Master of Business Administration [MBA] From Sri Krishnadevaraya University Anantapur, Anantapur

Anantapur, Andhra PradeshState UniversityEstd 1981
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Master of Business Administration [MBA] 
first year fees:  ₹37,000
2 YearsFull Time
Total Year Wise fees37,00037,000
Total Fees₹37000₹37000
Tuition fees₹27000₹27000
other fee₹10000₹10000

Sri Krishnadevaraya University Anantapur Cutoff 2025

Sri Krishnadevaraya University Anantapur, APICET Cutoff 2023

The APICET 2023 round 1 cutoff rank for the Master of Business Administration [MBA] at Sri Krishnadevaraya University Anantapur was 7497 for the BCA category.

RoundCutoff 2023
(Closing rank)
Round 17497
Round 214249

Do you think the Cutoff is wrong ?  Report Here

Course Description

  • Candiates can register themselves for distance courses by submitting online application form through the official university website
  • Upon filling–in all the required details in the online application form, candidate should submit the required fee through the online payment mode
  • After successful payment, candidate must take the printout of the completed application form and also preserve a copy of Bank Receipt, if any
  • To complete the registration process, candidate must send the application form and photo copies of all the necessary enclosures to the following address:
  • Directorate of Distance Education

    Sri Krishnadevaraya University

    Anantapuramu (A.P) – 515 003.


    1. SSC Marks Memo
    2. Intermediate Marks Memo
    3. Degree Marks memos and Provisional or Original Degree certificate
    4. NCTE recognized teacher education programme through face-to-face mode i.e. TTC/D.Ed./D.El.Ed./DPSE/Fine Arts etc.
    5. Service certificate issued by MEO/DEO/ Commissioner etc.
    6. No Objection certificate by DEO/ Commissioner
    7. Caste certificate (if applicable)
    8. Residence Certificate/Study Certificate from IX class to Degree

Eligibility Criteria

Aspirants seeking admission to 2-year Full-time MBA Program should have passed recognized Bachelors Degree Examination of minimum three-years duration with at least 50% marks (45% marks in case of SC, ST reserved categories) in the qualifying examination. The admission to the MBA course is through a State-Level Entrance Test called "Integrated Common Entrance Test" (ICET), conducted by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. Seats are filled by the Convener of ICET based on the rank secured in ICET and as per the rules of reservation in force.

Course Details

Name of the Program Master of Business Administration [MBA]
Duration of the program 2 Year Full Time
Course Level  Post Graduation
Eligibility Criteria Graduation with a minimum 50% marks in aggregate 
Selection Criteria Candidates must qualify Integrated Common Entrance Test (ICET)
Admission Mode Online/Offline
Documents Required (At the Time of Counselling) Mark Sheets,Transfer Certificate,Caste Certificate,Birth Certificate,Identification Proof,Scanned Photo and Signature
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