ACU was originally a nursing/medical school, so they have very good facilities on campus that others don't have. It is also one of the closest to where I live. I had also heard many great things about the school and its facilities were certainly one of the main strong points about going there. This particular course also had placements in the good first year and another deciding factor.
Course Curriculum
The medical facilities and excellent and extensive as it was originally just a medical-based school. There are also a lot of new and large buildings on campus which is great. A lot of the teaching for this course is not planned well and is very cramped into a shorter than normal period which is not good.
There wouldn't be too much reason to live on campus as I live close enough to it to travel as well as not having courses every day. There are some facilities to use such as a gym and pool but you have to have a membership for the gym so it is not worth it and there is already free parking so you won't save money on that either.
The requirement was an op score of 16 or higher, however, this is now replaced with the atar system in Queensland. I always wanted to help people and look after them and this course is an excellent way of doing that. You also get lots of placement so you can experience what it's like in the real word from the first year of study.
The most common way to pay is with a bed debt that takes a small amount of money away from your income over time. There is also a fairly large fee with this. Any other fees such as studying abroad are added to this debt. The total cost came to roughly $20k. This didn't include any fees such as accommodation, food or staying abroad.