What are the differences in portion and preparation of AIPMT and GUJCET?

1 Answer

Aryaa Chatterjee Posted On - Jan 12, 2021
Junior Resident, MD Psychiatry at B. J. Medical College, Ahmedabad, India, (2020-present)

The Gujarat board has tried their best to replicate their books as much as they can with the CBSE books. Students appearing for GUJCET need to only prepare the 12th standard course. Students may find it difficult to determine their focus and time for 11th standard course or GUJCET. 

Students need to make one of the exams their priority as the timing of both the exams clash with each other. Though, if any student has prepared for both of the examinations from the beginning and is very confident about doing well in both of them, then they may proceed to and opt both. Otherwise, the focus should be on one exam at a time.

In Gujarat board, some questions aren't even rephrased or have diagrams with a missing label and the same diagram may not be there in other books which creates a lot of confusion. The duration is the same in both the exams, but GUJCET is less lengthy compared to NEET. 

In GUJCET, there are around 120 questions as compared to 180 questions in NEET. Students need to practice time management to solve the paper on the given time limit. The rules and regulations differ in both the exams. The check-in isn't so strict in GUJCET while in NEET, they can even rip off your sleeves.

Comparison between GUJCET and NEET




Total questions



Exam duration

3 hours

3 hours

Use of Calculator



Marks for each correct answer



Marks deducted for each incorrect answer



Another major difference is regarding the use of calculators. In GUJCET, it is allowed for students to use calculators while in NEET it isn't. Though, in GUJCET, the questions are sometimes a bit complex while in NEET, there isn't any requirement to use it. 

The marking system also differs in both the exams. In GUJCET, students are rewarded 1 mark for each correct answer while 0.25 marks are deducted for each incorrect answer while in NEET, each correct answer is rewarded with 4 marks and 1 mark is deducted in case of each wrong answer. Though, students residing outside of Gujarat need to possess a domicile for appearing in GUJCET.

So, students should take a note of the exam pattern of both the exams before appearing for it.



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