Can a slow learner sustain his studies at the IIMs, the XLRI, and the IIFT?

2 Answers

Subhangi Arora Posted On - Sep 23, 2022
Studied at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

Since you have cleared the cutoff, you can also survive campus life. Knowing you are a slow learner is winning half the better. You can come up with strategies to overcome your limitations. Life at IIMs, XLRI, and IIFT is fast-paced and can be intimidating at first. But with time and effort, you can stay updated with the coursework. No one is good at every subject. Try to find your area of interest, and work on it. 



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Ayan Basu Posted On - May 19, 2021
Studied at Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Delhi (2019)

Not every student has the same level of merit or studying capacity. Anyone who is willing to accept the level of difficulty can work towards the development of himself/herself in both academic and non-academic matters. 

The points below give a brief overview of the scenario in institutes that you should consider to excel in such institutes.

  • In top Business Schools like IIMs, life is very fast-paced in both academic and non-academic factors. In between the workload and pressure of self-preparation for placement, candidates find their way out to make the best out of their living for the two years.
  • Every student has different levels of grasping power. But, in such institutes, group learning is much more emphasized than individual learning.
  • In top-class institutes like IIMs, XLRI, and IIFT, students can’t have great performance in every subject and course. Therefore, it is their own duty to find out what they are good at, and what they want to, and deep dive into working for its betterment.
  • In such institutes, almost all the tasks in the course are to be done in groups.
  • Students just need to clear the cut-off of the exam, which is the primary need. After that, they can surely sustain themselves in the fast-paced campus life.

Therefore, it is possible for a slow learner to sustain in institutes like IIMs, XLRI, IIFT, etc. They just need to work hard in their areas of concern, and not give in to the pressure.



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