Delhi university

Bhuvaneshwari M
Reviewed on Aug 14, 2024(Enrolled 2019)

Course Curriculum Overview


Principle of comprehensive of curriculum: Content in a comprehensive curriculum focuses on all domains of learning: social-emotional, physical and cognitive. Principle of practical work: Learning by doing. Curriculum should provide maximum opportunity to the child for practical work

Fees and Financial Aid

The fee structure for an online auction website, for example, would list the cost to place an item for sale, the website's commission if the item is sold, the cost to display the item more prominently in the site's search results and so on. Fee structures with an incentive or outperformance component could encourage a "swing for the fences" mentality. This is likely because a manager enjoys a disproportionate upside. As investment objectives and mandates become more tailored or sophisticated, fees will generally increase as well. Types of Fee Structures Classic Fee Structure As another example, hedge fund's fee structure would show what the fund manager charges to run the fund, how much the fund manager will receive if the fund meets or exceeds predefined performance targets, and how much an investor must pay if they withdraw their funds prematurely.The classic fee structure for hedge funds is "2 and 20." Meaning, a fund manager charges 2% on assets under management and another 20% fo

Campus Life


Whether your campus is small, tall, grande, or venti, you are probably amazed by the array of institutionally supported student activities available for your enrichment and enjoyment. Perhaps your biggest challenge is deciding how much extra time you have after studying and which added activities yield the greatest reward. Below are two videos that give a sample of campus life at two different types of colleges. The first is from a large state institution—the University of Maryland. The second is from a smaller, private college—Baldwin Wallace University. Regardless, though, of where your institution fits on the spectrum of size, or how many activities, clubs, and organizations your institution offers, it’s very important for you to be able to explore cocurricular interests—for learning, enjoyment, and personal satisfaction. Student life should always be satisfying and rewarding to students, as well as to alumni, faculty, staff, and community members. Together, these groups are an ins


Don’t Write One “Why Us” essay and reuse it for every college. When I am reading “Why Us” and it has reused material, I can always tell. If you are saying, “I want to attend Harvard University because it is a great school with a welcoming community, and I can truly succeed there….” that is way too vague. If I can switch out Harvard for Duke, or Brown University, or Cornell University, that means you are wasting your word count. Go more specific and find reasons why you want to attend. If you are reusing material, proofread it at least before turning it in. Nothing is worse than reading a “Why Purdue” essay and it mentions Emory University. Tip 2: Don’t mention the location, weather, size, or reputation. This is a trap that many of my students fall into, and it doesn’t tell the admission officers a compelling reason why they should admit you over another student. The admission officers are tired of reading this type of essay. However, if you can come up with a compelling reason why



Whether you think you know exactly what you’re doing, or have absolutely no idea where to start, we’re sharing our tried-and-true process for your course. We’ll make it incredibly easy to structure, outline, and create an online course. And, we’ll share all of our insider tips to make sure your course is not only impactful but also thoroughly delightful for your students. The value of a pre-sale Before we start breaking down our course idea into sections and lessons, know that you should never create all of your content before you sell your course. Surprised? So are most of our creators. The idea is this: When you pre-sell your course, you will start to get feedback from students about your content. This can be things like if you speak too quickly in videos, if your lighting is off, if your microphone is too soft. You’ll also hear good things, like areas where students want to hear more information, or things they love within your course. You want to take these suggestions and tail


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