Structure

I haven't taken any exams yet so I don't know. From what I have heard it is set up fairly well. But I have only just started my course less than a month ago so haven't come to exam time yet.



The faculty is really good. Super helpful in anything you might need help with and most of the staff are really easy to get in contact with via email.



I am in an off-campus UniLodge that is open to any University students at any of the universities in my city. It is really good because I have my very own studio apartment and everyone else in the building are students so we are all in the same boat. Events get out on for us which is fun. And I am only a 5-10 minute walk from my campus.

Jess Bachelor of Applied Science (Chemistry)RMIT University| Reviewed on Mar 20, 2019