Delhi School of Economics is one of the best institutes in India, reputed for its MA (Economics), MBA (IB), and MBA (HRM). DSE has a brand value that helps you in the industry. Students of DSE are working in the top managerial posts in the corporate world.
Other colleges DFS, DBE, IIM, SRCC GBO are known for the different flagship courses they offer.
Ambedkar University is a good college but cannot be compared with the colleges mentioned above.
The selection of the institute depends on your choice of specialization. If you are interested in Mathematics or Economics, then DSE will be the best choice. For an MBA in Finance, IIM C/I/A/B will be the best option. DFS is also good for Finance. For MBA Marketing, FMS/IIM-A/IIM-B is better. IIMs are also best for HR or IT. For fields like Tread, Research, International Marketing, or Sales DSE will be best.