What are the future prospects of doing a BTech in marine engineering from Indian Maritime University?

2 Answers

Saurabh Gupta Posted On - Apr 20, 2022
B.Tech MarineEngineering from Indian Maritime University (2022)

Indian Maritime University offers fewer placement opportunities compared to private universities. It’s because Govt. colleges don’t pay placement fees to companies to hire students. However, If you want to join Govt. Sector, an IMU degree can help. Also, the Govt. has taken shipping as a challenge to boost our economy, so you can expect to get new job opportunities in the field. 

Career change options are limited for Marine Engineers. As a Marine Engineer, you can’t fit into other professions and the opposite is also true. You need to be a 2nd engineer or a Chief to stop going to sea and start a career on shore. You can get some career options by doing an MBA. Various universities offer PG Diploma in Marine Engineering. Marine Engineering students can appear in GATE as well, but the questions asked in the examination are from Mechanical Engineering. 



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Nimisha Roy Posted On - Dec 28, 2021
Marine Engineering, Indian Maritime University

Indian Maritime University is a good option for doing a B.Tech in Marine Engineering degree. It is a central university but it is self-funded. So, the course fees are relatively high. Placement opportunities offered at the campus are less compared to the reputed private colleges. However, the institute improved a lot over the years. According to the recent placement highlights, more than 70% of students from Marine Engineering got recruited last year. Some of the major recruiting companies for Marine Engineering were NYK, Chevron, MSC, etc. 

It is a practical field, so if you are passionate about working with machines, you should consider doing B.Tech in Marine Engineering from Indian Maritime University. 



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