Is it worth it to go into 6 new IIMs (Ranchi, Rohtak, Raipur, Udaipur, Trichy & Kashipur) rather than going for an MS?

1 Answer

Puneet Srivastava Posted On - Jan 5, 2023
Selected in IIM-IPM'17

Before choosing a college, try to make sure what you are really interested in. If it is MS then don’t go for any IIM. This is because you can pursue an MBA later in life if MS did not work for you. But you will not get the chance to choose Ms after your MBA. Also since it’s your area of interest, chances are you might find your talents and may want to work on them.

Now if you are sure about the course but confused about the IIMs, I will give you my honest opinion. The new IIMs are enjoying fame and glory owing to the achievements of their predecessors alone. They haven’t done much to attain the level of older IIMs. These new IIMs are poorly organized. The faculty is below average, the infrastructure is substandard and the teaching is pathetic. Yet they are here to claim the coveted IIM tag.

So if you are someone for whom the tag of IIM and its high placement matters only, you can surely go for a new IIM. But if you value education over institutions then base your decision on research.



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