Is it good to join an IIT which has no permanent campus like IIT Goa?

1 Answer

Sakshi Gupta
Sakshi Gupta Posted On - Mar 5, 2021

One of my friends chose another college over IIIT-D as the college back then was in its developing stage and was a new brand. The college was not established properly, the campus was under construction. The classes were taking place from the campus of NSIT-D. She didn’t have much idea about the IIIT brand name and chose to opt for a more established college. 

However, during her four years at the institution, IIIT-D became established with an above-average placement rate. The takeaway from this experience is as follows. 

  • Brand name matters, even when it is a new institute. 
  • Do a little research on the faculty of the institute. All your academics depend on the faculty. (That’s something IIIT-D had in the above case).
  • Go for the best options you can find in your rank. Always compare the options you are getting. Look for the best name, faculty, and other factors.
  • If it’s a choice between the college and branch. Go for the branch because the branch will drive your future and your career.

These are a few of the things that you should keep in mind while making a decision. 



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