How is chandigarh university for btech cse?

1 Answer

Madhav Aneja Posted On - Mar 31, 2023
Lived in Chandigarh, India

I am here to give you a very honest opinion based on my brother's experience at Chandigarh University. The university does everything but imparts good quality education and is more like a money-making machine. The points below will clarify my point further 

  • The faculty pool comprises ignorant professors who are just Master graduates from CU itself. All their lectures are copy paste material and the classes are extremely monotonous with no dynamic or practical approach at all. These professors have no area of expertise and teach different subjects in different semesters
  • There are illogical restrictions and very tight schedules. You don’t get to roam even after classes are over and if you don’t reach the block by 9 30 am, you will find it closed.
  • The syllabus is exhaustive and chaotic comprising so many irrelevant theoretical subjects making students rote learners with minimal understanding of concepts
  • No additional skills like coding, data analysis, and programming are taught. Everything is taught with a theoretical approach with no hands on experience.
  • A huge number of assignments and projects are assigned meant to be completed within a week leaving no time for additional activities or studies.
  • There are attendance policies requiring you to maintain 75% attendance with strict reprimands like debarring
  • The college is not exactly located in Chandigarh but in the outskirts in a village area with no transport facilities.
  • The hostel and mess facilities are appalling

No doubt, the college has a lot of companies coming for placements but the scenario for that isn’t very different. So, I will recommend you to go for any other engineering college after proper research.



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